Tuesday, July 23, 2019

the miracle on Titanic page 34

the miracle on Titanic page 34 by ric gustafson

Bride sighed as he stared at the new warning. " From Mesaba to Titanic, heavy pack ice and large icebergs latitude 42' North to 41'25' North longitude 49' West to 50'30' West". Frustrated, he put the warning on top of the other incoming messages.
David and his mother were walking along the Boat Deck. The water was calm but the temperature had gotten a lot colder.
" I'm proud of you David". His mother kissed his cheek.
" Why is that?".
" For giving your life to Jesus".
" It seems like my life has totally changed since this morning".
" That's the Holy Spirit working in your heart". She shivered. " Let's go back inside".
" Ok".
Later at 11:00 pm, Jack Phillips was still sending out personal messages. Just then, his headset crackled. It was a warning from the Californian. " We are stopped and surrounded by ice".
Angrily, he wired back. " Shut up you are jamming my signal". He wired back again. " I'm busy right now".
He got no response back.

research help:  ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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