Wednesday, September 30, 2020

God's Word: II Thessalonians

 God's Word: II Thessalonians by ric gustafson

The book of II Thessalonians was written in 50-52 AD by Paul. The letter was written to the Christians in Thessalonica. The letter stressed the importance of being ready for Jesus's return. This letter was written six months after the first letter. Paul warns believers not to be idle. He stresses that everyone must be prepared for Jesus's return.
II Thessalonians 2:15 says stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you".

research help: ' the books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Moses page 15

 Moses page 15 by ric gustafson

Aaron sat down on a rock. He could not believe what he was doing. The week before, a dream woke him up. A voice in that dream told him to go to the Mountain of God. He reached a creek and built a small fire. Later, he heard a noise. He picked up a staff to use it as a weapon.
" Is that you Aaron?".
" Moses". He dropped the staff. He hugged his brother.
" What brings you out to this wilderness?".
" I had a dream". His voice hesitated. " A voice told me to come out here".
" That was God talking to you".
" Moses, what happened out here?".
Moses explained everything to his brother.
" Stand in front of Pharaoh". He poked a stick in the fire. " Moses, he will kill us".
" No, he won't".
" How do you know that?".
" God wants you and me to deliver his people from the Egyptians". Moses grinned. " We have a specific task at hand".

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Moses page 14

 Moses page 14 by ric gustafson

Moses kept his head down in fear.
" I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians". The voice hesitated. " A land flowing with milk and honey".
Moses did not look up.
" I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people out of Egypt".
Moses looked up. " Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?".
" I will be with you". The voice hesitated. " You will worship God on this mountain".
" What will I say if they ask me the name of the one who sent me?".
" I am who I am". The voice hesitated. " I am has sent me to you".
" What if they do not believe me?".
" Throw your staff on the ground". 
Moses did so. It turned into a snake.
" Put your hand inside your cloak".
Moses did so. White spots like leprosy appeared on it.
" And what if they do not pay attention to either of those signs?".
" Take some water from the Nile and pour it on the ground". The voice hesitated. " Blood will appear".
Moses now protested. " Lord, please send someone else".
" Your brother Aaron the Levite can speak for you".
The voice fell silent.

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: I Thessalonians

 God's Word: I Thessalonians by ric gustafson

The book of I Thessalonians was written in 50-52 AD by Paul. It was written to express Paul's care for believers and to encourage them. Paul and Silas were forced to flee Thessalonica because of persecution. Even though he had to flee, Paul discusses his absence and actions. He encourages the believers to live holy lives despite persecution.
I Thessalonians 4:16 says the dead in Christ will rise first.

research help: ' the books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Moses page 13

 Moses page 13 by ric gustafson

As Moses walked toward Mount Sinai, he looked up seeking God. For about forty years, he tended sheep flocks for his father in law Jethro. He considered himself a simple shepherd. He walked toward the high mountain. At a certain spot, he found a good place to rest. He got on his knees. " Lord, remember your people in Egypt". He got up and continued walking.
All of a sudden, something caught his eye. He walked up to what looked like a bush on fire.
" Moses! Moses!".
He trembled in fear. " Here I am".
" Do not come any closer". The voice hesitated. " Take off your sandals".
Moses was confused.
" The place where you are standing is holy ground".
Moses took off his sandals.
" I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob".
In fear, Moses fell onto his knees.
" I have seen the misery of my people in Egypt". The voice hesitated. " I have heard their cry".

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Moses page 12

 Moses page 12 by ric gustafson

Moses and Zipporah reached the dwelling.
A man came out and greeted them. " My name is Jethro". He smiled at Moses. " Please come in and take bread with me".
" Thank you".
" My daughter told me what happened at the well". After the meal was over, he asked Moses a question. " Your name sounds Egyptian but you don't look Egyptian".
" I am a Hebrew". Moses grinned. " I am the son of Amram of the tribe of Levi".
Jethro scratched his chin. " How did you happen to end up here?".
" I am a fugitive". He frowned. " I have no place to lie my head".
" You may stay with us". Jethro smiled. " You can tend my flocks". He scratched his head again. " As far as compensation?".
" Give me Zipporah for my wife". He grinned. " And I will serve you for seven years".
" Agreed".

