Thursday, August 4, 2016

the miracle on Titanic page 5

the miracle on Titanic page 5 by ric Gustafson

" Good morning Mr Boxhall".
The fourth officer, standing on the railing to the bridge, turned to see the smiling face of Captain E J Smith.
The young officer grinned. " A grand morning it is".
The Captain had his Afghan hound by his side. " Have you been working on our course?".
"Aye Sir". They walked onto the bridge and stopped at a large map. He pointed at it. " I have us more on a southerly route to avoid ice fields".
" That's fine for right now".
A young man entered the wireless operator room.
Captain Smith walked over and knocked on the door. It opened to reveal a young man standing next to a contraption he had never seen before.
" Come in Captain". He pointed to an open chair. " I'm Jack Phillips". He shook the Captain's hand. " Mr Bride and myself will be in charge of the Marconi wireless".
" Very impressive". He smiled. " Mr Phillips, what is the range of this new technology?".
" Four hundred miles by day Captain".
" Good".

research help: ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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