Tuesday, July 31, 2018

3 days page 17

3 days page 17 by ric Gustafson

Yeshua was carrying the flayed lamb as they reached their camp. A fire was already burning. Miriam cleaned the lamb with water, olive oil, rosemary and other spices. Yosef put the meat above hot coals. Everyone was cooking lambs and kid goats. Women were baking unleavened bread. Eating that night consisted of feast of lamb, unleavened bread, bitter herbs and chicory.
As they ate, the story of the Exodus was told. The Rabbi told a story of Passover and Israel's exodus from Egypt. Yeshua knew that Passover was the start of a journey that led to God's mercy, freedom and salvation. The Seder wine was continuing to flow during the night.

research help: ' Three Days' by Chris Stepien

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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