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 25, 2020

Moses page 11

 Moses page 11 by ric gustafson

Moses walked along the sandy and dusty trail. With provisions from his mother and a map, he decided to walk toward Kadesh- Barnea. 
One morning before sunrise, he entered a small village. He sat down next to a well. He watched as a woman with black hair was leading some sheep. He watched in horror as a shepherd came up and threw her to the ground.
He ran over. He grabbed the shepherd by the throat. " Leave her alone".
The shepherd ran away.
" Thank you kind sir".
Moses fell asleep. He awoke to find the woman standing next to him.
" My father requests that you break your fast and eat bread under my father's roof".
" I would be honored to". He stood up. " And who is your father?".
" The Priest of Midian". She smiled. " My name is Zipporah".

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

God's Word: Colossians

 God's Word: Colossians by ric gustafson

The book of Colossians was written in 60-62 AD by Paul. The purpose of the book was to address false teachings about Jesus. The letter was to encourage believers. The church in Colossae was dealing with false teachings. Paul explained to the believers about the supremacy of Jesus over all human actions.
Colossians 2:9-10 says he is the head over every power and authority.

research help: ' the books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Moses page 10

 Moses page 10 by ric gustafson

One day, an overseer was hitting a slave. All of a sudden, someone grabbed his wrist. 
" Stop hitting this slave".
" Who made you a judge over us". He stared at Moses. " Do you plan on killing me like you did to that Egyptian?".
Startled at his words, Moses ran to his mother's house. Trembling, he gave his mother a big hug.
" What's the matter my son?".
He explained the events to her. " Mother, I must leave".
" My son, where will you go?".
" I don't know". He embraced her again. " I am not an Egyptian any longer".
Princess Kali began to cry. " Moses, where will you go?".
" I know one thing". He grinned. " I'm going to find out about this God that the Hebrews talk about".

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Moses page 9

 Moses page 9 by ric gustafson

Moses watched as the overseer shook the old man. " Why did you shirk work today?".
" I'm sorry". The old man pleaded. " I was taking care of my sick wife".
The overseer punched him in the chest. He fell to the ground.
Anger swelled in Moses's eyes. He quickly walked over. He threw the overseer to the ground.
The overseer got up. He took out a dagger. He thrust it at Moses/
Moses grabbed it and thrust it into the Egyptian's neck. 
The overseer quickly died from the sudden blood loss. 
Moses knew he had to do something quickly. He quickly dug a grave and buried the Egyptian. He made sure nobody saw him. He walked away.

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Philippians

 God's Word: Philippians by ric gustafson

The book of Philippians was written in AD 60-62 by Paul. The book was written to Christians in Philippi. The purpose of the letter was to express Paul's love and affection for believers. At this time, Paul was under house arrest in Rome. He urged believers to live humbly and have the same mindset as Jesus. 
Philippians 1:6 says being confident of this that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

research help: ' the books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 19, 2020

God's Word: Ephesians

 God's Word: Ephesians by ric gustafson

The book of Ephesians was written in AD 60-62 by Paul. The letter was written to the Christians in Ephesus. The purpose of the book was to show believers what it meant to be a follower of Jesus. The letter also encouraged the believers in their spiritual walk. The believers in Ephesus were under a lot of pressure from sinfulness because of pagan cults.
Ephesians 2:8 says for it is by grace you have been saved through faith.

research help: ' the books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Moses page 8

 Moses page 8 by ric gustafson

Moses sat at the feet of the elder. " Tell me more about the Hebrew tradition".
" Jacob had twelve sons and they became the twelve tribes of Israel". The toothless Hebrew elder looked at Moses. " Do you know anything about your ancestry?".
" No Zuriel, I do not".
" You are from the tribe of Levi". He gave a reassuring smile. " Levi was one of the twelve sons".
" Zuriel, what are the Hebrew people waiting for?".
" Our people are waiting for a Great Redeemer to come and save us".
Later, he told his mother who he had talked to.
" My son, I worry about your safety".
" Because of Jafari".
" Yes". She gave him a worried stare. " His spies are following you everywhere".
He gave her a peck on the cheek. " I will be careful".

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 18, 2020

God's Word: Galatians

 God's Word: Galatians by ric gustafson

The book of Galatians was written in 48-49 by Paul. The book was written for the Christians in Galatia. The letter was written to warn against legalism and defend justification by faith. Paul teaches that justification is by faith. Paul urges believers to use their freedom in Jesus to walk in the Spirit. 
Galatians 5:22-23 says the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy and peace.

research help: ' the books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 17, 2020

