Monday, August 31, 2015

wonder of his love: Wounding Love

wonder of his love: Wounding Love by ric Gustafson

I shudder at the thought of the wounds Jesus incurred for me. He was flogged, nailed to a cross and pierced with a spear. Yet his wounds had a purpose. His wounding was to take our sin and pain and make us holy and blameless to God. Then God could adopt us as his sons and daughters, heal us and use us.
I've thought to myself why he did all that for me. He touched all the wounded areas of my life and exchanged his life for our past. Now we can move on and not look back. God now sees us as valued and approved. Now we have confidence and a sense of worth.
No sin that we have ever committed is wasted. He uses us to help others who are wounded. The areas that brought us pain and shame God will use to help others. Jesus will heal us and our wounds will become scars.
Praise God

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Heaven: will we work?

Heaven: will we work? by ric Gustafson

There is a perception about heaven regarding work. Some people think it will be an eternal vacation a place to relax forever. The truth is that God designed us to work to find fulfillment and satisfaction in labor. In God's plan for salvation, work was a key element of life.
Then sin came and the fall of humankind. Everything changed as a result of God's curse. This included the nature of work. Because of this, work became difficult and unpleasant.
In heaven, work will be restored to it's former position. As God's people, we are his servants who serve him. We will work for God. We will work for God but not menial labor. Work in heaven will engage us at every level. Work in heaven will allow us to put our God given talents and abilities to full use. Work in heaven will challenge us. Working in heaven will give us a vital role in the workings of heaven. The best thing about work in heaven is that it will be done in God's presence.

research help: ' The Truth about Heaven' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 30, 2015

wonder of his love: Relinquishing Love

wonder of his love: Relinquishing Love by ric Gustafson

Jesus is concerned about where are hearts are. He's concerned about what we love. Sometimes we hoard things and store things that we really don't need. As I gave things to Jesus and Goodwill, I began to wonder what has God willingly given up for me. God relinquished everything. God left heaven, humbled himself and came to earth as a man. He died on a cross for me. God will never relinquish us.
God loves us so much and gives us treasures in heaven. He has given us salvation, wisdom and knowledge. Jesus wants us to hand over everything to him.
Praise God

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Heaven: how big is it?

Heaven: how big is it? by ric Gustafson

When the Apostle John was given his vision, an angel with a gold measuring stick revealed just how large heaven might be. The New Jerusalem, which is the city that descends from heaven as the eternal dwelling place of God's people, is a place beyond human imagination. It is said to be 1,500 miles long, 1,500 miles long, 1,500 miles wide and 1,500 miles high. This is a total area of billions of miles.
As for how many people will inhabit it, it is hard to say. How many people in human history have put their faith in Jesus?. It could be billions, trillions who knows?. The numbers can boggle the mind.
What we do know is that heaven will surpass anything here on earth that feels like home. Heaven will feel like home because we were created specifically to dwell there in God's presence. Our sense of belonging will be more profound than anything we experience here on this earth.
According to John 14:2, Jesus is preparing a room just for us in his Father's house. Jesus will prepare a place for us that will bring us ultimate joy and fulfillment.
Praise God.

research help: ' The Truth about Heaven' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 29, 2015

wonder of his love: Transforming Love

wonder of his love: Transforming Love by ric Gustafson

God desires that we transform our being to his image. As our relationship with God builds, he begins to change us. He replaces our old thoughts and beliefs with his truth. And because of that, our old ways of living and behaving begin to change.
God wants us to be a new creation and have a new life in Jesus. We slip off our old self and let love transform us. To transform we need humility and obedience and learn to live by the power of God.
God wants us to believe and to obey. Then he will transform us.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Heaven: what did the Apostle John see?

Heaven: what did the Apostle John see? by ric Gustafson

Who was the Apostle John?. He had no formal education. He had no literary or religious training. He made his living as a fisherman. Nothing would prepare him for what happened in AD 95.
According to Revelation 21: 9-14 God gave him a vision of things to come. God gave this simple fisherman a private tour of heaven. God told him to write down the things that he would be shown. This writing would become the book of Revelation. Here are a few things that he wrote.
1. A city made of pure gold as clear as glass and shaped like a perfect cube.
2. A wall 216 feet thick made of jasper and built on a foundation of twelve stones.
3. Twelve gates each one made of a single pearl
4. A light God himself so bright that no sun or moon is needed.
5. A river flowing with crystal clear water that starts at God's throne
Praise God

research help: ' The Truth about Heaven' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 28, 2015

