Saturday, July 27, 2019

the miracle on Titanic page 38

the miracle on Titanic page 38 by ric gustafson

David held onto Charlene's hand as he led her and his mother toward a gathering crowd near a lifeboat. He could not see Charlene's brother. He led the two past the ship's orchestra that was playing some lively songs. They came up to a lifeboat.
An officer waved a pistol. " Women and children only".
" You both need to get in". He helped the two get into the wooden boat. Chaos ensued as women and children cried loudly for fathers and husbands.
" David, I won't leave without you".
After the boat was filled, the ropes began to be lowered.
" David, remember your promise to Jesus".
The boat was lowered to the frigid water.
David yelled back. " I will".
He walked toward the stern of the ship. The bow of the huge liner was already tipping downward into the icy water.
He found a bench near the stern of the liner. He began to pray.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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