Saturday, July 30, 2016

J Carter page 2

J Carter page 2 by ric Gustafson

Jimmy Carter was born on October 1 1924 in Plains Georgia. His father James Earl Carter was a southern farmer, entrepreneur and landowner. His mother Bessie Lillian Gordy was trained as a nurse. At four years of age, the family moved to nearby Archery Georgia. The family bought a 350 acre farm. They grew several crops including peanuts.
Jimmy helped his parents with their farm and their warehouse that was in town. The family belonged to the Plains Baptist Church which had three hundred members. There were many African Americans who were important in Jimmy's life.
When the Great Depression hit Plains Georgia, Jimmy was entering grade school.

research help: ' Jimmy Carter' by Julian E Zelizer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 2

the miracle on Titanic page 2 by ric Gustafson

Charlene Moton held the strange envelope in her hand.
" Open it" her friend Martha Clarke exclaimed with wide eyes. " Before I have to get to my next class".
She opened it. She took out a sheet of paper with an insignia at the top.
" The Titanic" her friend gushed as she almost fell off the chair she was sitting on. " You're going back home on the Titanic".
Charlene blushed. " I wasn't sure which ship they had booked for me".
" I envy you". Martha played with her bright red hair. " I heard first class passage is very expensive on that ship".
Charlene smiled. " My father does own his own construction company".
Her friend stared at the ticket and itinerary.
" I envy you". She hugged her friend. " Are you going alone?".
" No, my brother is going with me".

research help: ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 29, 2016

J Carter page 1

J Carter page 1 by ric Gustafson

In January of 1977, Jimmy Carter, his wife Rosalynn and their daughter Amy walked down Pennsylvania Avenue to their new home. Carter was determined to be a people's president and be among the citizens. His simple message was that his presidency would be different. Carter came to Washington an outsider. He had come up through politics as a Georgia governor. His independence and lack of encumbrances was a welcome relief to Washington.
His term in office started successfully with a Panama Canal treaty in 1978. His administration designed an ambitious energy plan. In 1979 however, everything fell apart. The economy was in shambles, oil prices had skyrocketed and Americans were being held in Iran. Carter was told that he had an uphill battle if he was to defeat Republican Ronald Reagan in 1980.
They were right. Jimmy Carter was defeated by Ronald Reagan.

research help: ' Jimmy Carter' by Julian E Zelizer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 16

Pilate page 16 by ric Gustafson

Pilate yawned as he stepped down from the raised dais. He was already tired because it had been a busy Wednesday. He had to deal with two acquittals, one condemnation to imprisonment and one capital sentence. It was late evening. He began to walk toward his private chamber. All of a sudden, he was stopped by an aide. Next to him stood a young servant.
" My Prefect".
Pilate yawned again. " Yes".
" This is Malchus". His voice hesitated. " He is Chief Priest Caiaphas's servant".
The aide handed the Prefect a parchment. " The Chief Priest would like you to read it".
Pilate studied it. He looked at the young servant. " Your master is asking for a contingent of my garrison to assist in apprehending this Rabbi from Galilee". He turned toward his aide. " Bring me a blank parchment".
The aide brought the parchment. Pilate sat down at a nearby table. He quietly wrote on the parchment. When he was done, he handed it to Malchus.
" Tell your master the answer is no".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 1

the miracle on Titanic page 1 by ric Gustafson

The bellman stopped David Sharpston in his tracks. " Help with those trunks Sir".
" Yes, thank you". His arms hurt from trying to lift his mother's trunk's.
" David, we need to hurry and leave" Camille Sharpston said as she walked quickly into the hotel's lobby. " The first class passengers are going to start boarding in two hours".
" By the way Mother". His voice hesitated. " What do you have in those heavy trunks?".
She winked at her son. " Shopping".
The bellman motioned that their transportation was ready. " Ready to go?".
David smiled as they walked outside. " I am sure glad about that coal strike".
She gave him a puzzled look. " Why is that?".
He smiled again. " Because instead of the Lusitania, we will be traveling on the most beautiful ship afloat today".
His mother gushed. " The Titanic".
David held onto his mother's arm. " Yes, let's go".
She smiled. " I can't wait to see it".