wonder of his love: Renewing Love

wonder of his love: Renewing Love by ric Gustafson

How often do we despise Jesus and reject him. I don't try to and I don't want to. I love Jesus more than anything else in this world. How often do we have negative thoughts and how often do we think about this world and not our Savior.
Jesus my Savior wants us to change our thinking and renew our minds. One weapon  that we have is God's Word. The Holy Scripture is the Sword of the Spirit. We need to speak God's Word out loud to ward off Satan. We need to replace lies with divine truth. We need to walk in the freedom of our true identity in Jesus.
The Word of God gets into our heart and soul and changes our thinking.
Give praises to God.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Heaven: where is it?

Heaven: where is it? by ric Gustafson

God's word does not tell us exactly where it is. But it does give us some clues. God's Word tells us that Heaven is a destination a real place. In fact it tells us of three heavens. 1- according to Deuteronomy 28:12, the first heaven is in the outer reaches of earth's atmosphere. This is where the clouds and birds are found. 2- according to Isaiah 13:10, the second heaven is outer space. This is where the sun, moon and planets are found. 3-  the third heaven is God's dwelling place and is the location of his throne. This third heaven is mentioned in I Kings 8:30. According to 2 Corinthians 12: 2-4, this is the heaven that the Apostle Paul visited.
I can't wait to go there.

research help: ' The Truth about Heaven' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

places in the bible: the Dead Sea

places in the bible: the Dead Sea by ric Gustafson

The Dead Sea means ' Sea of Salt'. The Dead Sea is located between Israel to the west and Jordan to the east. The Jordan River flows into the Dead Sea. This place is mentioned in the bible in Genesis 14:3, Numbers 34: 10 and Joshua 3:16.
Sodom and Gomorrah's charred remains are believed to be consumed there. God used the Dead Sea as a boundary for the land of Canaan. Masada was built on it's western banks. It was the site of several Greek Orthodox monasteries. Ancient scrolls of the Hebrew Bible were discovered there.
At 1, 378 feet below sea level, the Dead Sea is one of the lowest points on earth. It has become a center for health research and industrial exploitation.
Bedouins live there but it is popular with tourists.

research help: ' 40 fascinating places in the Bible' by Ellen Caughey

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 27, 2015

places in the bible: Damascus

places in the bible: Damascus by ric Gustafson

In Arabic the city is known as ' As-sham'. Damascus is the capital of Syria and it is fifty miles from the Mediterranean Sea. The city is mentioned in two bible verses Genesis 14:15 and Acts 9: 3-4.
The city can trace it's history to 10,000 BC. The city came into prominence around 1100 BC. At different times the city had been conquered by the Assyrians, Babylon, Persia and Rome in 64 BC.
After Roman occupation, Damascus became part of the Muslim empire. The population of the city is two million and is predominantly Sunni Muslim.

research help: ' 40 fascinating places in the Bible' by Ellen Caughey

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

wonder of his love: Farsighted Love

wonder of his love: Farsighted Love by ric Gustafson

God can see everything. But he does not see us as others do. Because he loves us so much, he chooses to see us as who we will become not as we have been. When God looks at you, he sees desperation and he wipes away all of our tears. He sees us as broken and available and knows what we can become.
God has long range vision of our lives and showers us with his grace. Once we are forgiven, he will put our sins out of his sight. God's love is a gift and he offers it to everyone.
God loves so much just the way we are. Praises to God.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

places in the bible: Corinth

places in the bible: Corinth by ric Gustafson

This city means ' Descendant of the Greek God Helios'. This city is forty eight miles southwest of Athens. It is situated on the Isthmus of Corinth which is a narrow strip of land that connects Peloponnese with Northern Greece.
This city is mentioned in Acts 18:1-2. The Apostle Paul left Athens and went to Corinth. There he met Aquila and his wife Priscilla. The city is also mentioned in Acts 19:1.
This city was destroyed in 146 BC but rebuilt by Julius Caesar in 44 BC. When the Apostle Paul lived in the city, it was the capital of Roman Greece. Paul worked in Corinth as a tentmaker. Paul wrote two epistles to the local Christian church there.
The city was destroyed by earthquakes in AD 375 and 551 but later was a prize during the Crusades. The city became part of Greece in the early nineteenth century.
Today the city is tied with it's past and well preserved ruins.

