Wednesday, July 13, 2016

David: I Samuel 17

David: I Samuel 17 by ric Gustafson

King Saul's army was confronting the Philistines. David was now again tending the sheep. He would transport provisions to his older brothers in the army. When he came this time, he heard that a nine foot warrior named Goliath was taunting the Israelites. He found out that this had been going on for forty days. David volunteered to fight the giant. His brothers tried to persuade him not to do it. David did not listen.
David put on Saul's armor and then picked up five smooth stones. Everyone knows the rest of the story. We can do anything that God calls us to do through Jesus who strengthens us. Our God is taller and mightier than any Goliath that we face in life. God wants us to be a member of the army of the Living God. A Living God is worth believing in.

research help: ' A Heart Like His' by Beth Moore

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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