research help: ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Locker 107 page 4

Locker 107 page 4 by ric Gustafson

Alison walked over to Helene. She was standing next to a rusted locker. The rusted name plate read ' 107' on top.
Helene smiled. " You do the honor".
Alison opened the locker and peered inside. She noticed it was empty except for a faded manila folder. She opened it. Some faded photos fell out. She reached down and picked them up. She began to study them. Some of the pictures were of her parents and grandparents. She began to stare at the last photo. She handed it to Helene. " Is this my great grandmother?".
She stared at the photo. " It sure is". She handed it back.
" Who's the handsome man standing next to her?".
" I don't know".
All of a sudden, Alison dropped the photo. " Oh my God!".
" What?".
" They are standing on the Titanic".

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Locker 107 page 3

Locker 107 page 3 by ric Gustafson

Alison stared at her family pictures. She missed them so much.
Helene walked in with an index card in her hand. " It's possible that your great grandmother's locker has not been dismantled yet". She smiled. " Let's go take a look".
They walked through a side door. They entered the dusty deserted warehouse floor.
" So how many times have you been here?" she asked as they reached a rusted door.
" Probably about a dozen times over the years".
The sign above the door read ' Employee Locker Room'.
They entered an old musty room that was in the midst of being torn apart and dismantled.
Helene sighed. " They are in the process of dismantling all of these old lockers".
Both women walked in different directions to look around.
All of a sudden, Helene exclaimed. " I can't believe it". Her voice hesitated. " It's still here".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 25, 2016

Locker 107 page 2

Locker 107 page 2 by ric Gustafson

Alison opened the door and walked into the musty smelling foyer. She stopped and stared at fading pictures of her great grandparents, grandparents and her parents. All of a sudden, an older woman walked in. " Can I help you?".
" Yes". She took a newspaper article out of her purse and handed it to the woman. " I read that they were closing my family's company".
The woman stared at the younger woman. " You must be Alison Moton".
" Actually it's Alison Meinke now". She looked at her parents picture. " I'm Fred and Doris's daughter".
The woman gave her a hug. " I'm Helene Thomas". She smiled. " I babysat you when you were very young".
Alison blushed. " I'm doing research on my great grandmother".
" Charlene Moton".
" Yes". Her voice hesitated. " I was wondering if you had anything that might help me".
Helene smiled. " Let's take a look".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Locker 107 page 1

Locker 107 page 1 by ric Gustafson

Alison Meinke drove past the rusted sign. She drove the cranberry red Fusion through the large deserted parking lot. Luckily, her son had noticed the newspaper article and showed it to her. The news made her sad.
She had been told by her mother that the family's construction company might close and shut down. She drove into an empty stall near the front door. She got out and noticed that there was only one vehicle left in the parking lot. She walked to the front door. Overhead was a sign that read ' Moton Construction Company'. She smiled, opened the door and walked in.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Pilate page 15

Pilate page 15 by ric Gustafson

Pilate was assigning quotas for the annual tribute.
A hand went up.
" Yes Zacchaeus".
" My Prefect". The small in statue tax collector smiled. " I miscalculated Jericho's tribute last year by 50,000 sesterces".
Pilate stared at him in disbelief.
The tax collector opened a pouch that was around his waist and opened it. He took out some money and placed it on a table. " This should cover it".
Pilate shook his head.
The Tribune walked in. " My Prefect, trouble is brewing regarding that Rabbi from Galilee".
" What did he do now?".
" Using a homemade whip, he drove out the merchants in the Temple courtyard and overturned the moneychangers tables".
" Why would he do that?".
" He said that his Father's house was for prayer and they had made it into a den of robbers".
" Tribune, keep me informed".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Prayer: praying offensively