research help: ' 40 fascinating places in the bible' by Ellen Caughey

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 24, 2015

wonder of his love: Receiving Love

wonder of his love: Receiving Love by ric Gustafson

In order to give love, we first must be willing to receive love. God gives us his love and wants us to receive it. Then he wants us to give that love to others. Then God gets that back as a gift to himself. Then he promises to meet all of our needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
God gives us all the riches of Heaven and then we need to choose if or if not to receive them. God wants us to receive love from others. Out of love we can love others and their talents abilities and not be jealous. God created us to love and he wants us to do that all the time.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

places in the bible: Capernaum

places in the bible: Capernaum by ric Gustafson

Capernaum means ' City of Consolation' or ' Village of Nahum'.
The ancient city of Capernaum is located on the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee. It is two and a half miles from the town of Bethsaida. Matthew 4:13 talks about this city by the lake in the area of Zebulun and Naphtali. This city is also mentioned in Luke 10:15 and John 6:16-17.
Capernaum was a small fishing village that existed from the second century BC to the eleventh century AD. This village was home to Peter, Andrew, James and John. Jesus spent a lot of time there after leaving Nazareth. There in the small synagogue he proclaimed that he was the bread of life.
During the nineteenth century, the ruins and synagogue were identified.
The people of Capernaum knew about Jesus but many did not accept him as God's Son.

research help: ' 40 fascinating places in the Bible' by Ellen Caughey

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 22, 2015

wonder of his love: Free Love

wonder of his love: Free Love by ric Gustafson

God told Adam and Eve that they could eat freely from all the plants except one. The exception was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Eve believed Satan instead of God and ate the fruit.
God gave his people another chance. God sent his only Son to give his life to redeem us. Through Jesus, we are justified freely by his grace. God pours himself through the Holy Spirit even when we disobey and go our own way.
God gives us his free love, come into his presence and then come home.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

places in the bible: Cana

places in the bible: Cana by ric Gustafson

There is a village in Israel called Cana. The most likely site for the biblical Cana is either Kefr Kana which is four miles northeast of Nazareth. Another possible site is Khirbet Kana which is a village nine miles north of Nazareth.
The first miracle of Jesus occurred in this village. There was a wedding and his mother informed him that there was no more wine. Jesus ordered the servants to fill large pots with water. When the ruler tasted the water that Jesus had changed, he was astounded that the bridegroom had saved the best wine for last.
Later, Jesus came back to the village where he met a nobleman who told him that his son was sick. He told him to go because his son had already been healed.

research help: ' 40 fascinating places in the bible' by Ellen Caughey

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 21, 2015

wonder of his love: Agonizing Love

wonder of his love: Agonizing Love by ric Gustafson

There was agony that night in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus fell at the base of the olive trees in grief and anguish. Jesus made his choice. He drank from the cup of sorrow and suffering. A holy bargain was struck. His life for ours.
The good news is that anguish turned to triumph. Jesus's agony on the cross became our victory. And because of Jesus, we have been adopted into God's family. Until we go home to be with God and Jesus, we have a Comforter the Holy Spirit. He has been sent to help us.
That is a comfort.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

places in the bible: Bethlehem

places in the bible: Bethlehem by ric Gustafson

Bethlehem in the Hebrew means ' House of Bread'.
Bethlehem is located on the West Bank in a Palestinian controlled area between Israel and Jordan. Bethlehem is six miles south of the Old City of Jerusalem.
There are many bible passages referring to this town. These include Genesis 35:19, Ruth 1:22, I Samuel 16:1 and Matthew 2:6
Naomi, Ruth, Boaz and their grandson Jesse would call Bethlehem home.
This town's most significant event was the birth of Jesus which was proclaimed by angels, shepherds and wise men.
Much of the town was destroyed by the Ottomans but is now revered as a holy city.

research help: ' 40 fascinating places of the Bible' by Ellen Caughey

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the stranger who came to town page 8

the stranger who came to town page 8 by ric Gustafson

Pastor Winters took a sip of water from a glass near his bible. " The text for this morning's mediation is based on I John 4:1". He cleared his throat. " Dear friends, do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see if they are from God because many false prophets have gone out into the world". When the service ended, he walked to the back of the sanctuary to greet parishioners.
" I don't think we've met" Linda said as Homer stood up. " I'm Linda Langford".
" Homer Tang" he replied with a strange grin. " May I ask what happened to your shoulder?".
" I had surgery on it a couple of years ago and now I can barely lift my left arm".
" I'm sorry to hear that". He put a hand on her left shoulder.
Instantly, warmth came to that area.
" I hope it gets better".
In amazement, she lifted her left hand to her mouth.
Josh and Clarice shook Pastor Winter's hand. " Great service".
Homer walked up to them.
" Pastor Winters, this is Homer Tang".
He gave the Pastor an evil grin.
" He's staying at the motel".
Homer shook Pastor's Winters hand. " Interesting sermon".
Pastor Winters shook Homer's hand. As he did so, a strange sensation came over him.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 20, 2015

