Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Locker 107 page 4

Locker 107 page 4 by ric Gustafson

Alison walked over to Helene. She was standing next to a rusted locker. The rusted name plate read ' 107' on top.
Helene smiled. " You do the honor".
Alison opened the locker and peered inside. She noticed it was empty except for a faded manila folder. She opened it. Some faded photos fell out. She reached down and picked them up. She began to study them. Some of the pictures were of her parents and grandparents. She began to stare at the last photo. She handed it to Helene. " Is this my great grandmother?".
She stared at the photo. " It sure is". She handed it back.
" Who's the handsome man standing next to her?".
" I don't know".
All of a sudden, Alison dropped the photo. " Oh my God!".
" What?".
" They are standing on the Titanic".

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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