Friday, July 29, 2016

J Carter page 1

J Carter page 1 by ric Gustafson

In January of 1977, Jimmy Carter, his wife Rosalynn and their daughter Amy walked down Pennsylvania Avenue to their new home. Carter was determined to be a people's president and be among the citizens. His simple message was that his presidency would be different. Carter came to Washington an outsider. He had come up through politics as a Georgia governor. His independence and lack of encumbrances was a welcome relief to Washington.
His term in office started successfully with a Panama Canal treaty in 1978. His administration designed an ambitious energy plan. In 1979 however, everything fell apart. The economy was in shambles, oil prices had skyrocketed and Americans were being held in Iran. Carter was told that he had an uphill battle if he was to defeat Republican Ronald Reagan in 1980.
They were right. Jimmy Carter was defeated by Ronald Reagan.

research help: ' Jimmy Carter' by Julian E Zelizer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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