Wednesday, July 24, 2019

the miracle on Titanic page 35

the miracle on Titanic page 35 by ric gustafson

Sixth Officer Moody heard the bell ring three times. He picked up the phone.
Fleet's voice was clear and to the point. " Iceberg right ahead".
He hung up the phone. " Mr Murdoch, iceberg right ahead".
Murdoch yelled at the helmsman. " Hard  a starboard".
The yeoman swung the wheel to the right.
Murdoch yelled again. " All stop full speed astern".
Moody swung the handle of the telegraph to all stop. Then he moved the handle to full astern.
Both officers knew they could not avoid the iceberg.
Just then, some people heard and felt a strange scraping noise on the starboard side.
David heard the strange sound. He walked over to the window. He opened it to reveal a dark mass go by. Ice chunks were dropping onto the Forward Well Deck.
Murdoch pressed a red button and closed all the watertight doors.
Just then, a tired Captain Smith walked onto the bridge. " Mr Murdoch, what have we struck?".
" An iceberg Sir".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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