Saturday, August 29, 2015

Heaven: what did the Apostle John see?

Heaven: what did the Apostle John see? by ric Gustafson

Who was the Apostle John?. He had no formal education. He had no literary or religious training. He made his living as a fisherman. Nothing would prepare him for what happened in AD 95.
According to Revelation 21: 9-14 God gave him a vision of things to come. God gave this simple fisherman a private tour of heaven. God told him to write down the things that he would be shown. This writing would become the book of Revelation. Here are a few things that he wrote.
1. A city made of pure gold as clear as glass and shaped like a perfect cube.
2. A wall 216 feet thick made of jasper and built on a foundation of twelve stones.
3. Twelve gates each one made of a single pearl
4. A light God himself so bright that no sun or moon is needed.
5. A river flowing with crystal clear water that starts at God's throne
Praise God

research help: ' The Truth about Heaven' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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