Friday, July 26, 2019

the miracle on Titanic page 37

the miracle on Titanic page 37 by ric gustafson

Harold Cottam, who was the only wireless operator on the liner Carpathia, was ready to turn off his set for the night. He had not heard from the Titanic for a while. He decided to try them one more time. All of a sudden, he got an SOS from the doomed liner. He tapped back. " Do you require assistance?".
He heard back. " Yes, please come quickly".
Cottam took off his headphones and ran to give his Captain the news.
On the Titanic, an officer banged on David's door.
He opened it. " Yes".
" Please put on your lifebelt on and follow me".
He walked up to the Boat Deck. He noticed the tarps were coming off the lifeboats. Officer Boxhall shot a distress rocket into the cold night sky.
David ran down to his mother's room.
She opened it with a hesitant look. " David, what is going on?".
" Mother, you need to put on your lifebelt and follow me".
" David, I'm not properly dressed".
" Mother, we need to go now".
She put on a fur and lifebelt and followed her son.
David banged on Charlene's door. She opened it. " What's going on David?".
" You and your brother need to follow me and my mom to the Boat Deck".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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