Tuesday, July 30, 2019

beyond Titanic page 1

beyond Titanic page 1 by ric gustafson

Charlene stared at the New York skyline. It was a typical April night rainy and cold. Looking into the haze, she knew the Carpathia was nearing Pier 59.Several motorboats stopped to help. The liner was going to unload the lifeboats.
" One hundred dollars for an exclusive".
" Easiest money you will ever make".
Charlene could see a large crowd on the Cunard pier. When the Carpathia docked, she walked down the gangway. After processing, she picked out some new clothes from a room filled with donated clothing. She picked out a wool dress and stockings.  She was picked up in a cab and driven to the Hotel Montreal.
There in the lobby, they were met by a representative from the White Star Line.
" You must remain in New York". The voice hesitated. " In case you are called to testify for the Titanic inquiry".

research help: ' The Girl who came Home' by Hazel Gaynor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 27, 2019

the miracle on Titanic page 40

the miracle on Titanic page 40 by ric gustafson

Charlene sat against a pole. A countess handed her a bowl of soup. She glanced at the hundreds of people milling around the deck of the liner Carpathia.
" Are you looking for someone?". She was still handing out soup. " Maybe I know them?".
" I'm looking for a young man". She nervously looked around. " His name was David Sharpston".
" Sorry, don't know him". She frowned. " Here there are mother's without babies, babies without fathers and sisters without brothers".
She pointed. " Over there are two little French boys aged 2 and 4". Tears came to her eyes. " No parents in sight".
" There is some good news". She pointed at a female survivor. " That is Margaret Brown". She smiled. " She's already raising money for survivors".
Charlene stood up. " I'm going to keep looking for David".
" Good luck to you". She walked away.
Charlene spent several hours walking among the survivors.
She could not find him.
Tears filled her tired eyes.

The End.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 39

the miracle on Titanic page 39 by ric gustafson

David opened his eyes from praying. A frightened young woman was sitting right next to him.
" Sir, please help me".
They heard a strange sound. The grand lights that illuminated the huge liner went dark. David could hear glasses and plates crashing to the floor in the first class dining room.
" I can't find my lifebelt". She cried as she clung to David's arm. " Please save me". Just then, the stern began to rise up.
David and the young woman scrambled to the railing. They hung on for dear life.
" I'm going to die".
" Take my lifebelt". He slowly put it on her. " My name is David".
" Bless you David".
The stern went up even higher.
As David hung onto that railing for dear life, he closed his eyes to pray.
Just then, he heard a splash. The young woman could not hold on any longer.
He noticed that the bow was going under and the stern would be next.
" Lord". He knew he could not hold on much longer. " Remember me your servant".
When he could not hold on any longer, he let go.
He fell into the icy dark water.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Grace: the Guidebook

Grace: the Guidebook by ric gustafson

God has given us a guidebook for righteous living. It is called the Holy Bible. It contains instructions for fulfillment, righteousness and salvation. If we obey those instructions, God will bless us. If we choose not to obey them, the results are tragic. Through his Word, we can know God's promises, his power, his wisdom and his love.
God asks us to follow his commandments and read his Word. I pray that we will do that.

research help: ' Grace for each day' by Worthy Inspired

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 38

the miracle on Titanic page 38 by ric gustafson

David held onto Charlene's hand as he led her and his mother toward a gathering crowd near a lifeboat. He could not see Charlene's brother. He led the two past the ship's orchestra that was playing some lively songs. They came up to a lifeboat.
An officer waved a pistol. " Women and children only".
" You both need to get in". He helped the two get into the wooden boat. Chaos ensued as women and children cried loudly for fathers and husbands.
" David, I won't leave without you".
After the boat was filled, the ropes began to be lowered.
" David, remember your promise to Jesus".
The boat was lowered to the frigid water.
David yelled back. " I will".
He walked toward the stern of the ship. The bow of the huge liner was already tipping downward into the icy water.
He found a bench near the stern of the liner. He began to pray.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 26, 2019

