Thursday, July 5, 2018

3 days page 14

3 days page 14 by ric Gustafson

Yeshua was up early. He was anxious to see the Temple of his heavenly Father. He was also anxious to see his cousin John. John was now about thirteen and he and Yeshua had become close friends. He was tall for his age, broad shouldered and looked like the son of a farmer.
When Yeshua saw his cousin, they embraced. John told him that his mother would greet them at the Temple. John gave Yeshua a rock from the old Temple. Yeshua gave his cousin the boat he had been carving.
After a while, they began to walk toward the city's eastern gate. Their first stop was the Valley of the Cheesemakers. Yeshua listened to the merchants as they hawked their wares. The family and John stopped at the mikveh near the Temple's south wall. This was the cleansing bath which was a ritual before entering the Temple. John knew a moneychanger named Uriel. Only Tyrian shekels were permitted in the Temple. Yosef handed him some coins. For exchange, they were given two stacks of silver shekels. Yeshua was anxious to go inside.

research help: ' Three Days' by Chris Stepien

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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