Monday, July 16, 2018

A Frank page 6

A Frank page 6 by ric Gustafson

On August 4 1944, Anne's world shattered. At 10:30 am, Gestapo with guns drawn stormed Otto's business. Officer Karl Silberbauer arrested Edith, Otto, Margot, Anne, Peter Van Pels, Hermann and Auguste Van Pels and Fritz Pfeffer. On the floor was Anne's writing which was in Otto's briefcase. They were given five minutes to gather their things.
The eight were taken outside to a windowless truck. They were held in an Amsterdam jail until August 8. On that day, they entered a train bound for Westerbork. This was a transit camp in Northern Holland. Finally, they arrived at the dusty and bleak camp. It was crowded with 16,000 people at any time. The eight were registered and assigned to a punishment barracks. Edith, Margot and Anne were assigned to take apart batteries. By August 25 1944, they were still at the camp. On September 2 1944, their luck ran out. 1019 people including the eight were shoved into windowless cattle cars. Each car was filled with 70 people. There was no room to sit or lie down. There was hardly any water or food. After three days, their journey ended.

research help: ' Anne Frank' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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