the miracle on Titanic page 37

the miracle on Titanic page 37 by ric gustafson

Harold Cottam, who was the only wireless operator on the liner Carpathia, was ready to turn off his set for the night. He had not heard from the Titanic for a while. He decided to try them one more time. All of a sudden, he got an SOS from the doomed liner. He tapped back. " Do you require assistance?".
He heard back. " Yes, please come quickly".
Cottam took off his headphones and ran to give his Captain the news.
On the Titanic, an officer banged on David's door.
He opened it. " Yes".
" Please put on your lifebelt on and follow me".
He walked up to the Boat Deck. He noticed the tarps were coming off the lifeboats. Officer Boxhall shot a distress rocket into the cold night sky.
David ran down to his mother's room.
She opened it with a hesitant look. " David, what is going on?".
" Mother, you need to put on your lifebelt and follow me".
" David, I'm not properly dressed".
" Mother, we need to go now".
She put on a fur and lifebelt and followed her son.
David banged on Charlene's door. She opened it. " What's going on David?".
" You and your brother need to follow me and my mom to the Boat Deck".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 25, 2019

the miracle on Titanic page 36

the miracle on Titanic page 36 by ric gustafson

" Mr Murdoch, have you already closed the watertight doors?".
" Aye Sir".
" Mr Boxhall". He petted his hound's head. " I want you to go below and report to me as far as damage".
A short time later, he came back. " The Ortop deck is flooded forward of number 4 bulkhead". His voice hesitated. " Also the mail clerks are moving the mail to G Deck".
" Mr Boxhall, what is our position right now?".
" 41'46' North and 50'14' West".
Captain Smith walked down to the wireless room.
" Is something going on Captain?" asked Phillips.
" We have struck an iceberg". He handed him a piece of paper. " Send out a CQD with our position on it".
Thomas Andrews approached. " Captain, I have bad news".
" How bad is it Mr Andrews?".
" If water reaches E Deck, the watertight compartments will fill up just like ice cube trays".
" Mr Andrews, how much time do we have?".
" According to my calculations, one hour possibly two".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Grace: let's celebrate

Grace: let's celebrate by ric gustafson

Sometimes in this life, we don't feel like celebrating. The weight of this world bears down on us and keeps us from joy. But God says let's celebrate. We are God's children and we are blessed beyond measure. Yes we will have good days and bad days. Each day once it is gone, it is gone.
What is our attitude today?. Is it angry, fearful and worried?. God created us in his own image. He wants us to experience joy and peace. So God says celebrate the day I have given you.

research help: ' Grace for each day' by Worthy Inspired

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

the miracle on Titanic page 35

the miracle on Titanic page 35 by ric gustafson

Sixth Officer Moody heard the bell ring three times. He picked up the phone.
Fleet's voice was clear and to the point. " Iceberg right ahead".
He hung up the phone. " Mr Murdoch, iceberg right ahead".
Murdoch yelled at the helmsman. " Hard  a starboard".
The yeoman swung the wheel to the right.
Murdoch yelled again. " All stop full speed astern".
Moody swung the handle of the telegraph to all stop. Then he moved the handle to full astern.
Both officers knew they could not avoid the iceberg.
Just then, some people heard and felt a strange scraping noise on the starboard side.
David heard the strange sound. He walked over to the window. He opened it to reveal a dark mass go by. Ice chunks were dropping onto the Forward Well Deck.
Murdoch pressed a red button and closed all the watertight doors.
Just then, a tired Captain Smith walked onto the bridge. " Mr Murdoch, what have we struck?".
" An iceberg Sir".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

the miracle on Titanic page 34

the miracle on Titanic page 34 by ric gustafson

Bride sighed as he stared at the new warning. " From Mesaba to Titanic, heavy pack ice and large icebergs latitude 42' North to 41'25' North longitude 49' West to 50'30' West". Frustrated, he put the warning on top of the other incoming messages.
David and his mother were walking along the Boat Deck. The water was calm but the temperature had gotten a lot colder.
" I'm proud of you David". His mother kissed his cheek.
" Why is that?".
" For giving your life to Jesus".
" It seems like my life has totally changed since this morning".
" That's the Holy Spirit working in your heart". She shivered. " Let's go back inside".
" Ok".
Later at 11:00 pm, Jack Phillips was still sending out personal messages. Just then, his headset crackled. It was a warning from the Californian. " We are stopped and surrounded by ice".
Angrily, he wired back. " Shut up you are jamming my signal". He wired back again. " I'm busy right now".
He got no response back.

