Saturday, May 22, 2021

the unopened gift page 5

 the unopened gift page 5 by ric gustafson

Monica walked into the church. She began to walk down a hallway not knowing where she was going. Not finding her husband, Monica walked into the large sanctuary. She sat down in a pew. The church's choir was rehearsing. 
The choir began to sing. Tears began to form in Monica's eyes. She began to remember what motivated her to sing in the first place. As a youth, Monica sang with her parents in church choir. After a while, she dabbed her eyes with a tissue. She got up to leave. As she exited the sanctuary, Jeffrey walked in.
" Jeffrey". She hugged her startled husband. " I tried to find you and get my day planner".
He stared at his wife's face. " You've been crying".
" I was listening to the choir". She dabbed her eyes again. " I was thinking about mom and dad".
" What are you saying?".
" When I get back from the tour". She pecked him on the cheek. " Let's talk about doing some volunteer things at church".
" Monica, would you like to open that unopened gift?".
She smiled. " Yes".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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