Wednesday, August 26, 2015

wonder of his love: Farsighted Love

wonder of his love: Farsighted Love by ric Gustafson

God can see everything. But he does not see us as others do. Because he loves us so much, he chooses to see us as who we will become not as we have been. When God looks at you, he sees desperation and he wipes away all of our tears. He sees us as broken and available and knows what we can become.
God has long range vision of our lives and showers us with his grace. Once we are forgiven, he will put our sins out of his sight. God's love is a gift and he offers it to everyone.
God loves so much just the way we are. Praises to God.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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