Monday, September 7, 2020

Moses page 2

 Moses page 2 by ric gustafson

Miriam stood by the side of the road as the soldiers marched by. Their spears glistened in the sun. Line after line of new slaves shuffled quietly behind them.
She heard the chariot approach.
" Moses" rang out from the people.
Miriam stared at the one who was standing next to the driver. It was her brother. He was tall and handsome in a general's uniform. He saw her and gave her a slight smile.
She walked back to their hut. " He smiled at me".
" He did not smile at me" retorted her brother Aaron.
Their mother Jochebed had prepared a meal. " Daughter, I hear that your brother smiled at you".
" Mother, I think he recognized me".
Aaron gave Miriam a frown. " He certainly did not recognize me".
" Father, I believe that Moses will be used by God for our redemption".
" You could be right". Amram smiled. " He is close to Pharoah".

research help: ' By way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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