God's Word: II Corinthians


God's Word: II Corinthians by ric gustafson

The book of II Corinthians was written in AD 56 by Paul. It was written for the Christians in Corinth. The purpose of the letter was to defend Paul's call as an Apostle and to address deceivers. In this letter, he defends his ministry amid attacks. In Paul's weakness, Jesus's glory is more displayed.
II Corinthians 12:9 says my grace is sufficient for you

research help: ' the books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

God's Word: I Corinthians

God's Word: I Corinthians by ric gustafson

The book of I Corinthians was written in AD 55-56 by Paul. The book was written to Christians in Corinth. The purpose of the book was to address divisions and immorality in the church. It was also written to encourage believers to love one another. Paul wrote this letter to answer questions about spiritual gifts, love and the resurrection.
I Corinthians 13:4 says love is patient love is kind

research help: ' the books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

the fork in the road prelude

the fork in the road prelude by ric gustafson

Satan was intently watching the video monitor. There was a knock on the door.
" Come in".
A young man in red entered. He sat down next to the monitor.
" What do you want?".
" You sent for me". He smiled. " Frank Lyon".
Satan sneered. " Why would I send for you?".
" Remember". The demon cackled loudly. " Alvin Walters".
" Oh yes". He grinned. " I'm watching him on my screen right now".
" Sir". The demon smiled. " I'm sure you have something planned out".
Satan reached down and handed the young demon a blue suitcase. He also handed him an index card. " Here are your instructions on Alvin Walters".
" Ok boss".
" Now go". He pointed to the door. " I need to go see someone".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Moses page 7

Moses page 7 by ric gustafson

" Sire, Moses is here".
" Show him in". The High Priest watched a tall stocky man walk in. " Where have you been Moses?".
" O High Priest of Ra". He bowed. " I have been studying how the Hebrew slaves make bricks".
" Really".
" They would be more productive if they were well fed".
" Moses, Hebrew slaves need to be kept weak so they will not rebel".
" If we took care of them, they could make more bricks".
" Moses". Jafari hit a table with a closed fist. " Be careful what you say".
" Sire, I am not afraid".
" Moses, you have been warned". He pointed a finger at the door. " Now get out".
Moses walked out.
Jafari looked over at an aide. " Nodi, watch him".

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Romans

God's Word: Romans by ric gustafson

The book of Romans was written in AD 57 by Paul. Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome to teach them about law, faith, salvation and righteous living. This is a complex letter. It details topics of the Christian faith. This letter is a personal letter. Paul greets and encourages the believers.
Romans 12:2 says do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

research help: ' the books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 14, 2020

Moses page 6

Moses page 6 by ric gustafson

Miriam led Moses through the Hebrew camp. She stopped in front of a reed hut. They stepped inside. They found a candle lit room and three people staring at them.
" Moses, this is your mother Jochebed".
Moses stared at a mostly toothless skinny woman.
" This is your father Amram".
" This is your brother Aaron".
He walked over and gave Moses a hug. It was not returned.
Moses smiled. " Tell me about your family".
" Our family came here long ago to escape a famine". Aaron frowned. " Pharaoh enslaved us".
" How many gods do you serve?".
" Moses". Amram grinned. " We only serve the one true God".
Moses smiled. " The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob".
" Yes".
Moses clapped his hands. " Tell me more".

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Acts

 God's Word: Acts by ric gustafson

The book of Acts was written in 60-62 AD by Luke. He was a doctor and a traveler with Paul. The purpose of the book was to record how the Holy Spirit acted through believers to spread the word of God. Acts starts where the gospel of Luke leaves off. The book describes what the disciples did after Jesus commissioned them in Acts 1. 
Acts 1:8 says you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses.

research help: ' the books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 13, 2020

God's Word: John

 God's Word: John by ric gustafson

The book of John was written in AD 85-95 by John. He was one of Jesus's twelve disciples. The purpose of the book is to show Jesus as the Son of God. Also to show the Word made flesh. John teaches us who Jesus is. John shows that by putting our faith in Jesus, we have eternal life.
John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

research help: ' the books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 12, 2020

God's Word: Luke

 God's Word: Luke by ric gustafson

The book of Luke was written in AD 60-62 by Luke. He was a doctor and traveled with Paul. The book was written to show Jesus as the Savior of the world. The book tells of the good news that Jesus is for everyone. Luke also focuses on the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.
Luke 2:10 says I bring you good news

research help: ' the books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 11, 2020

Moses page 5

 Moses page 5 by ric gustafson

Moses stared at the two massive carvings that were over the entrance to the Temple. One of the carved figures was of a lion's body. The other was a ram's head. He shook his head. He wondered why the Egyptians had to worship so many statues and carved figures.
Just then, he noticed the same Hebrew slave woman was staring at him from across the courtyard.
He quickly walked over to her. " Why do you always stare at me?".
She stared back at him. " You are my brother".
Moses gave her a puzzled look. " That's impossible".
" I was the one who put you into that basket in the Nile". She smiled. " My name is Miriam".
He realized she was telling the truth. " I want to see my family".