criminals: Benjamin Bugsy Siegel

criminals: Benjamin Bugsy Siegel by ric Gustafson

Benjamin Bugsy Siegel was a Jewish American crime boss who was a driving force in the development of the Las Vegas Strip. Benjamin Siegel was born on Feb 28 1906 in Brooklyn New York. He started in crime early by extorting cash from peddlers. He joined gangster Meyer Lansky and formed their own gang. They formed a band of killers they nicknamed ' Murder Inc'.
In 1933, Siegel turned to gambling in the mecca of the Nevada desert. In 1945, he and an actress named Virginia Hill moved to Las Vegas. Siegel used his money to help finish building the Flamingo Hotel.
On June 20 1947, Siegel was gunned down at his Beverly Hills mansion. Nobody was ever charged with the murder and the crime still remains unsolved.
One theory was that Meyer Lansky and Charles Lucky Luciano were behind the murder.

research help: Crime Classics

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the stranger who came to town page 7

the stranger who came to town page 7 by ric Gustafson

Pastor Winters was walking into his office when he noticed Josh and Clarice walk in.
" Hi Pastor Winters".
" Hi". He smiled. " I was just getting ready for the service". He began to put on his robe. " We can talk after the service is over".
" Ok" Josh replied as he grinned at the Pastor. " I need to talk to you about something".
They sat down in a pew and saved a space for Homer. Linda Langford sat down next to them like she always did. Josh worried about her because she could barely lift her left arm due to a shoulder injury.
Just as the first hymn was about to start, Homer quietly sat down next to Josh and Clarice. Josh noticed that Homer always has his dark sunglasses on. As the service went on, he noticed that Homer never picked up the green hymnal or sang when the hymns were sung.
Twenty minutes into the service, Pastor Winters started his sermon.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

wonder of his love: Secure Love

wonder of his love: Secure Love by ric Gustafson

We all wish to be safe and secured. We can have security with our position in Christ. True security is anchored in God's love for us. God loves us unconditionally when we live in our position in Jesus. We are a child of God and a joint heir with Jesus. In trials and tribulations, God's love will sustain us.
Nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus. That is secured love.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the stranger who came to town page 6

the stranger who came to town page 6 by ric Gustafson

" Sure" Josh replied as he put some money on the table for their breakfast. " The service starts at 9:30". He opened the front door. " We'll save you a seat".
" Josh, I don't feel any pain anymore in my arm or elbow".
He did not pay any attention to her comment.
Homer went back to his room and worshiped the golden calf statue. After a while, he put on a red polo shirt and then drove the short distance down the highway to Abundant Joy Lutheran church.
Pastor Tony Winters slowly lit four candles above the altar and two that were on the altar. He put the candle lighter behind the pulpit. He glanced at his watch. It was 9:10 and his two regular ushers were not here yet. He quickly checked to make sure there were plenty of bulletins. " Good morning Pastor Winters" Bill Rogers said as put on his usher's badge. He began to hand out bulletins to those who were beginning to come in.
The other usher also came.
As he sat down by the choir loft, he noticed the time was now 9:30. It was time for the service to begin.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

wonder of his love: Demonstrative Love

wonder of his love: Demonstrative Love by ric Gustafson

How do we know that God really loves us?. He sent his only Son to show us what he is like. God sent his Son to die in our place. God sent his Son to show us how we are to treat and love others. We are like God when we love.
An act of kindness with love toward someone else is how God demonstrates his love for us.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

criminals: Al Capone

criminals: Al Capone by ric Gustafson

Al Scarface Capone was born in Brooklyn New York on Jan 17 1899. At age 14, he was expelled from his Catholic school for striking a female teacher. His mentor was street gang boss Johnny Torrio who taught him to have a front for his illegal activities.
In 1919, Capone was a prime suspect in the murder of boss ' Big Jim' Colosimo. In 1925 when Torrio retired, Capone assumed control of Chicago's bootlegging operation. He traveled with two gun toting bodyguards and police and politicians were in his pocket. His reputation was tarnished when he was blamed for two massacres, the ' St Valentine's Day and the ' Adonis Social Club'.
In May of 1927, the Supreme Court ruled that a bootlegger had to pay taxes on his bootlegging business. Agent Eliot Ness came after Capone and he became Public Enemy no 1. In 1931, Capone was accused of 22 counts of tax evasion. On October 17 1931, he was sentenced to 11 years in prison.
From a prison in Atlanta, he was sent to Alcatraz in San Francisco. He was released after seven years but because of syphilis he could not rebuild his empire.
Capone died on Jan 25 1947 from a stroke and pneumonia.

