Saturday, September 5, 2020

Moses page 1

 Moses page 1 by ric gustafson

Miriam walked through the muddy reeds. She held tightly onto the wicker basket. She made her way through the reeds to the spot where the mighty river started. The river was up to her chest. She opened the basket to make sure her baby brother was ok. The baby had dark eyes, black hair and a smooth complexion.
" I'm sorry brother". She pushed the basket out into the current. She silently watched as the small basket began to float downstream.
Princess Kali and some of her handmaids were in the water near the reeds. 
" Something is in the water" screamed one of the handmaids. She waded out. She brought back a small wicker basket. She presented it to the Princess.
Princess Kali opened the basket. It revealed a Hebrew baby.
" It is not an Egyptian baby your Highness".
" I know". The little baby's finger wrapped around hers. " The Nile has given me this child".
" What will you call him Princess?".
Princess Kali looked at the dark haired baby.
" Because he was taken from the water". She grinned. " I will call him Moses".

research help: ' By way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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