Thursday, June 2, 2022

the end of days page 45

 the end of days page 45 by ric gustafson

Gabriel led Carlo and Rory to Jesus. 
Just then, the angel Michael appeared in front of them. " Kneel in front of Jesus the Son of the Living God".
Carlo and Rory slowly went on one knee.
Jesus now spoke. " I do not take pleasure in the death of the wicked".
They yelled out " we believe and serve you".
" Rather than resist the evil one". Jesus stared at the two men. " You decided to serve him instead".
Both men screamed. " We are sorry Lord".
Tears began forming in Jesus's eyes. " You rejected me and my Father".
" We're sorry please forgive us".
" You are sentenced to eternity in the lake of fire".
Both men screamed. " No".
" Both of you led many people away from me".
Jesus looked at Carlo and Rory. " The two of you are to be cast into the lake of fire".
A hole opened in the ground. A putrid odor and a blue flame rose up.
Michael picked up a screaming Rory and threw him into the hole. Carlo, who did not say a word, was thrown in next.
The hole closed.

The End

research help: ' Glorious Appearing' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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