Friday, July 5, 2019

Free in Jesus: Faith and Acceptance

Free in Jesus: Faith and Acceptance by ric gustafson

We know about our sins and evil life we are living. The more we struggle, the more hopeless we feel. Our heart and soul is unclean and impure. We want to be clean and forgiven. So how do we do that?.
First, we need peace in our heart and soul. We need to go to God and give ourselves to him. We need to ask him to wash away our sins and give us a new heart. God promises he will do this, we need to trust him at his word. We are sinners and God can cleanse us through his Son. If we believe God's promises, Jesus can and will change us. Praise God.

research help: ' Steps to Christ' by Ellen White

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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