research help:  Crime Classics

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the stranger who came to town page 5

the stranger who came to town page 5 by ric Gustafson

" I'm sorry I cannot shake hands very well" Clarice said as she rubbed her arm and elbow. " My arm and elbow are extremely sore probably due to my tennis playing".
" I'm sorry to hear that". Homer reached over and touched Clarice's arm.
Immediately, she felt warmth to her arm and elbow".
" I hope you feel better".
Josh and Clarice sat back down and ordered breakfast. Flora brought them toast, scrambled eggs and juice.
Flora gave Homer his bill.
He stared at the two. " So where are you going after you eat?".
" Church" Josh replied as he bit into a piece of wheat toast. " We go to the only church in town".
He handed Flora some money for his breakfast. " What church is that?".
" Abundant Joy Lutheran Church".
Homer gave Josh a strange grin. " Would you mind if I came to a service?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 17, 2015

the stranger who came to town page 4

the stranger who came to town page 4 by ric Gustafson

Flora poured a cup of coffee and put it in front of Stanley. Out of the corner of her eye she watched as a stranger walked in and sat down at a corner booth. She picked up a menu and walked over to his table.
" Good morning" she said as she handed him a greasy menu. " Can I get you something to drink?".
" Yes black coffee" Homer replied as he stared at her through his dark sunglasses. He opened up the menu as she went to get his drink. As he studied the menu, pancakes sounded good this morning. As he quickly glanced around the small diner, he noticed that customers were pretty sparse this Sunday morning. Probably going to church he thought with an evil smirk.
" Here's your coffee" Flora said as she put the pot on the table next to his water. " Anything on the menu look good".
" Yes, I'll have the pancake short stack". He put the menu down. " And keep the black coffee going".
As Flora left to put the order in, Josh and Clarice walked in. They sat down at a table next to Homer's.
" Good morning Josh".
The young man turned with a surprised look on his face. " Hi Mr Tang". He pointed to the young woman next to him. " You remember my friend Clarice".
" Of course".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 16, 2015

the stranger who came to town page 3

the stranger who came to town page 3 by ric Gustafson

Homer drove the green Saturn into the parking space near room 12. He opened the trunk from the inside, got out and then took out two black suitcases. He opened the door and put the suitcases near the edge of the queen sized bed. The room was sparse. He put one of the suitcases on top of the bed and took out what looked like a small golden calf statue. He put it on top of a small wooden dresser. For the next hour, he chanted and worshipped the little statue.
" Hi Dad" Josh said as he and Clarice Anderson walked into the lobby. He noticed his father dusting the front counter.
His father stopped and smiled. " Hi Josh". He looked at the young lady next to him. " Hello Clarice".
" Hi Mr Marcotte".
Josh filled a paper cup with ice from the ice maker. " Any customers tonight?".
" Just one".
" Hello".
Startled, Josh turned to see a young man who was wearing a red shirt and dark sunglasses.
" I'm Homer Tang". He shook Josh's hand. " Nice to meet you".
As he shook Homer's hand, a strange feeling came over Josh.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 15, 2015

the stranger who came to town page 2

the stranger who came to town page 2 by ric Gustafson

Brandon was still eating his supper when he heard the front door open. He got up from his chair and looked over the counter. Seeing nobody, he sat back down. He was hoping for a customer because times had been tough lately financially. With customers barely trickling in, he wasn't sure how long he could keep the motel going.
" Hello" said a deep voice.
Brandon stood up to see a tall young man wearing a bright red shirt, tan shorts and dark sunglasses. " May I help you?".
" Yes, I was driving toward Marquette ". He gave a strange grin. " And because it is late I was wondering if I could get a room for tonight?".
" Sure, we have plenty of rooms" Brandon replied. He took the key for room 12 and gave it to the stranger. " Room 12, four rooms down on the left".
The stranger took out his wallet from a back pocket. " How much is the room?".
" Forty dollars a night". Brandon put a registration card in front of the stranger. " But if you eat at Flora's in the morning I'll give you a ten dollar discount".
" Agreed". The stranger signed the card and gave Brandon $ 30.00. He took the key and began to walk toward the front door.
Brandon glanced at the card. " Welcome Mr Tang to the Smokey Flats Motel".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 14, 2015

