Tuesday, June 21, 2022

David 2022 page 10

 David 2022 page 10 by ric gustafson

David and his men quietly surrounded the camp of Amalekites. Then Joab blew his trumpet. David's men ran toward the enemy. Even though David and his men were outnumbered ten to one, they totally surprised their opponent. David's men were hungry and began to enjoy their spoils. Except for four hundred men who broke through David's line, all the Amalekites young and old were killed.
Later, an Amalekite was brought before David.
" Lord David, the greatest of your enemies is dead".
David stared at the man. " Saul?".
" And three of his sons".
David became ashen. " Jonathan too".
" Yes Lord".
David began to cry.

research help: ' The Stones' by Eleanor Gustafson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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