research help:  ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 22, 2019

Grace: Riches

Grace: Riches by ric gustafson

We all strive for earthly riches. We want financial security. Earthly riches are temporary. Spiritual riches are eternal. Instead of earthly prosperity, we should be striving for eternal prosperity. God will take care of our basic needs. Our real riches are eternal not here on this temporary earth. Praise God.

research help: ' Grace for each day' by Worthy Inspired

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Grace: conquering frustration

Grace: conquering frustration by ric Gustafson

In life, we deal with small and large frustrations. It's easy to give in to the temptation of losing our temper. We have hatred, bitterness, anger and regret. God suggests that we give him our frustrations. God says turn to me instead. When we are frustrated, we lose our peace. God has a will and plan for our life. It is easy to be angry and frustrated in this life. God says come to me and I will give you my peace. Praise God.

research help: ' Grace for each day' by Worthy Inspired

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 33

the miracle on Titanic page 33 by ric gustafson

It was two in the afternoon on April 14. Charlene and David were walking on the Boat Deck. Charlene buttoned her coat. " It sure feels really cold out here".
David buttoned his own coat. " We are in icy waters".
Just then, Bruce Ismay walked by. " Good afternoon you two". He tipped his bowler hat. " We seem to be making good time".
Charlene frowned. " It's getting colder out here".
" That's true". He buttoned his own coat. " Captain Smith has already given me some ice warnings".
At 5:50 pm, Second Officer Lightoller stepped onto the bridge. He knew his watch was going to last until 10:00 pm. He was a career seaman and had been with the White Star Line for twelve years. He and Officer Moody were going to be on the bridge this evening.
At 7:20 pm, Harold Bride received an important wire. He walked up and handed it to Office Lightoller.
" Sir, the Californian reports three large bergs at latitude 42' 3' North and longitude 49' 9' West".
He handed Officer Moody the wire. " Please take this to Captain Smith".
" Mr Bride, if you receive any more ice warnings". He smiled at the young wireless operator. " Please give them to me immediately".
" Aye Sir".

research help:  ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 20, 2019

the miracle on Titanic page 32

the miracle on Titanic page 32 by ric gustafson

A wire came in while Bride and Phillips were working on personal messages. Bride wrote it down. " From the Baltic, Greek steamer Athinal reports passing icebergs and lots of field ice latitude 41'51' North longitude 49'52' West".
Bride handed the message to Phillips. " You better give this to Captain Smith".
He walked up and handed it to Captain Smith. " Sir, here is another ice warning from the Baltic".
" Thank you Phillips". He put the wire into a shirt pocket. " That will be all". He walked back to the wire room. Bride was writing down another warning. " What did you get now?".
" An ice warning from the German liner Amerika". He frowned as he handed him the warning. " They have passed by two large icebergs 41'51 North longitude 50'8' West". He gave the senior wireless operator a perplexed stare. " Should we give this one to the Captain?".
" No". Phillips glanced at the warning. " I'm already in enough trouble".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Grace: say thanks for blessings

Grace: say thanks for blessings by ric gustafson

God gives us blessings galore each day. Today, we need to thank him for those blessings. Our Christian walk here is a journey. This journey can be stressful. But God says to have a positive attitude about it. God gives us more blessings than we can count. We need to praise God for those blessings. The fact is God loves us more than anything else. Praise God.