Prayer: praying offensively by ric Gustafson

We need to know how to pray against evil. God wants us tp pray in light, love and truth. The Christian life is staying away from sin and walking in love with God and others. We need to pray for God to open doors, send forth laborers into the harvest field and pour out his Holy Spirit. God wants us to pray against hardship and for blessings.
Father Son and Holy Spirit, help me to pray offensively and often Amen.

research help: ' The Battle Plan for Prayer' by the Kendrick Brothers

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Pilate page 14

Pilate page 14 by ric Gustafson

Pilate and Claudia were about to enter Jerusalem.
She pointed up the hill. " Look up toward the slope of the Mount of Olives".
Pilate squinted and noticed throngs of joyous people on both sides of the road. Some of them were holding something that looked like palm branches.
They went to the Antonia Fortress.
" It was that Rabbi from Galilee" replied the Tribune. " His name is Jesus".
Pilate sighed. " So this Rabbi is finally making himself known".
" Some people were throwing palm branches ahead of him". His voice hesitated. " Some of the people were shouting praises to the Son of David".
" Son of David?". He walked over to a window and looked out. " What else has he been doing in the city?".
" Not much my Prefect".
" What exactly has he been doing?".
" He went to the Temple for a while  and then left the city with his followers".
" Tribune, keep me informed".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 22, 2016

Pilate page 13

Pilate page 13 by ric Gustafson

Pilate noticed Cornelius entering the room. He was holding something in his left hand.
" Centurion, do you have news for me?".
" Yes, my Prefect". He handed Pilate the handbill.
" What is this?".
" An arrest notice for the Nazarene". Pilate studied it. " The Sanhedrin needs to post this forty days before a trial".
" Is this Nazarene the only trouble you have noticed?".
" No". He cleared his throat. " There are two others proclaiming to be a Messiah".
" Who are they?".
" In Samaria, there is a man named Simon Magus who uses black magic to charm the people".
Pilate shook his head. " Whose is the other one?".
" A zealot named Jesus Bar Abbas".
" What has he done?".
" He started an insurrection and killed some people". His voice hesitated. " He is currently in prison awaiting your judgment".
Pilate grinned. " Keep me informed".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Prayer: spontaneous prayer

Prayer: spontaneous prayer by ric Gustafson

Unplanned events happen to us every day. These events give us a chance to pray to God at a moment's notice. We can thank God for unexpected blessings. We can pray for help for a crisis that just occurred. We can pray for wisdom in financial matters. We can pray for courage to share our faith with a neighbor. We can pray to start a new day. We can pray for our daily needs. We can pray and thank God for blessings we have received. We can pray and tell God about our burdens. We can pray in times of crisis. We can pray when we are worried. We can pray after we are tempted or we have sinned.
My prayer is that I can pray often and know that God will always listen and care.
I love you Father Son and Holy Spirit.

research help: ' The Battle Plan for Prayer' by the Kendrick Brothers.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 21, 2016

David: I Samuel 18: 5-30

David: I Samuel 18: 5-30 by ric Gustafson

Saul was jealous of David. David had the praise of the people. That planted a seed of jealousy in Saul. One day, Saul threw a spear at David. Each time Saul tried to kill David, the Lord was with him. Because David defeated Goliath, Saul offered to him his oldest daughter Merab. David refused. Instead, Saul offered his second daughter Michal. David had no dowry. Saul took a hundred Philistine foreskins instead. Saul's plan was for David to fall into the Philistine's hands and be killed. So David married Michal. Saul was hoping that the marriage would destroy David. David had someone more important protecting him. Almighty God.