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Mark

 God's Word: Mark by ric gustafson

The book of Mark was written in AD 50's by John Mark. He was a disciple of Peter and a friend of Paul. The purpose of the book is to show Jesus as the suffering Son of Man who was sent to serve and not be served. The book showed Jesus's teachings and miracles. Jesus appears in humility.
Mark 10:45 says but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.

research help: ' the books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Moses page 4

 Moses page 4 by ric gustafson

Moses sat at the edge of the river. He watched as slaves pulled a dead hippo from the water. They stripped the meat from the bones. They built a fire and cooked it. 
As he watched the slaves enjoy the meat, Moses wondered about his Hebrew origin. He watched the slaves toil in the hot sun. He thought about their welfare quite often. He noticed a slave woman staring at him from the opposite bank.
Aaron and his parents ate the greasy food with gusto. " Thank you Miriam for the meat".
" I saw Moses".
" You did". Amram bit into a flour cake. " Where?".
" Where they were killing the hippo".
Jochebed smiled. " Did he recognize you?".
" I think he did".
Aaron grinned. " Would you like to talk to him?".
She sighed. " I think so".
" The elders are going to be having a meeting". Amram stood up from the table. " I will talk to them about Moses".

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Matthew

 God's Word: Matthew by ric gustafson

The book of Matthew was written in AD 60 by Matthew. The purpose of the book was to show Jesus as the Son of David. Jesus was an unexpected Messiah. He did liberate people. The people were expecting a Messiah who would liberate them from the Romans. Instead, Jesus liberated the people from sin and death.
Matthew 28:19 says go and make disciples of all nations.

research help: ' the books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Moses page 3

 Moses page 3 by ric gustafson

" Moses, you're home" Kali said with glee as the servants finished putting a fancy dinner on the table. " I've missed you so".
Moses put his big arms around the tiny woman. " I've missed you too Mother". He smiled. " Do you want to hear about the battles I've been in".
" No son". She stabbed at some food on her plate. " But there is something that is bothering me".
" What is that?".
" Son, why do you not observe ceremonial laws?".
Moses stared at his mother. " Mother, we have discussed this several times".
" Son, I am worried about your safety". She frowned. " Mostly because of Jafari".
Moses knew the High Priest of Egypt was angry with him. He had spoken his views about different Egyptian gods such as Osiris and Horias.
" My son, he has hated you for a long time".
" I will be ok". He gave his mother a peck on the cheek.

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 7, 2020

God's Word: Malachi

 God's Word: Malachi by ric gustafson

The book of Malachi was written in 400's BC by the prophet Malachi. The purpose of the book was to examine Judah's actions. It also was to make sure God has priority. The prophet called for spiritual renewal among the people. The people began to doubt God's blessings. In six speeches, Malachi urged the people to recognize their own unfaithfulness. Malachi told them the day of the Lord was coming.

Malachi 3:10 says bring the whole tithe into the storehouse.

research help: ' the books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Moses page 2

 Moses page 2 by ric gustafson

Miriam stood by the side of the road as the soldiers marched by. Their spears glistened in the sun. Line after line of new slaves shuffled quietly behind them.
She heard the chariot approach.
" Moses" rang out from the people.
Miriam stared at the one who was standing next to the driver. It was her brother. He was tall and handsome in a general's uniform. He saw her and gave her a slight smile.
She walked back to their hut. " He smiled at me".
" He did not smile at me" retorted her brother Aaron.
Their mother Jochebed had prepared a meal. " Daughter, I hear that your brother smiled at you".
" Mother, I think he recognized me".
Aaron gave Miriam a frown. " He certainly did not recognize me".
" Father, I believe that Moses will be used by God for our redemption".
" You could be right". Amram smiled. " He is close to Pharoah".

research help: ' By way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Moses page 1

 Moses page 1 by ric gustafson

Miriam walked through the muddy reeds. She held tightly onto the wicker basket. She made her way through the reeds to the spot where the mighty river started. The river was up to her chest. She opened the basket to make sure her baby brother was ok. The baby had dark eyes, black hair and a smooth complexion.
" I'm sorry brother". She pushed the basket out into the current. She silently watched as the small basket began to float downstream.
Princess Kali and some of her handmaids were in the water near the reeds. 
" Something is in the water" screamed one of the handmaids. She waded out. She brought back a small wicker basket. She presented it to the Princess.
Princess Kali opened the basket. It revealed a Hebrew baby.
" It is not an Egyptian baby your Highness".
" I know". The little baby's finger wrapped around hers. " The Nile has given me this child".
" What will you call him Princess?".
Princess Kali looked at the dark haired baby.
" Because he was taken from the water". She grinned. " I will call him Moses".

