Tuesday, July 3, 2018

3 days page 12

3 days page 12 by ric Gustafson

The caravan stopped at an inn near Gabaon. It was less than ten miles from the Temple. The inn was packed because it was close to the Holy City. They set up camp in the late afternoon. Yeshua tied up the donkeys and watered them. Miriam and Yosef purchased food. Some of the women were baking bread.
Yeshua helped his parents pitch their tent. Miriam unwrapped her husband's ankle bandages. It was swollen and throbbing. He soaked it in a bucket of cold well water.
The inn was completely full. Several caravans were staying there as well. Miriam, Yosef and Yeshua enjoyed a quiet meal of fresh bread, fish, cheese, dates and figs. That night, Yeshua woke up from a bad dream. Miriam held him tight until he went back to sleep.

research help: ' Three Days' by Chris Stepien

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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