research help: ' A Heart Like His' by Beth Moore

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Prayer: when to pray

Prayer: when to pray by ric Gustafson

There are times when we are motivated to pray such as times of fear or crisis. God wants our prayers to be constant every day. God wants us to have a time of scheduled prayer. We are encouraged by God to pray without ceasing. Prayer should be a natural part of our day.
To a believer, prayer should be a priority and a passion. Married couples, families and churches should have scheduled prayer time. When we have scheduled prayer, it becomes a habit.

research help: ' The Battle Plan for Prayer' by the Kendrick Brothers

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Prayer: God's answer to prayer

Prayer: God's answer to prayer by ric Gustafson

God answers prayers. God answers in his own way. God answers prayers in five different ways. First, God answers immediately. Sometimes God answers right away and right in line with his will. Second, he answers in due time. Sometimes God delays an answer. Third, God answers our prayers so we will learn from it. Fourth, God may so no to our prayer if our heart is not in it. Fifth, God may say no to our prayer if he has a better plan for us.
Father Son and Holy Spirit, I pray that you will listen and answer my prayers.
I love you.

research help: ' The Battle Plan for Prayer' by the Kendrick Brothers

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 12

Pilate page 12 by ric Gustafson

Pilate stared out of an upper window.
Claudia walked in. " I've been hearing stories about a new prophet in Galilee".
He shook his head. " Another one!".
" His name is Yeshua or Jesus".
" Oh yes the faith healer". He kept staring out the window. " Cornelius has already been informing me about his activities".
" I just heard that he fed 5,000 people near the Sea of Tiberias".
He walked toward her. " What's new about that?".
" I heard that he fed them with only five barley loaves and two fish".
" My dear wife" he replied with a loud chuckle. " You must have heard wrong".
" Why is that?".
" Because what you just told me is impossible".
" That is the story I heard". She kissed his cheek and then left.

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 18, 2016

Prayer: the purpose of prayer

Prayer: the purpose of prayer by ric Gustafson

All prayer is for the glory of God. The glory of the Lord is when God reveals a glimpse of himself. God exists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is the Creator of everything. God is awesome, powerful and majestic. God reveals his glory in different situations that occur in our life. We tell God our prayer requests. He replies by showing us that he is our Creator, Savior, Lord, Provider, Protector, Friend and Counselor. When God does answer our prayers, we need to show glorify him. Then we need to tell others what God has done.

research help: ' The Battle Plan for Prayer' by the Kendrick Brothers.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 11

Pilate page 11 by ric Gustafson

Pilate was reading a letter from Claudia. She was in Rome taking care of her father.
A centurion walked into the courtyard.
" Cornelius" Pilate replied with a smile. " I hope you have brought me some news".
He sat down in an open chair. " I have Prefect".
" Tell me about this new turmoil up in Galilee".
" Actually Prefect". His voice hesitated. " It is a new prophet".
" Another one!". He shook his head in frustration. " What is his message?".
" Repentence and preparing for the approaching kingdom of God".
" That was the Baptizer's message as well".
" The problem is that the people love this new prophet's message".
Pilate sighed. " Did you find out the name of this new prophet?".
" Yes". The centurion rose to leave. " He comes from Nazareth in Galilee".
Pilate sighed again. " What's his name?".
" His name is Yeshua  or in our language Jesus".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Pilate page 10

Pilate page 10 by ric Gustafson

Pilate sat at one end of the table. Both he and Herod Antipas were staring at his step daughter. She was dancing in front of them. They were mesmorized. When she finished, they stood up and clapped.
Herod smiled at her. " My dear Salome, that was a beautiful performance".
Her dancing had brought new life to Antipas's birthday party.
" My dear, ask me for anything". He clapped his hands in joy. " I'll give it to you".
" May I ask mother first?".
" Yes".
She ran off. Shortly she returned. " I want you to give me the head of John the Baptizer on a platter".
" My dear, you must be joking".
" No father".
Antipas frowned. He did not want to do this. In secret, he enjoyed talking to the desert prophet. But he also knew that he could not go back on his word. He shook his head. He pointed at a nearby guard. " Come here". He whispered a command into his ear.
Shortly after, the platter came in. It was handed to Salome.
She took the platter to her mother.