research help: ' By way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Never Die page 5

 Never Die page 5 by ric gustafson

Greg stood in front of the Living Christ.
" Greg, give me an accounting of your stewardship".
" I filled my time with service".
Jesus smiled. " You are a trustworthy servant".
" I gave my life to you when I was young".
" I know". He smiled. " You were faithful with the little I entrusted to you".
" Jesus, I love you so much".
" I know". Jesus smiled again. " I am going to appoint you governor of ten cities as your reward".
" Thank you Lord".
" One more thing".
" Yes Lord".
" Well done, good and faithful servant".

The End

research help: ' Rescued' by John Bevere and Mark Andrew Olsen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 4, 2020

Never Die page 4

 Never Die page 4 by ric gustafson

Charlene looked in disbelief as the images stopped. She could not believe what had just happened. Her entire life good and bad was played out in front of her. All of her thoughts and deeds of her entire life was played out in front of her like a movie.

" Gabriel, is the name Charlene Jones found in the Book of Life?".
" No, my Lord".
" Charlene Jones, you are guilty of denying me".
" How did I deny you?".
" You will be taken to the Lake of Fire".
" What do you mean Lake of Fire?".
" Where you will spend eternity beyond my presence".
" Eternity?".
" Take her away".
An angel dragged her away.

research help: ' Rescued' by John Bevere and Mark Andrew Olsen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 3, 2020

God's Word: Zechariah

 God's Word: Zechariah by ric gustafson

The book of Zechariah was written in 520-518 BC by the prophet Zechariah. The purpose of the book is to give hope to the remnant in Israel. Along with Haggai, Zechariah encouraged the people to rebuild the temple. Zechariah had visions and messages of hope for God's reign throughout the world.

Zechariah 4:6 says not by might nor by power but by my Spirit

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Never Die page 3

Never Die page 3 by ric gustafson

Charlene and an angel approached the giant doorway. It was over four hundred feet high. It was carved from a certain jewel. The angel stopped at the doorway. " I cannot go in".
She gave him a perplexed look. " Why not?".
" This is the Great Hall of the White Throne of Judgment".
" What hall?".
" Shortly, you will be facing your King". He grinned. " Nothing has been hidden".
" What do you mean nothing has been hidden?".
" I pray that your name is found".
" What do you mean?".
" The Book of Life". He smiled. " I pray that your name is found there".
" What Book of Life?".
The angel quietly left.
Charlene opened the door and walked in.

research help: ' Rescued' by John Bevere and Mark Andrew Olsen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Haggai

God's Word: Haggai by ric gustafson

The book of Haggai was written in 520 BC by the prophet Haggai. The purpose of the book was to urge the people to complete rebuilding the temple. At the time of Haggai, the Jews had returned to Jerusalem. The people start rebuilding the temple but stop eventually. Haggai encourages the people to complete it. The temple was rebuilt in four years.
Haggai 1: 4-5 says give careful thought to your ways.

research help: ' the Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Never Die page 2

Never Die page 2 by ric gustafson

" Watch out for the curve" Charlene screamed as the Ford Escape narrowly missed the drop off. " You're going to get us killed".
" I'm trying to be careful". Greg's hands tightly gripped the steering wheel. " It's really icy out".
She gave him an angry look. " Why did you pick this road?".
" It's the shortest way to Mr Kunkle's house".
The Escape barely made it around the next icy curve.
" Let's go back home".
" We'll be ok". His hands kept gripping the steering wheel. " God will keep us safe".
She gave him an icy stare. " I don't want to hear any more about Matthew 6".
" God will take care of us".
" That's a joke". She turned her head. " Watch out!".
The Ford Escape hit a patch of ice on the curve and flew off the road. As the car hit the snow covered ground below, Greg and Charlene glanced at each other for the last time.
Both closed their eyes.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Zephaniah

God's Word: Zephaniah by ric gustafson

The book of Zephaniah was written in 641-628 BC by the prophet Zephaniah. The book was written to motivate Judah to repentance. The prophet's prophesies were during the reign of King Josiah. He was the last of Judah's good kings. Zephaniah proclaimed that the doom of the day of the Lord will be devastating to Judah.
Zephaniah 1:14 says the great day of the Lord is near.

research help: ' the Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric