Saturday, July 27, 2019

the miracle on Titanic page 40

the miracle on Titanic page 40 by ric gustafson

Charlene sat against a pole. A countess handed her a bowl of soup. She glanced at the hundreds of people milling around the deck of the liner Carpathia.
" Are you looking for someone?". She was still handing out soup. " Maybe I know them?".
" I'm looking for a young man". She nervously looked around. " His name was David Sharpston".
" Sorry, don't know him". She frowned. " Here there are mother's without babies, babies without fathers and sisters without brothers".
She pointed. " Over there are two little French boys aged 2 and 4". Tears came to her eyes. " No parents in sight".
" There is some good news". She pointed at a female survivor. " That is Margaret Brown". She smiled. " She's already raising money for survivors".
Charlene stood up. " I'm going to keep looking for David".
" Good luck to you". She walked away.
Charlene spent several hours walking among the survivors.
She could not find him.
Tears filled her tired eyes.

The End.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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