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 15, 2016

Pilate page 9

Pilate page 9 by ric Gustafson

Pilate stared at the list. " Land tax, head tax, levy of grain and publicum taxes". He looked at the fiscal officer. " What are publicum taxes?".
" Prefect, that is what the tax collectors collect".
" Oh yes". Pilate shook his head.
" Is Caiaphas and Helcias here?".
The aide nodded his head.
" Show them in".
The High Priest and the Temple treasurer quietly walked in.
" Please bring in the plans".
The aide brought in the parchment and spread it out on a table.
Pilate looked at the two men in front of him. " Here are the plans for the new water system".
Helcias raised his hand. " Prefect, I hope that this new aqueduct can be built without raising taxes".
" Actually Rabbi Helcias". Pilate hesitated. " My thought was that the Temple treasury would help defray the cost of this new system".
Helcias's face grew ashen. " Prefect, that is impossible".
" Why?".
" The Temple treasury is used for the support of the Temple and it's upkeep".
" Rabbi Helcias, don't you usually have unexpended funds each year?".
" Prefect, it is a small amount".
" Prefect".
Pilate turned toward the chief priest.
" It is possible to use the half shekel temple dues for your water system".
" I'm listening Caiaphas".
" This surplus is possible if the Sanhedrin agrees".
Pilate nodded. " I await your decision".
Two days later, the two came back.
Helcias smiled. " Prefect, the Sanhedrin agrees under three conditions".
" And they are?".
" First, this agreement comes under protest and is to be kept in strict confidence".
" Agreed".
" Second, if someone does talk our hands are tied in the matter".
" Agreed".
" Third, the aqueduct flows into the cisterns already under the Temple".
" Agreed".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Prayer: the priority of prayer

Prayer: the priority of prayer by ric Gustafson

God wants prayer to be part of our life. Prayer allows us God's children to interact with our heavenly Father. Sometimes prayer takes a back seat to other things in our lives. We should never take prayer for granted. We need God. He created everything and us. God wants us to put prayer first in our life.
Jesus made prayer his top priority. Jesus always prayed to his Father.
I pray that I make prayer a top priority in my life. God I love you so much.

research help: ' The Battle Plan for Prayer' by the Kendrick Brothers

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Pilate page 8

Pilate page 8 by ric Gustafson

A small horse unit escorted Pilate and Claudia down a dusty road toward Jerusalem. It was summer and very hot out. The countryside was parched from no rain. They went over a ridge and noticed lime white walls and stark buildings.
Claudia stared. " It is an odd shaped city".
Pilate smiled as he noticed the colors of his cohort on top of a nearby fortress.
They began to pass a place where poles were stuck in the ground.
" Prefect, this place is called the Skull".
" What do they call it?".
" Golgotha".
They entered the city through the Water Gate.
Pilate noticed low the water was in the brook over the Kidron. " Is there anyway that the city can have an adequate water supply?".
" Prefect, the brook is low because it is summer".
They walked up to the Pool of Siloam.
An aide pointed to the entrance of a tunnel that emptied into the Pool. " This is the start of Hezekiah's Tunnel".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Prayer: the power of prayer

Prayer: the power of prayer by ric Gustafson

Against the gates of hell, prayer is our main assault weapon. The Apostle Paul, an ambassador in chains, talked about prayer. Prayer can do anything. With God, all things are possible. In prayer, we have access to God. The Bible says to pray without ceasing. Paul says to make known our requests to God. When we pray, the Holy Spirit is our Counselor.
Prayer means hope, help and relief.