wonder of his love: Comforting Love

wonder of his love: Comforting Love by ric Gustafson

God is the Father of compassion who comforts us in all of our troubles. God turns our mourning into gladness and he is the God of all comfort. We can feel his comfort in times of uncertainty, failure and disappointment.
God whispers to us and draws us into a quiet place. There we can walk with him, talk to him and simply be with him.
God always gives us his comforting love.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the stranger who came to town page 1

the stranger who came to town page 1 by ric Gustafson

Brandon Marcotte turned off the bathroom light of room 8. He put the cleaning bucket back on the yellow cart. He quickly made up the queen size bed, wheeled the cart out the front door of the room and then closed the door. He put the cart into the utility closet near the office. As he walked through the front door of the 16 room motel, his son Josh walked up carrying a can of paint.
" Room 15  is finished Dad" he said as he put the can carefully down on the ground. " Now that I am done, can I go to the bible study at Ronny's house?".
" Sure". He put the key for room 8 on the key rack. " Be careful driving". He watched as he teenaged son drove off in his blue pickup. He was proud of his son because he was already a believer in Jesus.
The small town of Smokey Flats was quiet this time of night. People stopping at his motel are usually driving toward a larger town like Marquette. Brandon sat down  at a small table behind the front counter and started to eat a supper of a sandwich and some chips.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 13, 2015

wonder of his love: Trustworthy Love

wonder of his love: Trustworthy Love by ric Gustafson

Sometimes we wonder how we could possibly trust God. There are times when we wonder where he is. When painful events happen in our life, sometimes it is hard to picture God as protector and friend. Sometimes you wonder during those dark times, God where are you.
The truth is that God has not abandoned us. He has always been with us and always will. Trust needs to be earned. In his Word, God constantly tells us who he is. He invites us to trust him based on his nature.
When we trust God with our entire life, the ability to overcome the dark times shines forth. God wants us to trust him and he wants to be our faithful Father.
We need to put our sinful and broken lives into God's trustworthy love. He will not disappoint us.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Ten Commandments: I Am The Lord Your God

The Ten Commandments: I Am The Lord Your God by ric Gustafson

In the original Hebrew, the Ten Commandments is the Ten Statements. This statement is powerful so it is first. First, God is giving these commandments. God is the one who delivered you from slavery. God wants us to follow these commandments.
God wants us to be good to our fellow human beings. We are not to have false Gods or take God's name in vain. Because God set us free, he wants us to have self control.
There is a Creator and God cares about his creation hence the Ten Commandments.

research help: ' The Ten Commandments still the best moral code' by Dennis Prager

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

wonder of his love: Shadowed Love

wonder of his love: Shadowed Love by ric Gustafson

When life is dark out, we are desperate to see God. Hardships and heartaches make us wonder where God is. God allows difficulties to enter our life. Sin and Satan are the enemies of our souls. Also it is because we live in a fallen world. God allows trials in our lives because he loves us.
All too often, we walk by sight not by faith. We try to see things through our eyes not God's. God wants us to come to him for who he is. If we truly seek God, we will find him.
When we are in the shadow season of our lives, we need to relax in God's arms. We need to stop groping and search honestly for him in the darkness.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

wonder of his love: Faithful Love

wonder of his love: Faithful Love  by ric Gustafson

Do we want to go back to being a child?. There is a point in our lives when we realize that there is no going back. In our walk with God, there is no going back either. As Christians, we could go back to our former lives but we don't want to. Sometimes we want to go back in our lives, but God wants us to grow up. God wants us to be mature and attaining the whole measure of the fullness of Jesus. God wants us to grow and mature and he promises to walk beside us the whole time. There will be changes and growing pains but God's faithful love will always be there for us.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 9, 2015

wonder of his love: Dreaming Love

wonder of his love: Dreaming Love by ric Gustafson

Why was Peter with all of his thoughts, one of Jesus's closest disciples?. Because he dreamed big and went for it. To know that your dream is from God, we need to listen to him. And then we step out in faith, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus.
We dream too small and we need to get out of the boat. We will be closer to Jesus and he will hold our hand. God is a big God and we need to invite him into our dreams. Then our dreams will become ours.
We need to listen, keep our eyes on Jesus and get out of the boat.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 8, 2015

wonder of his love: Covering Love

wonder of his love: Covering Love by ric Gustafson

It's hard for us to accept that ' it is covered'. It is hard for us to receive love and forgiveness from God. God could not possibly forgive me for all that I have done. I have made massive mistakes in my life.
God wants us to confess our sins and he will then cover them. He will cover them all and completely. Jesus protects us and covers us.
No matter what we have done in the past, Jesus covers us with his righteousness. What we refuse to cover up, God does. When we expose our sin, God forgives it.
God is a righteous judge full of justice and truth
Jesus is the perfect unblemished Lamb of God.