research help: ' Grace for each day' by Worthy Inspired

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 12, 2019

Grace: Numbers 6: 24-25

Grace: Numbers 6: 24 -25 by ric gustafson

God showers us with blessings each day. Our Christian life here is a journey. We should be grateful for all that God does for us. Each day should be a day of Thanksgiving. Some days are not good and are full of tears and sadness. But God says be thankful. He will still shower us with blessings each day. Why because he loves us more than anything else. Praise God.

research help:  ' Grace for each day' by Worthy Inspired

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 31

the miracle on Titanic page 31 by ric  gustafson

Reverend Rossup walked into the first class dining room. He saw David and Charlene sitting at one of the tables. " Good morning to the two of you".
" Reverend". She smiled as she clung to David's arm. " David would like to ask you something".
" Reverend Rossup". He was holding tightly to his mother's bible. " After the service ends, I want to give my life to Jesus".
" It would be an honor to witness that".
The service was beautiful and Captain Smith had everyone sing a hymn of the sea.
After the service, David knelt next to Charlene and Reverend Rossup.
" David, just simply say Lord please come into my life".
" Lord, come into my life".
" Lord, I give you my life make it your own".
" Lord, I give you my life make it your own".
" Lord, I repent of all of my sins".
" Lord, I repent of all of my sins".
" Lord, you are in charge of my life from this day forward".
" Lord, you are in charge of my life from this day forward".
" Amen".
" Amen".
David smiled at Charlene as tears ran down his face.

research help:  ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Grace: Proverbs 16:9

Grace: Proverbs 16:9 by ric gustafson

We like being in control. We want things according to our timetable and plans. But God has other plans for us. God always has the final word. God wants us to forgive others and forgive ourselves. We need to trust God 100 percent. We do that, we will have peace. Praise God.

research help: ' Grace for each day' by Worthy Inspired

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 30

the miracle on Titanic page 30 by ric gustafson

Jack Phillips took the wire out of his pocket. He knew he was in big trouble. He handed it to Captain Smith. " Captain, I have an ice warning for you".
Captain Smith began to read it. " It is a warning from the Caronia". He frowned at the scared wireless operator. " It's dated two days ago". " Any more ice warnings need to be given to me at once". He gave Phillips a stern look. " Understood".
" Aye Sir". He walked back to the cramped wire room. Bride was busy tapping out personal messages.
" I have a whole stack of messages to send out".
" If you get any ice warnings". Phillips sighed as he sat down. " Captain Smith wants to see them right away".
" Ok".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

the miracle on Titanic page 29

the miracle on Titanic page 29 by ric gustafson

Second Officer Lightoller stood over the bridge railing. He was staring at the calm ocean. Fourth Officer Boxhall was studying some charts. " Have we had any reports of ice?".
" Just a few". He put his charts down. " Including a French liner that sustained minor damage".
" Where was that?".
Boxhall studied a chart. " 46 degrees North to 41 degrees North and from 46 degrees West to 50 degrees West".
The Second Officer had a frown on his face. " Our ship will be passing right through that ice field".
" According to my charts". His voice hesitated. " We will be".
Just then, Captain Smith stepped onto the bridge. " How is everything going?".
" Fine Captain". Lightoller grinned. " The ocean tonight is a quiet one".
" Good". Captain Smith petted his hound's head. " Any new reports of ice?".
" No sir".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 8, 2019

Free in Jesus: a test of discipleship

Free in Jesus: a test of discipleship by ric gustafson

There is power in a new life in the soul. We are a new image to God. Our character will change. Our habits will change. We think and feel more for Jesus. We will want to be more like Jesus. We will become more of the character of Jesus.
Salvation is a free gift from God. Obedience is the fruit of faith. Jesus abides in our heart and we are transformed. Praise God.

research help: ' Steps to Christ' by Ellen White

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 28

the miracle on Titanic page 28 by ric gustafson

David was about to enter the first class lounge. He heard his name called. He turned to see Molly Brown. They had met at a previous dinner.
" Mr Sharpston".
He noticed an older couple next to her.
" David, this is Lady Lucy Duff". She smiled. " She's an international fashion designer".
" Mr Sharpston, this is my husband Cosmo".
David shook the older gentleman's hand.
Just then, the lounge door opened. Captain Smith and Fourth Officer Boxhall walked out. Captain Smith's hound was by his side.
" Good afternoon Mr Sharpston".
" Afternoon Captain".
" Officer Boxhall". The Captain stared at his young officer. " Have we received any reports of ice?".
" Not yet Sir".
" Officer Boxhall, how many miles did we do yesterday?".
" I believe 519 miles Sir".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 7, 2019

the miracle on Titanic page 27

the miracle on Titanic page 27 by ric gustafson

Twenty four year old Jack Phillips was sending out a three dollar four hundred mile message. Just then, his partner twenty two year old Harold Bride walked in. The Marconi equipment they were using was the best wireless communication in the world. Phillips, who had a pug nose and twinkling eyes, glanced at a stack of incoming messages.
Phillips held up one of the messages. " Bride, what is this one?".
Bride, who had hollow cheeks and large eyes glanced at the message. " It's a message from the Caronia". He frowned. " Bergs, growlers and field ice  has been reported at 42 degrees North  and 49 to 51 degrees West".
" How come you haven't taken this message to the bridge?".
Bride raised his arms in frustration. " I guess I've been bogged down with personal messages".
" I'll take it to the bridge". He put the message into a shirt pocket. " You keep working on those personal messages".
" Ok".
Phillips walked out of the wireless room. He then headed toward the dining room.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 6, 2019

the miracle on Titanic page 26

the miracle on Titanic page 26 by ric gustafson

David was studying his mother's bible in the Palm Court. He was eating bacon and tomatoes. He saw Charlene walk in. " Good morning Charlene". He pulled out a chair for her to sit. " Can I get you something?".
" Just a cup of coffee". She yawned. " So I can wake up".
" I've been reading about Matthew the tax collector". He sipped from a tea cup. " Jesus walked up to his tax booth and simply asked him to follow him".
" That's right". A waiter brought her beverage. " That's how he asks everyone".
" He just simply asks you to follow him".
She took a sip of her drink. " That's right".
He noticed Fourth Officer Boxhall sitting nearby. He walked over. " Morning Officer Boxhall".
The young officer tried to remember his name. Then it dawned on him. " Morning Mr Sharpston".
" I was just curious how fast the ship was sailing".
" As of right now, 24 to 25 knots".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 25

the miracle on Titanic page 25 by ric gustafson

Wallace Hartley had the band playing a lively tune. Charlene and David were twirling around the dance floor. When it ended, Hartley raised his right arm to quiet the room.
" We have some honeymooners on board". He smiled. " Colonel John Jacob Astor and his beautiful bride Madeleine".
The couple stood up and waved.
" I have a question to ask you". He took her hand. " Let's go up to the Boat Deck".
They finished their dinner and then walked outside.
They stood next to the railing. It was a cloudless night.
Charlene grinned. " What was the question you wanted to ask?".
" The bible says that Jesus would eat with sinners and even tax collectors".
" That's right". She began to shiver. " He loves all people".
David gave her a concerned look. " Would he even accept me?".
" Of course he would". She gave David a big smile. " I'll be here when you are ready to make that important decision".
" I'm not quite ready yet".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 5, 2019

the miracle on Titanic page 24

the miracle on Titanic page 24 by ric gustafson

David and Charlene walked down to F deck. They walked into the dining area of third class. They were dressed in plain clothes. As they walked, Charlene asked if anyone knew a Sherilyn Adkins.
David observed the steerage eating area. Even though it was only 1 pm, stewards were already putting white tablecloths on the long tables. Brown carpeting filled the room. White enamel water pitchers adorned the tables.
" I've asked everyone". She shook her head in frustration. " Nobody has seen her".
In silence, they walked through some doors. Then they walked down some steps to the Aft Well Deck. They walked to the railing and watched the endless ocean.
" I'm sorry you could not find her". He clutched her hand. " On a positive note, I've started studying the bible".
" That's great David". She smiled. " I'm proud of you".
" I'm cold". David shivered. " Let's go back in".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Free in Jesus: Faith and Acceptance

