Tuesday, August 4, 2015


F7 by ric Gustafson

I walked off the elevator and looked to my left. The waiting area contained a sink, counter, table and four chairs. This morning it was quiet. In one corner was a black colored candy machine. As I walked by, I stared through the glass. My stomach began to grumble as I looked at the tempting treats inside. I had not eaten much for breakfast so I was hungry.
' Why not' I thought to myself as I took four quarters out of my pant pocket. I deposited them into the slot. I pushed F7 for a Hershey's candy bar with almonds. I reached in to get the treat.
I pulled out a Hershey's wrapper that had nothing inside but a piece of paper. " What in the world" I muttered loudly as I took off the wrapper. I took out a little piece of paper. As my stomach grumbled, I read what was on it. It said ' God loves and feeds you". I walked away with a grumbling stomach but a satisfied heart.
God provides for our physical needs but most of all provides spiritual food for our souls.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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