Wednesday, August 10, 2016

the miracle on Titanic page 7

the miracle on Titanic page 7 by ric Gustafson

Camille walked up the Grand Staircase. She figured her son was in the smoking room. She opened the door and smelled the stale cigar smell. She noticed her son sitting in a red leather chair.
" Mother" David exclaimed. He pointed toward the gentleman next to him. " I'd like to introduce you to Colonel John J Astor".
The middle aged man with a mustache stood up and shook her hand. " A pleasure to meet you". He smiled. " Are you related to the Sharpston Steel Corp?".
" Yes, my father started the company".
Colonel Astor's valet walked in and whispered into his ear.
" I must excuse myself". He walked out.
" Let's go up on deck". She walked toward the glass doors. " The ship will be sailing before too long".
They walked along the Boat Deck. David noticed the life boats tied up along the side. He heard laughter coming from the first class passageway. He noticed a young woman with flowing blonde hair and wearing a huge red hat. A male companion was with her.
David noticed that she had a bible in her left hand.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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