Wednesday, May 19, 2021

the unopened gift page 3

 the unopened gift page 3 by ric gustafson

Jeffrey looked at the small card on the box. " This gift is addressed to you".
" I don't have time to open it". She walked downstairs with her suitcases. " Please put it in the closet for now".
He put it in the bedroom closet.
The yellow cab came. She handed the suitcases to the driver.
" I'm going over to church to help with meals on wheels". They embraced. " They could use a great voice like yours in the choir".
" We'll see". She kissed him goodbye and got into the cab.
Two months later.
As Jeffrey vacuumed the bedroom closet, he bumped into Monica's unopened box. He yawned as he
cleaned the house. He was tired from spending hours at church putting bulletins together.
Monica came home. She cooked a fabulous dinner.
" Dinner was fabulous". He helped her with the dishes. " You could help with Wednesday night meals".
She yawned. " I like to cook for you".
" Monica, would you like to open your box that is in the closet?".
" Not right now". She yawned again. " Please leave it in the closet".
Jeffrey did not ask her any longer.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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