research help: ' The Wonder of his Love' by Nancy Stafford

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 7, 2015

Sunday nites at Starbucks page 3

Sunday nites at Starbucks page 3 by ric Gustafson

Jeremy walked in and saw the man sitting at an open booth. He sat down and turned on his white laptop.
" Hello Jeremy" Christos said as he blew on his skinny latte. " What would you like to talk about tonight?".
Jeremy looked up from the laptop. " The same crowd who welcomed you on Palm Sunday wanted you dead on Good Friday".
Christos smiled. " That is true, Satan tries to convince everyone to follow him and not my Father".
" What about Adam and Eve?". He looked at me. " Did they really exist?".
" Moses spoke about this and so did I". Christos smiled. " It really happened". He looked at Jeremy. " I will try to explain it".
" Ok".
" Adam and Eve were in charge of the Garden because my Father commanded them to".
" Ok". He blew on his hot chocolate that he had just ordered.
" The only rule was that one particular tree they were ordered to stay away from".
Jeremy took a sip of hot chocolate. " And they didn't".
" A serpent convinced Eve to eat the fruit and she gave some to Adam".
" What happened?".
" They failed the test because they wanted to be like my Father".
" How did God deal with that serpent?".
Jesus looked at his watch. " We'll talk about that next Sunday nite".

research help: ' Big Bad God of the Bible' by Mark Littleton

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Sunday nites at Starbucks page 2

Sunday nites at Starbucks page 2 by ric Gustafson

Christos walked up to the empty seat. " Mind if sit down?".
A young man looked up from a white laptop. " No".
He blew into his mug. " It's a cold Sunday nite tonight".
" Tell me about it". He kept staring at his laptop.
" Jeremy, how is your sugar free hot chocolate?".
Surprised, he looked up. " How did you know my name is Jeremy?".
He sipped from his mug. " I know a lot about you". He looked at his laptop. " What are you studying?".
" I'm studying for my bible study class".
Christos smiled. " What are you studying?".
" Genesis".
" Good choice, the first book of the bible".
He gave Christos a frustrated look. " I don't understand Genesis, Adam and Eve and that whole fruit tree thing".
Christos smiled again and blew into his hot mug. " Some things are hard to understand".
" I can't believe that the whole human race is dependent on a decision to eat a piece of fruit". He looked at his watch and then stood up. " I have to go".
Christos smiled. " We'll talk again next Sunday nite".
Jeremy walked up to the door and then turned around. " How did you know I was drinking sugar free hot chocolate?".
Jesus smiled as he walked out.

research help: ' Big Bad God of the Bible' by Mark Littleton

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Sunday nites at Starbucks page 1

Sunday nites at Starbucks page 1 by ric Gustafson

Christos opened the front door and walked in. He shook his umbrella a little bit and put it next to a wall. He slowly walked up to the counter.
" Hello Christos" Reme said with a smile as he handed a hot mug of coffee to a customer. " Would you like your usual tonight?".
" Yes please". He smiled as he glanced around the room.
The young man took a mug and began to make it. After he was done, he handed it to Christos. " Here you are". He grinned. " A skinny latte just the way you like it".
" Thank you Reme".
He walked toward the only table that had an open chair.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric


F7 by ric Gustafson

I walked off the elevator and looked to my left. The waiting area contained a sink, counter, table and four chairs. This morning it was quiet. In one corner was a black colored candy machine. As I walked by, I stared through the glass. My stomach began to grumble as I looked at the tempting treats inside. I had not eaten much for breakfast so I was hungry.
' Why not' I thought to myself as I took four quarters out of my pant pocket. I deposited them into the slot. I pushed F7 for a Hershey's candy bar with almonds. I reached in to get the treat.
I pulled out a Hershey's wrapper that had nothing inside but a piece of paper. " What in the world" I muttered loudly as I took off the wrapper. I took out a little piece of paper. As my stomach grumbled, I read what was on it. It said ' God loves and feeds you". I walked away with a grumbling stomach but a satisfied heart.
God provides for our physical needs but most of all provides spiritual food for our souls.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: have a good day c3769a page 3

the end of days: have a good day c3769a page 3 by ric Gustafson

At the end of the checkout line, Rory could hear the commotion coming from the cash register. He looked at his right wrist where the biochip had been implanted two weeks ago. The area still felt black and blue where it was inserted. The biochip was implanted half under the skin and half above. On top of the chip was a little barcode which read c3769a. Rory and two thirds of the bank's employees took the mark that day. Rory recognized the voice of the frustrated customer.
" What do you mean I need my biochip and number to buy these groceries?" Rory's mother said in frustration. " I've been buying my groceries here for years".
The young female checkout clerk stared at her with tires eyes. " I'm sorry, those are the new rules".
Rory walked up and put out his right wrist. " I'll pay for those". The young clerk took a scanner and scanned Rory's biochip. He was handed a receipt that read ' Thank you and have a good day c3769a".
He put the groceries into the cart.
Rory's mother stared at her son. " Rory, what's going on?".
" I'll help you get the groceries home". He pushed the cart toward the front doors. " And then I will explain everything".

research help: original story and ' The Mark' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 3, 2015

Dorcas page 2

Dorcas page 2 by ric Gustafson

Aema and Ona cried as they looked at their friend.
Lena heard something. " I hear footsteps on the stairs".
Selma and a burly man who looked like a fisherman entered the room.
The Apostle Peter walked up to the bed.
Aema pointed toward a corner of the room. " See the clothes she was making for the poor".
" Everyone please leave the room".
Selma and the three women quietly left.
Peter knelt down at the edge of the bed. Then he took her hand. He yelled in a loud voice. " Tabitha, get up!".
She opened her eyes, glanced around the small room and then sat up. He took her hand and helped her get up. He yelled downstairs. " All of you can come back".
Selma and the women entered the room. In disbelief, they saw that their friend was standing next to the Apostle. Crying in celebration, they walked over and hugged Peter and their friend.

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: have a good day c3769a page 2

the end of days: have a good day c3769a page 2 by ric Gustafson

Mr Hayes stared at Carlo. " And what if they don't?".
" Hopefully that won't happen" Carlo replied with a smile as he handed pages of information to everyone. " Bur if they don't, I need your bank's financial resources". " My plan in a nutshell is that every man, woman and child will receive a mark either on their right hand or on their forehead". He took a sip of water and then cleared his throat. " Those who refuse to take this mark will not be able to buy or sell until they do". He looked around the room with a stern stare. " Those who refuse my mark will deal with my enforcement device".
Rory looked at Carlo with a surprised look after studying the papers. " Guillotines?".
Carlo smiled at his young friend. " I would rather call it an enforcement device of last resort". He cleared his throat again. " The biochip will be imbedded under the skin with a specific number so that our new skin scanners will pick it up".
" In conclusion". Carlo thumped the podium with his hand. " I have only one more question to ask". He looked around the packed room. " Who will be the first person to take the mark of loyalty to me?".
Carlo stared at his young friend. " Rory, how about you?".

research help:  original story and ' The Mark' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 1, 2015

the end of days: have a good day c3769a page 1

the end of days: have a good day c3769a page 1 by ric Gustafson

Rory picked up his office phone and tried to call his mother. After several rings, he remembered that she was in a bible study on Wednesday afternoons. Since becoming a Christian, his mother constantly was telling him to stay away from Carlo Simpato. He walked down the red carpeted hallway to the conference room. His co worker Alan was already sitting at the conference room table. Rory walked over to a side table that had donuts and muffins on it.
" Good afternoon Rory" Alan said as he bit into a blueberry muffin.
" I'm doing ok" was his reply as he picked up a glaze donut and then sat down next to his friend.
They listened as Mr Hayes, who was president of the bank, give his usual talk about the financial shape of the bank.
Just then, the door opened and Carlo Simpato walked in. " Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen" he said with a smile as he walked over and shook Rory's hand. " On behalf of the One World financial network and myself". He smiled. " Thank you for all the help you have given to us".
He looked at Rory. " And now I need your financial help with an even bigger project". He grinned. " People all over the world are already worshiping a statue of me". He looked around the room. " But now I want everyone who follows me to bear a mark of loyalty".

research help: original story and ' The Mark' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric