Tuesday, June 14, 2022

James: James 1:1-2

 James: James 1: 1-2 by ric gustafson

James is telling us to count it as joy when we fall into trials in life. Stress happens we cannot avoid it. Stress can be good for us. Stress can motivate us to make changes in our life. Stress can also hurt us in different ways. It can affect us physically and spiritually. Stress can lead to depression. High stress levels can lead to heart disease and ulcers.
The apostle Paul says be anxious for nothing. James says we should count it joy when we face trials. Jesus knows that trials will come our way. As believers of Jesus, we will face two types of trials. The first is the trial of correction. When we get out of God's Will for our life, a trial of correction will come. When we are in God's Will, a trial of perfection will come. Trials will come. Jesus says give them to me.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' the James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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