Free in Jesus: Faith and Acceptance by ric gustafson

We know about our sins and evil life we are living. The more we struggle, the more hopeless we feel. Our heart and soul is unclean and impure. We want to be clean and forgiven. So how do we do that?.
First, we need peace in our heart and soul. We need to go to God and give ourselves to him. We need to ask him to wash away our sins and give us a new heart. God promises he will do this, we need to trust him at his word. We are sinners and God can cleanse us through his Son. If we believe God's promises, Jesus can and will change us. Praise God.

research help: ' Steps to Christ' by Ellen White

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Free in Jesus: Consecration

Free in Jesus: Consecration by ric gustafson

To be totally restored to God, it must be our entire heart. By ourselves, we are dead in trespasses and sins. We are snared in Satan's trap. God desires to heal us and set us free. We are in warfare against ourselves. God gives us many blessings and grace each day. God wants us to be 100 percent his children.
It's hard to give everything to God. We want to hold a little bit for ourselves. We are controlled by our sins. God wants us to serve him. I pray that we will with an open heart.

research help: ' Steps to Christ' by Ellen White

Happy 4th of July love Ric

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Free in Jesus: Confession

Free in Jesus: Confession by ric gustafson

James 5:16 says confess your faults to another. God says confess your sins to me. Only God can forgive our sins. True confession involves a specific character and particular sins. God will not accept our confession without sincere repentance and reformation. We must make honest changes in our life. Things offensive to God must be done away with. Confession involves a humble and broken heart. I John 1:9 says if we confess our sins he will cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

research help: ' Steps to Christ' by Ellen White

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 23

the miracle on Titanic page 23 by ric gustafson

Charlene walked into the Palm Court. She noticed David and her mother sitting on a wicker sofa. This area of the Titanic made you feel that you were relaxing in an English garden.
She walked up to them as they sipped some English tea. " Good morning".
" Morning Charlene". He smiled. " Did you sleep well?".
" I'm going back to my room". His mother smiled and walked out.
" Is she ok?".
" She's fine".
She sat down next to David.
" She's just tired she did not sleep very well last night".
She grinned. " David, I want to go down to the third class steerage".
" Why?". He frowned. " First class passengers don't go down to steerage".
" A friend of mine from school might be one of the steerage passengers". She smiled at David. " If we dress down, I don't think anyone will notice".
" I don't know Charlene". He frowned again. " It sounds risky".
" Please David".
" Ok".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 1, 2019

Free in Jesus: Repentance

Free in Jesus: Repentance by ric gustafson

How can we be just with God?. How can we sinners be made righteous?. It is only through Jesus. To repent must include sorrow for sin. We must also turn away from it. We must fear condemnation and judgment. The Holy Spirit helps with our conviction of our heart and mind. When we repent, a joy of holiness takes over. We cannot repent on our own accord. It comes from Jesus. It is Jesus who gives us the courage to repent. We come to Jesus just as we are.

research help: ' Steps to Christ' by Ellen White

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 22

the miracle on Titanic page 22 by ric gustafson

David stood up as Charlene and her brother approached the table. " You look wonderful tonight". He pulled her chair out for her to sit down.
David's mother was sitting next to Colonel Archibald Gracie. Across from David and Charlene was Benjamin Guggenheim and Kitty Webb.
Just then, a well dressed man sat down. " My name is JJ Astor". He smiled. " My wife is ill this evening".
David grinned. " Colonel Astor, I enjoyed our conversation this afternoon".
" Oh yes Sharpston".
The table enjoyed a dinner of rack of lamb and baron of beef.
David noticed the dance floor was empty. " Charlene, would you care to dance?".
She nodded yes. They excused themselves from the table. They walked onto the dance floor.
" Charlene". He held her left hand and glided her across the floor. " I'm going to start studying the bible tonight".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric