Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Fill My Cup: the Cup as my Teacher

Fill My Cup: the Cup as my Teacher by ric Gustafson

Our life with God should include healthy spiritual growth. Sometimes as we are on our path, we stray away from God and get off the path. Every part of our life affects and influences your life with God. Everything and everyone teaches me about God, life and myself. God dwells with us everywhere. We need to have an awareness of God's loving presence. God always fills our days and nights.

research help: ' The Cup of our Life' by Joyce Rupp

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 29, 2016

Fill My Cup: boundaries of the Cup

Fill My Cup: boundaries of the cup by ric Gustafson

Each of us has a spiritual path. Just as a cup has boundaries as far as width and depth, we also have spiritual boundaries. Otherwise we will be tempted to stray from our own spiritual path. God wants us to tap into his energy and spread our spiritual wings.
God please help me to keep within my spiritual boundaries and stay on my path.

research help: ' The Cup of our Life' by Joyce Rupp

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Fill My Cup: a container of God's presence

Fill My Cup: a container of God's presence by ric Gustafson

We as God's people are containers holding the Divine Presence. God goes with me wherever I go. I carry God into each experience and relationship.
God's presence is everywhere. It is always moving and calling to people. Jesus wants us to make a home in us. God is here and with us. God wants to become our home.
God has made a home in my heart.

research help: ' The Cup of our Life' by Joyce Rupp

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 27, 2016

voices of Titanic: Lifeboat 5

voices of Titanic: Lifeboat 5 by ric Gustafson

First Officer ordered Third Officer Pitman to load Lifeboat 5. 37 people were on this lifeboat.
First Class Passenger Genevieve Cassebeer was visiting Paris and took the first steamer she could back. This was the Titanic. Her cabin was on D Deck and she felt the full impact of the iceberg. She walked out on deck with Harry Anderson. She put on a life preserver and then put on Lifeboat 5 by Mr Thomas Andrews who designed the ship. Once lowered, the boat rowed out. Officer Pitman wanted to go back and save people but was turned down by the others.
First Class Passenger Catherine Crosby, her husband and daughter were traveling on the Titanic.They occupied Statesroom 22 and 26. On Sunday the 14th, she noticed a thumping at 11:30 pm. Once on Lifeboat 5, it was dark and she could only see oars on board. She watched the liner sink about 2:20 am on the 15th.
First Class Passenger Norman Chambers was traveling on the Titanic with his wife Bertha. Their statesroom was E-8 which was on the starboard side. He was in bed when the iceberg hit. Both he and his wife got dressed and walked up to the Boat Deck. He noticed Officer Pitman was directed to take care of our boat which was Lifeboat 5. Norman and his wife got on board the lifeboat.
Lifeboat 5 was the second boat filled on the starboard side. The first being Lifeboat 7.

research help: ' Titanic Voices' by Hannah Holman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Fill My Cup: the cup of my life

Fill My Cup: the cup of my life by ric Gustafson

God wants us to be a cup of life to others. Each cup is different just as we are different. Each of us have a different personality, just as a cup cannot change it's color or shape. Neither can we.
Each of our spiritual path's are unique. We cannot take another person's path. God created each of us out of love. In God's eyes, we are a one of a kind.
Thank you Father for making me the unique person that I am.

research help: ' The Cup of our Life' by Joyce Rupp

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 26, 2016

voices of Titanic: Lifeboat 7

voices of Titanic: Lifeboat 7 by ric gustafson

The Bishops were returning from their honeymoon and were First Class passengers. Helen's dog Freu Freu was a kennel on board most likely on the boat deck. The couple had visited Egypt, Italy, France and Algiers. Mr Bishop was reading in their stateroom when the iceberg hit. The Bishops entered Lifeboat 7 which was the first to be lowered. There were 28 on board including the Bishops. The lifeboat floated from 12:30 am Sunday night until 5 am Monday morning. The lifeboat was the fourth to be picked up by the Carpathia.
Archie Jewell was one of the Titanic's lookouts. Jewell and another seaman named Weller were assigned to Lifeboat 7 to help load and lower. Another lookout named Hogg got on board at the last minute. All the lookouts from the liner survived.
First Class passenger James McGough remembers sharing a stateroom with John Flynn who was a buyer for Gimbel. McGough was thrown into Lifeboat 7 by an officer.

research help: ' Titanic Voices' by Hannah Holman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Isaiah 6: 1-9 page 2

Isaiah 6: 1-9 page 2 by ric Gustafson

I cried out. " I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips". I spoke again. " Mine eyes have seen the King the Lord of hosts".
One of the Seraphims had a live coal in his hand. He laid it upon my mouth. " Lo, this hath touched thy lips". The voice hesitated. " Thine iniquity is taken away, thy sin purged".
Then I heard the voice of the Lord. " Whom shall I send".
I replied. " Here am I, send me".
" Go and tell this people".

The End

research help: the Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Isaiah 6: 1-9 page 1

Isaiah 6: 1-9 page 1 by ric Gustafson

I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne. He was high and lifted up. His train filled the Temple. Above it stood Seraphims. Each one had six wings. A twain covered it's face and feet.
" Holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts" they cried out.
" The whole earth is full of his glory".
The posts of the door moved at that voice. The house was filled with smoke.
I cried out. " Woe is me for I am undone". The voice hesitated. " I am a man of unclean lips".

research help: the Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Humility: humility and happiness

Humility: humility and happiness by ric Gustafson

To the Christian, humility is the place of blessing, power and joy. There are two stages in the pursuit of humility. First, the person fears, flees and seeks deliverance from all that can humble him. He has not yet learned to seek humility at any cost. But there is a danger.
The danger of pride is great. The grace for humility is greater than we think. The humility of Jesus is our salvation. The power of Jesus will rest upon us.

The End

research help: ' Humility' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Humility: humility and death to self

Humility: humility and death to self by ric Gustafson

death to self is the perfect fruit. Jesus humbled himself unto death. This is a path that we all must walk. Humility must lead us to die for self. One of the marks of the dying of Jesus is humility. Only humility leads to perfect death. Death perfects humility. Humility means the giving up of self and becoming the perfect nothing before God.
Jesus died to self and the sin that tempted him. Jesus as man entered into the perfect life of God. It is God's work to die to self. Jesus's death leads to perfect humility.

research help: ' Humility' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Humility: humility and faith

Humility: humility and faith by ric Gustafson

There are promises of the Christian life. Perfect peace and rest, love, joy and fruitfulness. But something hinders those promises. Pride blocks those promises. Pride makes faith impossible. Faith is surrendering and waiting for God to work in our lives. Humility is the soul living on trust. Faith is understanding the heavenly world and it's blessings.
Salvation  comes through the cross and a crucified Jesus. Salvation is union in the humility of Jesus. Our path to God is the cross, Jesus's death and the grave.

research help: ' Humility' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 22, 2016

the fruit of the Spirit page 10

the fruit of the Spirit page 10 by ric Gustafson

Amy turned the corner of the grocery aisle. She almost ran into the cart of her best friend. " Hi Elaine".
" Hi". Her friend put a large bag of cookies on a shelf. " I almost bought that large bag of cookies".
" What's wrong?".
" Stress at work". She put a bag of coffee into her cart. " Sometimes I feel like buying something that I shouldn't".
Amy grinned. " Did you know that self control is a fruit of the Spirit?".
Elaine put a box of cereal into her cart. " No, I did not know that".
" Self control starts at the heart of the soul". Her voice hesitated. " And makes up the character of a person".
" The heart of a soul".
Amy smiled. " Self control is the motive of the soul".
Elaine thought for a moment. " So my heart can go either good or bad".
" That's right". She hugged her best friend. " God wants our motives and thoughts to be pleasing to him".