research help: ' The Battle Plan for Prayer' by the Kendrick Brothers

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Pilate page 7

Pilate page 7 by ric Gustafson

Gratus and Pilate stood in the center of the reception line.
" Approaching are the members of the Sanhedrin".
"The Sanhedrin?".
" They are the ruling senate of the Jews".
Pilate nodded as the men with long beards and wearing large robes approached.
One of the men came forward.
" This is Rabbi Jonathan, Chamber of Priests".
Another man walked forward.
" This is Rabbi Helcias, Treasurer of the Temple".
Another man walked forward.
" This is Joseph Caiaphas, the High Priest".
Later that night, the high priest sought out Pilate. " We hope that the appointment of a new Prefect will not change policies here in Judea".
Pilate grinned.
" I believe that the Romans and Jews can dwell in peace in this land".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

David: I Samuel 17

David: I Samuel 17 by ric Gustafson

King Saul's army was confronting the Philistines. David was now again tending the sheep. He would transport provisions to his older brothers in the army. When he came this time, he heard that a nine foot warrior named Goliath was taunting the Israelites. He found out that this had been going on for forty days. David volunteered to fight the giant. His brothers tried to persuade him not to do it. David did not listen.
David put on Saul's armor and then picked up five smooth stones. Everyone knows the rest of the story. We can do anything that God calls us to do through Jesus who strengthens us. Our God is taller and mightier than any Goliath that we face in life. God wants us to be a member of the army of the Living God. A Living God is worth believing in.

research help: ' A Heart Like His' by Beth Moore

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Prayer: the legacy of prayer

Prayer: the legacy of prayer by ric Gustafson

Prayer is a beautiful, mysterious and inspiring gift. Using prayer, we can talk and speak to God. Successful women and men in the Bible were people of prayer. The book of Psalms are prayers set to song. Jesus Christ is the model and master of prayer. Jesus prayer often to his Father. He prayed before he selected his disciples. Jesus prayed before his betrayal and crucifixion.
God's church and all of Christian history was launched through prayer. My prayer right now is that I can get right with God and humbly seek his face for revival and spiritual awakening.
What can God do with me and you?.

research help: ' The Battle Plan for Prayer' by the Kendrick Brothers

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 10, 2016

David: I Samuel 16: 14-23

David: I Samuel 16: 14-23 by ric Gustafson

David went back to caring for his father's sheep. The Holy Spirit left Saul and an evil spirit came in. He needed a harp player to sooth his troubled heart. According to I Samuel 16: 18, they found David. He used his harp skills to please God and sooth Saul's torments. David was a musician and a song writer.

research help: ' A Heart Like His' by Beth Moore

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 6

Pilate page 6 by ric Gustafson

After sailing for two days from Egypt, Pilate could see the shore of Palestine on the eastern horizon. As the boat reached the artificial harbor of Caesarea, he marveled at what was built by Herod the Great. The huge stone pilings reached two hundred feet wide. The boat slowly sailed past six huge columns that ran from the jelly. He had been told that the port was built in honor of Herod's friend, Caesar Augustus.
The ship docked. An honor guard escorted Pilate and Claudia to Herod's palace.
A stout middle aged man greeted them. " My name is Valerius Gratus". He frowned. " I'm sorry that I did not greet you at the dock". He shook Pilate's hand. " I have not been feeling well lately". He gave Pilate and his wife  a tour of the palace. Pilate was impressed by the beautiful atrium and state rooms.
To Pilate, the palace resembled a Greco Roman mansion.

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 9, 2016

David: I Samuel 16: 1-13

David: I Samuel 16: 1-13 by ric Gustafson

David appears first in Scripture in I Samuel 16. Samuel took a heifer for a sacrifice. He went to a Bethlehem home of Jesse. All of his sons were there except David. Samuel asked if that was all of his sons. Then David was mentioned. Jesse said that he was out tending the sheep. David, a young teenager, came. He was handsome, had a reddish complexion and smelled like sheep. Samuel looked at him. God told him that he was the one. Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him. From that day, the Spirit of the Lord came upon David.

research help: ' A Heart Like His' by Beth Moore

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 8, 2016

there is power in the blood: strength in the blood

there is power in the blood: strength in the blood by ric Gustafson

God's love for us is great. He sacrificed his Son for us. Jesus and his Father hold our hands. God will never let us go. Neither will Jesus unless we push him away. We are God's possession he will protect and sustain us. By understanding God's love and mercy for us, we grow in grace. When Jesus died for us on that cross, grace and truth were revealed to us.
I was saved by Jesus's blood on that cross. I am free indeed. Praise God.

The End

research help: ' The Blood' by Benny Hinn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 7, 2016

there is power in the blood: freedom in the blood

there is power in the blood: freedom in the blood by ric Gustafson

We were once bound in slavery to sin. When Jesus shed his blood on that cross, he paid the price and we were set free. Jesus's blood was shed not spilled. Jesus ransomed us from sin and reconciled us back to God. Jesus offered his life as a sacrifice for the sins of men. We have been set free from slavery to sin and Satan.
Our salvation was costly. It cost God his only begotten Son.
But to God it had to be done. Because now we are one of his and will live with him forever.

research help: ' The Blood' by Benny Hinn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Pilate page 5

Pilate page 5 by ric Gustafson

Pilate looked over the edge of the boat. He wondered how much longer they had to sail. He was told that this boat was driven by oar and not by sail. They had sailed through the Straits and then he was told that the wind was behind them.
" Where are we sailing helmsman?".
" We are sailing toward Egypt".
One day, a sailor pointed. " I see Pharos, I see Pharos".
Eventually, the boat slowed as it neared a giant lighthouse. The lighthouse over Alexandria rose four hundred feet into the air. It was made out of marble.
As Pilate and Claudia were getting ready to disembark, a centurion stopped them.
" I am Gaius Galerious, the Prefect of upper and lower Egypt". He smiled. " You must be Pontius Pilate, the new Prefect of Judea".
" I am".
" Welcome to Alexandria Egypt". He grinned. " Your boat for Judea will not be here for a week". He smiled again. " I invite you to stay at the Palace of the Ptolomies".
" Thank you".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

there is power in the blood: new life in the blood

there is power in the blood: new life in the blood by ric Gustafson

According to Lev. 17:11, it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul. Satan wants us to feel hopeless and in despair because of our past. Because of Jesus's blood, we are freed from our past. Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, God declares us righteous. To be justified by blood means we are pronounced innocent of all guilt. The only way of salvation is in the cross. Only the blood of Jesus can erase past and present sins. According to Romans 5: 1-2, we have been justified by faith with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

research help: ' The Blood' by Benny Hinn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

there is power in the blood: anointed in the blood

there is power in the blood: anointed in the blood by ric Gustafson

When blood is shed for out sins, God's anointing will come to us. Even though Jesus shed his blood for our salvation, we need to continue to ask for cleansing and protection. Our feet are symbols of our daily walk with Jesus. Anointing oil in Scripture represents the work of the Holy Spirit. Because of the blood of the cross, there is the anointing of the Holy Spirit. As Christians, we touch the world every day. When we have the blood of Jesus, we have God's anointing.

research help: ' The Blood' by Benny Hinn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 3, 2016

there is power in the blood: cleansing in the blood

there is power in the blood: cleansing in the blood by ric Gustafson

Leprosy in the Bible was a symbol of sin. The cleansing of leprosy brought insight into the power of Christ's blood. The Old Covenant foreshadows the New Covenant. Just like the cleansed leper, when we are cleansed and purified by Christ's blood we can enter God's Kingdom. When we are cleansed by Jesus's blood, we become sons and daughters of the living God. Because of the blood of Jesus, anointing through the Holy Spirit will be released to us.

research help: ' The Blood' by Benny Hinn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 4

Pilate page 4 by ric Gustafson

Pilate, wearing a new toga and a floral wreath on his head, waited for his bride. In the weeks before the ceremony, he and his future father in law decided on a dowry. He also talked to Annius Rufus who was the prefect of Judea before Valerius Gratus. He was curious about his new assignment.
Claudia approached him. He smiled at how beautiful she looked. She was wearing a red orange veil and a garland of flowers on her head.
They turned toward each other and held hands.
Claudia looked into Pilate's eyes. " Ubi tu Gaius ego Gaia".
A covered basket of coarse wheat bread was placed upon an altar. Prayers to Jupiter, Juno and other Gods were said.
A cry erupted from the throng of guests. " Feliciter, Feliciter".
Claudia and Pilate were now man and wife.
Proculeius set out a huge wedding banquet of a seven course meal/
Plenty of vintage wine was brought up from the wine cellar.
To Pilate, life could not be any better.

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 2, 2016

there is power in the blood: salvation in the blood

there is power in the blood: salvation in the blood by ric Gustafson

The reality is that demons are real. The madman of Gadara had lots of demons inside him. There were so many they were called Legion. Jesus healed him. As Christians, we have authority over Satan. God protected Job with the blood. One way to be protected by the blood is to read God's Word. We are covered by the blood through prayer. The Word says and the blood does. All things are possible through prayer. Prayer is faith passing into action.

research help: ' The Blood' by Benny Hinn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 3

Pilate page 3 by ric Gustafson

Pilate smiled as he put on the white toga. Sejanus had just told him the good news of his new appointment. He was anxious to tell his love the good news. He walked under the large arches of the Julian Aqueduct and then the Garden of Maecenas. As the approached the Proculeius mansion, he thought about the beautiful girl he had fallen in love with.
Her name was Proculeia but he called her Claudia. Her grandfather was Gaius Proculeius and he was a close companion of Augustus.
A servant brought him into a beautiful atrium and asked him to wait. As he observed the beauty of the garden and fountains, he thought about the age difference between them. He was in his late thirties and she was only in her late teens. He was in love. He did not care.
The brown haired teen came out from behind a pillar. " Have you come with the date of our wedding?".
" Claudia, my love". His voice hesitated. " If you could go anywhere, where would it be?".
" I don't know". They held hands. " Greece, Egypt maybe".
" How about Judea?".
She looked at him in shock. " Judea!".
" Tiberius Caesar has just appointed me the new prefect of Judea".
" If we are to be married". She stared into his eyes. " I will go wherever you go".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 1, 2016

there is power in the blood: protection in the blood

there is power in the blood: protection in the blood by ric Gustafson

We have God's protection unless we rebel against his commands. Demonic activity is everywhere in this world. Rahab and her family were protected when Jericho was taken over by the Israelites. The children of Israel were protected from the Egyptian plagues. Noah and his family were protected in the ark. When we are one of God's own, we are protected by the blood and his grace.

research help: ' The Blood' by Benny Hinn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 2

Pilate page 2 by ric Gustafson

Pontius Pilate slowly walked down the Patrician Street toward his destination. He was of medium build, curly black hair and today looked more Roman than his clan the Ponti. He turned and began to walk up the Esquiline. He approached the house of his superior.
A steward ran out. " Sejanus is waiting for you". He led Pilate into an atrium.
" Pilate, please have a seat".
The two men talked for a few minutes about trivial things.
All of a sudden, Sejanus stared at his garrison commander. " Pilate, what do you plan on doing after your military obligation?".
" My interest is in administration". He smiled at his boss. " Hopefully I can serve Rome in some kind of public office".
" I will be frank with you". His voice became a whisper. " We are planning on replacing Valerius Gratus as prefect of Judea".
" What does that have to do with me?".
" Pilate, I am going to suggest to Tiberius that you replace him".
" Judea!".
" You are familiar with the area aren't you?".
" I served with the 12th Legion".
" I assume you are interested in governing a province".
" I am".
" Then it will be".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric