Saturday, July 23, 2016

Pilate page 14

Pilate page 14 by ric Gustafson

Pilate and Claudia were about to enter Jerusalem.
She pointed up the hill. " Look up toward the slope of the Mount of Olives".
Pilate squinted and noticed throngs of joyous people on both sides of the road. Some of them were holding something that looked like palm branches.
They went to the Antonia Fortress.
" It was that Rabbi from Galilee" replied the Tribune. " His name is Jesus".
Pilate sighed. " So this Rabbi is finally making himself known".
" Some people were throwing palm branches ahead of him". His voice hesitated. " Some of the people were shouting praises to the Son of David".
" Son of David?". He walked over to a window and looked out. " What else has he been doing in the city?".
" Not much my Prefect".
" What exactly has he been doing?".
" He went to the Temple for a while  and then left the city with his followers".
" Tribune, keep me informed".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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