Tuesday, August 4, 2015

the end of days: have a good day c3769a page 3

the end of days: have a good day c3769a page 3 by ric Gustafson

At the end of the checkout line, Rory could hear the commotion coming from the cash register. He looked at his right wrist where the biochip had been implanted two weeks ago. The area still felt black and blue where it was inserted. The biochip was implanted half under the skin and half above. On top of the chip was a little barcode which read c3769a. Rory and two thirds of the bank's employees took the mark that day. Rory recognized the voice of the frustrated customer.
" What do you mean I need my biochip and number to buy these groceries?" Rory's mother said in frustration. " I've been buying my groceries here for years".
The young female checkout clerk stared at her with tires eyes. " I'm sorry, those are the new rules".
Rory walked up and put out his right wrist. " I'll pay for those". The young clerk took a scanner and scanned Rory's biochip. He was handed a receipt that read ' Thank you and have a good day c3769a".
He put the groceries into the cart.
Rory's mother stared at her son. " Rory, what's going on?".
" I'll help you get the groceries home". He pushed the cart toward the front doors. " And then I will explain everything".

research help: original story and ' The Mark' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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