Monday, June 20, 2022

James: James 1: 13-17

 James: James 1: 13-17 by ric gustafson

In this passage, James talks about morality. It is a forgotten concept in our culture. Modern man offers a life of no moral absolutes. If you read the daily news, there basically is no restraints on words or actions. James talks about temptation. He talks about internal temptation. James talks about the testing of our faith. James says count it all joy when you fall into various trials. James talks about the cause of temptation. It has an internal source. When we are tempted, which way do we go?. We need the boundaries of moral absolutes. Jesus will help us with temptation. We just need to ask him.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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