The End

research help: ' Fruit of the Spirit' by Ron Hembree

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the fruit of the Spirit page 9

the fruit of the Spirit page 9 by ric Gustafson

Elaine putted her white golf ball into the cup. She sighed in frustration. " I can't believe how bad I am".
" Don't be so hard on yourself" Amy replied as she putted her ball into the cup. " You should be more gentle with yourself".
" I'm more gentle with others than myself". She took the balls out of the hole and handed Amy hers. " I wish I was more gentle with myself".
Amy smiled as they walked toward the next tee. " Did you know that gentleness is one of the fruits of the Spirit?".
They stopped at the tee box.
" No, I did not know that". She teed up her ball. " How can I be gentle at all times?". She hit her tee shot over a creek.
Amy teed up her ball. " The first thing you need to do is to make time to be gentle".
" I try to make time".
Amy hit her ball over the creek. " Also you need to make an effort to try and be gentle  at all times".
They began to walk toward their golf balls.
" I'll try".
" Being gentle with yourself will help you to be gentle to others".

research help: ' Fruit of the Spirit' by Ron Hembree

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 21, 2016

S. W. The Force Awakens page 1

S. W. The Force Awakens page 1 by ric Gustafson

War was coming to Jakku. The battle cruiser was called the Finalizer. It had thousands of officers, gunners, soldiers and technicians. The stormtroopers of the First Order were devoted to their cause and their loyalty was devout.
The stormtroopers wore white body armor. The shell plates were lightened and made less bulky. This provided greater flexibility and freedom of movement. The stormtrooper helmet was streamlined. The visor was elongated for a larger field of vision. Having just been commissioned as a full stormtrooper, FN-2187 was eager to do his duty.

research help: ' Star Wars The Force Awakens the Junior Novel' by Michael Kogge

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bedtime Bible Stories: Genesis 2: 8-24

Bedtime Bible Stories: Genesis 2: 8-24 by ric Gustafson

God created man. He named him Adam. God planted a garden in Eden. This garden was to be Adam's home. The garden was huge. Four rivers ran through it. Beautiful trees and plants grew there. It was good for food. God told Adam to take care of this garden.
Out of the dust, God created animals and birds. God brought them to Adam. Adam named them all. Adam was alone. God proclaimed that this was not good. He said that he would make someone to be with Adam. God made Eve.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Bedtime Bible Stories: Genesis 1: 20- 2:3

Bedtime Bible Stories: Genesis 1: 20- 2: 3 by ric Gustafson

On the fifth day God said ' I want the seas to be filled with living things'. And it was so. Then God said ' I want birds to fly in the sky'. And it was so. Then God said ' I want animals to live on earth'. So God created big animals and little things to creep on the ground. And it was so.
Finally God said that he was going to make human beings. They will stand tall and have a soul. They will rule the earth and care for it. So God took some dust from the ground and formed man. He breathed life into him. Then God blessed what he had created. That ended the sixth day.
On the seventh day, he rested. He blessed that day and made it holy.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the fruit of the Spirit page 8

the fruit of the Spirit page 8 by ric Gustafson

Amy stood near the back entrance of the sanctuary. She had on dark sunglasses to shield her eyes from the hot noon day sun.
Her friend Elaine walked out. " Hi Amy". She smiled. " Have you been waiting long?".
" No".
They began walking toward Elaine's blue Mazda.
" I was helping the worship team at the 11:00 service". She unlocked the door. " I really enjoy helping out".
They got in and buckled their seatbelts.
" That's good" Amy replied. " Faithfulness is one of the fruits of the Spirit".
" It is".
" God loves what you do for him and his Kingdom". She smiled. " And he blesses your efforts".
" How is that Amy?" she replied as she drove out of the church parking lot.
" When you serve him faithfully". Her voice hesitated. " You are helping with God's plan for salvation".
" And what is that plan?".
" That souls of men will be saved and not perish".

research help: ' Fruit of the Spirit' by Ron Hembree

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 19, 2016

Bedtime Bible Stories: Genesis 1: 1-19

Bedtime Bible Stories: Genesis 1: 1-19 by ric Gustafson

The earth is very old. God has always been alive. God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was empty, dark and covered with water. Nothing lived on the earth.
God proclaimed ' Let there be light". And there was light. God called the light Day and the darkness Night. This was the first day. On the second day, God made the sky. Then God made the dry land come out of the water. He named the land Earth and the waters Sea. Then God commanded that the green plants grow from the earth. All this happened on the third day.
On the fourth day, God commanded that the sun, moon and stars come into the sky. God did this to give light to the earth. The sun shone in the day. The moon and stars shined at night.
God saw that all that he had done was good.

research help: ' 365 Bedtime Bible Stories' by Daniel Partner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 10

the miracle on Titanic page 10 by ric Gustafson

" Mother, I'm going to go talk to somebody for a minute".
Camille glanced at the young woman who was sitting at another table. " Ok".
David stood up and started walking toward the table. All of a sudden, she and her escort stood up and walked out a side door. He followed into an area that contained a set of spiral iron stairs. As he went through the door, he now stood at the rear deck of second class.
The young woman, who was wearing a red hat and clutching a small bible, whispered something to her escort. He walked toward the Well Deck.
She turned around. She smiled at David. " You've been following me".
" I guess I have". He blushed. " I'm  David Sharpston".
" As in Sharpston Steel".
He grinned. " Yes, my grandfather started the company".
" Hey you two".
They turned to see an officer walk up. " This leads to third class steerage".
" Sorry officer".
They walked up to the Aft Well Deck.
David smiled at her. " I don't know your name".
" Charlene Moton".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the fruit of the Spirit page 7

the fruit of the Spirit page 7 by ric Gustafson

Amy wondered what happened to her friend. She smiled as she noticed her friend's blue Mazda pull into her driveway. As she got out, she knew something had happened.
" I cannot believe it Amy" Elaine yelled as she slammed the driver door. She walked toward the brown mailbox. " I was in a really good mood". She opened the mailbox and took out her mail. " Then this person cut me off and almost caused me to crash". She walked over and opened her trunk.
" I'm sorry to hear that". She got out and helped her friend get some things out of the trunk. " The heart is divided".
Elaine stopped. " What do you mean the heart is divided?".
" Our heart has the capacity for goodness or evil".
" You mean like the anger I was feeling for the other driver".
They walked toward the front door.
Amy smiled. " Goodness is one of the fruits of the Spirit".
Elaine opened the front door.
" We need to cry to God to make us good". Her voice hesitated. " He will give us true goodness".

research help: ' Fruit of the Spirit' by Ron Hembree

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Humility: humility and sin

Humility: humility and sin by ric Gustafson

In the life of Jesus, humility is the essence of holiness and blessedness. God is all, self is nothing. The Apostle Paul called himself a persecutor and blasphemer. God's grace saved Paul and he remembered his sins no more. Paul was a saved sinner. We must confess that we are sinners saved by grace. Jesus through the Holy Spirit is the health, light and life of the soul. Humility only lives by the grace of God. As sinners, we need to dwell in the full light of God's holy redeeming love. Instead of sin, we need to be occupied with God.

research help: ' Humility' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

the fruit of the Spirit page 6

the fruit of the Spirit page 6 by ric Gustafson

Amy was looking at a fiction book. She noticed her friend was sitting at a nearby computer. " Hello Elaine".
" Hello Amy". She smiled as she held up a book. " I just found a book about Moses".
Amy smiled as she peeked at the book. " He's a good person to read about".
Elaine then held up another book. " I also found this book about meekness".
Amy grinned. " In the Book of Numbers, it talks about Moses being very meek".
Elaine thought for a moment. " I don't picture Moses as being meek".
" Paul mentions meekness as being one of the fruits of the Spirit". She pointed at the book. " I think he was implying strength not weakness".
" Oh". She picked up the books. " I better go check these out".
" I believe that Moses was full of strength". She smiled. " I believe that he responded to his calling and understood his worth before God".

research help: ' Fruit of the Spirit' by Ron Hembree

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 9

the miracle on Titanic page 9 by ric Gustafson

" Why don't we try the Parisien Café for a bite to eat?" David suggested as they were walking back from the deck. He was studying a brochure of all that the great ship offered. " It's supposed to be just like you are actually eating at a Paris Café".
Camille smiled. " Ok". They walked a short distance and then found it.
She looked around. " It does look like a Paris Café".
They sat down in some wicker furniture. An actual French waiter walked over and took their order.
David observed silk ferns up the lattice. They waited for their food. Their food arrived. They ate as they listened to a string trio from the reception room next door.
David observed the young woman he had seen earlier. She had taken a seat at the opposite side of the room.
She smiled at him.
David knew he had to introduce himself.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 15, 2016

the miracle on Titanic page 8

the miracle on Titanic page 8 by ric Gustafson

David and his mother stood on the deck. They could hear the huge propellers begin to turn. Each measured over 16 feet. As the water began to churn, the huge liner slowly began to move away from it's berth. David watched as a smaller liner the New York began to bob up and down. Just then, the ropes securing the small liner snapped. The ship began to drift toward the Titanic.
Captain Smith threw the engines into reverse. Ropes were thrown and the small ship stopped just short of hitting the giant liner.
Fourth Officer Boxhall swung the wheel hard to port. The giant liner just barely missed hitting the small ship.
Captain Smith put a hand on the young officer's shoulder. " That was very close Mr Boxhall".
Officer Lighttoler smiled. " That was very good steering Mr Boxhall".
" Aye Sir". He swung the wheel back to starboard.
Captain Smith grinned. " All ahead slow".
A young sailor cranked the telelgraph.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 13, 2016

the fruit of the Spirit page 5

the fruit of the Spirit page 5 by ric Gustafson

Amy stopped a steel cart at the fresh fruit aisle. She noticed her friend Elaine putting some apples into a cart. " Hi Elaine".
" Hello". She sighed as she put some oranges into a bag. " I'm sad today".
" Why is that?".
They walked over to the fresh vegetables.
" I just came from the funeral of a high school classmate". Tears formed in her eyes. " She had long term cancer". She hugged Amy. " During the funeral service, I was asking myself why she had to suffer that much?".
Amy smiled. " Elaine, I believe that longsuffering is a fruit of the Spirit".
Elaine put some celery into her cart. " What do you mean?".
" I feel if you approach affliction in the right spirit, you will benefit".
Elaine thought for a moment. " Like Joseph".
" Yes". She hugged her friend. " Joseph had to suffer in order to show compassion later".
Elaine grinned. " Now I'm beginning to understand".

research help: ' Fruit of the Spirit' by Ron Hembree

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Humility: humility and holiness

Humility: humility and holiness by ric Gustafson

We need humility to allow God's holiness to dwell in him and shine in him. Holiness will be humility before God and men. The lack of humility is counterfeit holiness. We need God to teach us that our thoughts and words are the test of our humility. Our humility must be Jesus the Lamb of God who lives within us. God does not want us to have the pride of holiness. God does not want us to think that we are holier than someone else. Our holiness is to be clothed in Jesus's humility.

research help: ' Humility' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Humility: humility in daily life

Humility: humility in daily life by ric Gustafson

There is only one proof that humility before God is real. That proof is that we have humility in us and that we are actually like Jesus. Only when lowliness is the very spirit of our lives. When we have humility before men is it proved that we have humility before God.
Humility of our heart shows in our relationships with each other and how we treat each other. Humility is when our soul serves God and serves all.

research help: ' Humility' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

the miracle on Titanic page 7

the miracle on Titanic page 7 by ric Gustafson

Camille walked up the Grand Staircase. She figured her son was in the smoking room. She opened the door and smelled the stale cigar smell. She noticed her son sitting in a red leather chair.
" Mother" David exclaimed. He pointed toward the gentleman next to him. " I'd like to introduce you to Colonel John J Astor".
The middle aged man with a mustache stood up and shook her hand. " A pleasure to meet you". He smiled. " Are you related to the Sharpston Steel Corp?".
" Yes, my father started the company".
Colonel Astor's valet walked in and whispered into his ear.
" I must excuse myself". He walked out.
" Let's go up on deck". She walked toward the glass doors. " The ship will be sailing before too long".
They walked along the Boat Deck. David noticed the life boats tied up along the side. He heard laughter coming from the first class passageway. He noticed a young woman with flowing blonde hair and wearing a huge red hat. A male companion was with her.
David noticed that she had a bible in her left hand.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Humility: humility in the disciples of Jesus

Humility: humility in the disciples of Jesus by ric Gustafson

The disciples of Jesus had a fervent attachment to him. They believed in him, they loved him and they had forsaken all to follow him. Yet like all people, they also had the dark power of pride inside them. Because of pride, we lack the grace of humility. Humility is one of God's highest graces. It is also one of the most difficult to attain. We need to be meek and lowly in heart.
Jesus taught that humility is the only path to the glory of God.
We need humility in order to become like Jesus.

research help: ' Humility' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 8, 2016

Humility: humility in the teaching of Jesus

Humility: humility in the teaching of Jesus by ric Gustafson

There were many things that Jesus taught about humility. Jesus taught about the blessings of heaven and earth. Jesus taught about perfect rest for the soul. Jesus taught about greatness in the Kingdom. Jesus taught about the standard of glory. Jesus taught about worship in humility. Jesus taught about the essential element of discipleship. Finally, Jesus taught about being a servant of all.

research help: ' Humility' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Humility: humility in the life of Jesus

Humility: humility in the life of Jesus by ric Gustafson

Jesus's humility is that he was humble. Jesus was the Son of God and man on earth. Jesus thought nothing of himself but others. God's redemptive work came through his Son. Jesus is nothing because God is all. Jesus submitted to his Father's will. Jesus humbled himself before men. Jesus was the servant of all. Jesus's humility was surrendering himself to his Father. We need to consent and do nothing for ourselves. Jesus was the servant of men.
We need to ask ourselves are we clothed with humility?.

research help: ' Humility' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Humility: the secret of humility

Humility: the secret of humility by ric Gustafson

We need redemption. Because of the first pride, we have had wars, bloodshed, selfishness and suffering. It is pride that made redemption necessary. To fight pride, we need the redemption of the Lamb of God. We need the humility of heaven to fight Satan and pride. Jesus is our Redeemer. Jesus is the humility of God. We must admire Jesus's humility. We need Jesus's humility to be the joy of our salvation. We must focus our hearts on our lack of humility. This humility must be revealed through Jesus. Then we will know what salvation truly is.

research help: ' Humility' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 5, 2016

Humility: the glory of humility

Humility: the glory of humility by ric Gustafson

When God created the universe, he showed the glory of his love, his wisdom and his power. God wants to dwell and manifest in us his power and goodness. God wants us to show him our humility that we are totally dependent on him. Humility is the root of every virtue. The loss of humility is the root of every sin and evil.
Our lost humility is the original and only true relationship of man to God. Jesus came to save us and our humility. Jesus showed us his humility. Jesus's humility gave us our redemption through his death. Jesus had perfect humility and it gave us our salvation. Without humility, we cannot abide in God's presence or experience his favor or the power of the Holy Spirit.

research help: ' Humility' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 6

the miracle on Titanic page 6 by ric Gustafson

David turned the brass doorknob of C-77. He walked into an elegant room.
" Excuse me Sir".
He turned to see a steward standing in the doorway. " Yes".
" I have your trunks on my cart". He tipped his hat. " I am Stringfeld, your steward".
" You can bring them in and put them by that sofa".
The steward, wearing a white coat, black trousers and a bowtie, put them where he asked. He walked over and handed David an envelope. " This is a welcome from Bruce Ismay and the White Star Line". He walked toward the door. " If you need me, just ring the bell that is over the desk".
" Thank you". He left and David sat down on the edge of the cherry colored bed. He noticed a light colored bedspread that went up to four oversized pillows. He looked up to see a brass lamp over the bed.
Just then, his mother walked in. " David, this ship is huge".
He looked around. " This room is beautiful also".
" David, I'm getting tired". She gave her son a weak smile. " I'd like to rest awhile".
" Ok". He gave her a peck on the cheek. " I'm going to tour the ship for a while before it leaves the berth".

research help: ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 4, 2016

the miracle on Titanic page 5

the miracle on Titanic page 5 by ric Gustafson

" Good morning Mr Boxhall".
The fourth officer, standing on the railing to the bridge, turned to see the smiling face of Captain E J Smith.
The young officer grinned. " A grand morning it is".
The Captain had his Afghan hound by his side. " Have you been working on our course?".
"Aye Sir". They walked onto the bridge and stopped at a large map. He pointed at it. " I have us more on a southerly route to avoid ice fields".
" That's fine for right now".
A young man entered the wireless operator room.
Captain Smith walked over and knocked on the door. It opened to reveal a young man standing next to a contraption he had never seen before.
" Come in Captain". He pointed to an open chair. " I'm Jack Phillips". He shook the Captain's hand. " Mr Bride and myself will be in charge of the Marconi wireless".
" Very impressive". He smiled. " Mr Phillips, what is the range of this new technology?".
" Four hundred miles by day Captain".
" Good".

research help: ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

the miracle on Titanic page 4

the miracle on Titanic page 4 by ric Gustafson

" What did he say Robert?" Charlene asked as she observed a young man with his mother. " What did the officer say?".
" His name is Officer Lighttoler". His voice hesitated. " He found our name in his notebook".
She straightened her red hat. " I hope our room is nice".
" It's on B Deck, I'm sure it's very nice".
She looked around. " What happened to our trunks?".
" A Porter took them to the Purser's office".
She walked up to the officer. " What do you mean the Purser's office?".
Officer Lighttoler tipped his hat. " There they will process your boarding pass and direct you toward your room".
" Thank you officer".
" No problem" he replied with a grin. " Enjoy this beautiful ship".
They walked through the entrance. They were met by a White Star steward.
" Hello, my name is Andrew Larimore". He smiled. " I am the Chief Steward". He shook Robert's hand. " One of my stewards will take you to the Purser's office".
" Thank you".

research help: ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Pilate page 18

Pilate page 18 by ric Gustafson

Pilate stared out the window. It was a cool spring morning.
An aide walked in.
" Please have someone set up my dais in the shaded courtyard". He quickly ate some breakfast and then sat down. He looked at his trusted Tribune. " Any unfinished business?".
The two shackled highwaymen were brought before him.
He looked at the first man. " I judge you guilty". He gave him a stern stare. " The sentence is death".
He said the same thing to the second man.
" Let both men be crucified".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 1, 2016

Pilate page 17

Pilate page 17 by ric Gustafson

Pilate yawned. He turned to his Tribune. " How many more cases?".
" Just two my Prefect". He sighed. " These are the two highwaymen who killed some Passover pilgrims as they were entering the Holy City".
Pilate stared at the two shackled men. " Are there any witnesses?".
" Yes, my Prefect".
Three women came forward and gave their testimony.
Members of the Roman patrol who captured the men came forward.
Pilate stared at the Tribune. " Have you gotten a signed confession from these two?".
" Yes, my Prefect".
Pilate looked at the two. " I find you both guilty of all charges".
" My Prefect".
Pilate turned toward his faithful aide.
" My Prefect, it is late in the day for crucifixion".
" Judgment will be suspended until tomorrow morning".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 3

the miracle on Titanic page 3 by ric Gustafson

David adjusted his black bowler hat. He watched as steerage passengers from Waterloo Station ran up to the Aft ramp. " After you ok Mother?" he asked as he noticed the growing confusion along the wide berth. People were hurrying to get on board before the ship sailed at noon.
" Yes, I'm fine" Camille replied as she tried to drag her trunks across the concrete.
" Help with those Sir" a porter asked as he reached for one of the trunks.
" Yes". He winked at his mother. " My Mother and I would appreciate it greatly".
He tipped his hat. " I can take them up to C Deck for you".
Camille exhaled in relief. " Thank you".
They walked up the ramp toward an officer. He was wearing a blue suit and a cap. He was holding a notebook.
" Welcome to the Titanic". He smiled. " I am Second Officer Lighttoller".
" I am David Sharpston and this is my Mother Camille Sharpston".
The officer stared at his notebook. " Yes, I have you in C-77".
" Officer, this is a beautiful ship".
He smiled again. " The RMS Titanic is the British Empire at it's best".
David smiled back.
" Up the ramp is the first class entrance to B Deck". He pointed toward the entrance. " Once inside, a steward will take you to the Purser's Office".
" Why is that?".
" The Purser will process your boarding pass and direct you to your cabin".

research help: ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric