Wednesday, June 29, 2022

James: James 1: 19-25

 James: James 1: 19-25 by ric gustafson

True faith is knowing Jesus. We must be consistent in our faith in how we walk and how we talk. We must be consistent in our living that honors Jesus. Our talk must be consistent. We must listen and not be quick to speak. We must be consistent in our talk and our conduct.
We must be consistent in our walk. James tells us to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. We need to study God's Word and plant it in our hearts. We need to obey God's Word and use it.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

James: James 1:18

 James: James 1:18 by ric gustafson

So what is salvation?. Salvation is not from our effort or good works. Salvation begins with God. Without Jesus, we cannot have salvation. We were dead in trespasses and sins. Without Jesus, we are spiritually dead. 
But there is good news. Jesus is the initiator of our salvation. God chooses to give us life. God's Word tells us that we are sinners in need of salvation. The Word of Truth tells us we need salvation. Life comes from death. When we become part of God's family, we will start to bear fruit. Our salvation will result in good works. Praise God's name.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 27, 2022

David 2022 page 12

 David 2022 page 12 by ric gustafson

David sat before the Lord. He had been careless. He and his men had tried to attack Jebus on their own pride. He did not consult the Lord. He sat down and pleaded to God for mercy. He called for Abiathar and the ephod.
" Shall I go and attack the Philistines?".
Abiathar bent over the ephod.
The answer came.
" Go, I will hand the Philistines over to you".
David smiled. " Tell Abishai what the Lord said".
David's small army overran the much larger Philistine force.
Less than a week later, Achish was back with a larger force.
In heavy fighting, Achish was killed and his army retreated to Gezer.

research help: ' The Stones' by Eleanor Gustafson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 26, 2022

James: James 1: 18-27

 James: James 1: 18-27 by ric gustafson

When telling the good news about Jesus Christ, credibility counts. What is genuine Christianity?. God's church needs to rise up in the power of the Holy Spirit. James talks about pure religion. James says that true faith is characterized by three factors. The first is knowing Christ. We need a personal relationship with Jesus. Second, we need to be consistent with our faith. Third, we need to always show our character. Being a Christian is about a personal relationship with Jesus.
Our real hope in this fallen world is a close personal relationship with Jesus our Savior.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 25, 2022

James: James 1: 16-17

 James: James 1: 16-17 by ric gustafson

When dealing with temptation, James tells us not to be deceived. James warns us not to be deceived about sin. In today's society it is easy to do what we feel is right in our own eyes. Our society stresses that if it feels good do it. James warns not to be deceived about the Savior. Anything and everything good comes from God alone. God gives gifts in a loving way. James reminds us that God never changes. Lastly, James warns us not to be deceived about salvation. The only way we can have victory over temptation is to know Jesus personally. We must confess our sin. We must accept God's forgiveness. We must believe that Jesus is our Savior and our Lord. We must receive a new nature. God offers salvation to all who seek it.
The gift of salvation is from above. Praise God's name.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 24, 2022

David 2022 page 11

 David 2022 page 11 by ric gustafson

On the day a son was born to David, he married Haggith.
David smiled as he held Absalom. " I promise you a son like that".
Joab and Abishai drove David's army to victory over Abner's armies.
One day, David welcomed Abner and his aides. They were led into a room less formal.
David grinned. " You have come with Michal".
" Yes". Abner groaned. " You can have her".
" What news do you bring?".
" I met with the elders of Israel". His voice hesitated. " I discussed with them about making a compact with you".
" Go in peace". They embraced. " Safe journey".
Later that afternoon, there was much feasting and dancing. David was singing songs full of joy and praise for the future of Israel. Abigail made sure everyone had plenty of food and wine. 

research help: ' The Stones' by Eleanor Gustafson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 23, 2022

James: James 1:15

 James: James 1:15 by ric gustafson

Sin leads us to defeat and then death. The root of temptation is a selfish desire. When desire conceives it gives birth to sin. And sin full grown leads to death. A desire is a strong urge. There is nothing wrong with desires. Desires can be productive. James talks about selfish desires. It starts in our mind and heart. When desire and deception mingle, sin is conceived. 
Selfish desires can lead to a sinful decision. Our sinful desires can give birth to sin. The wages of sin is death. 
We need to let Jesus deal with our temptation. Our desires need to change. We must put on a new nature. Our mind and heart is a battlefield. God will not let us be tempted beyond what we are able. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

James: James 1: 13-14

 James: James 1: 13-14 by ric gustafson

Where does temptation come from?. Does it come from God?. Does it come from Satan?. God in these verses tells everyone that he does not tempt anyone. Some people think Satan tempts people. Actually he does not. We are tempted when we are drawn away by our own desires. When we are tempted sometimes we give in to that. When we succumb to temptation we sin. Not all desires are bad. What's bad is when those desires are outside of God's will. Our temptations are personal. When our desires are sinful that is sinful behavior. We are all tempted it is not a sin. Jesus was tempted. When we take the bait of our self centered desires, we sin. The root of our temptations lie within us. Praise God's name.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

David 2022 page 10

 David 2022 page 10 by ric gustafson

David and his men quietly surrounded the camp of Amalekites. Then Joab blew his trumpet. David's men ran toward the enemy. Even though David and his men were outnumbered ten to one, they totally surprised their opponent. David's men were hungry and began to enjoy their spoils. Except for four hundred men who broke through David's line, all the Amalekites young and old were killed.
Later, an Amalekite was brought before David.
" Lord David, the greatest of your enemies is dead".
David stared at the man. " Saul?".
" And three of his sons".
David became ashen. " Jonathan too".
" Yes Lord".
David began to cry.

research help: ' The Stones' by Eleanor Gustafson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 20, 2022

James: James 1: 13-17

 James: James 1: 13-17 by ric gustafson

In this passage, James talks about morality. It is a forgotten concept in our culture. Modern man offers a life of no moral absolutes. If you read the daily news, there basically is no restraints on words or actions. James talks about temptation. He talks about internal temptation. James talks about the testing of our faith. James says count it all joy when you fall into various trials. James talks about the cause of temptation. It has an internal source. When we are tempted, which way do we go?. We need the boundaries of moral absolutes. Jesus will help us with temptation. We just need to ask him.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 19, 2022

David 2022 page 9

 David 2022 page 9 by ric gustafson

King Saul and two soldiers entered the village. Endor was four miles south of Mt Tabor. They entered a poor dwelling. Sitting on the floor was a thin faced woman. She watched the visitors with hard small eyes.
" Witch". Saul frowned. " I would like you to consult a spirit for me?".
" Who are you looking for?. She walked around them suspiciously. " I am a little curious".
Saul grinned. " I want you to raise the prophet Samuel".
She stared at the King. " How much?".
" I have gold". He glanced around the room. " Please, I'm in a hurry".
She set up some coals. She shook a powder over the coals. She began to chant. She began to dance around the coals. Then she stopped. She hissed. " You lied to me".
Saul hissed back. " I did not".
She pointed a finger. " You are King Saul".
Then a strange evil laugh came from the coals. " Why have you disturbed me?".
" Please Samuel". Saul frowned. " Please tell me what to do".
" I am nor Samuel". The evil spirit violently left Saul's body.

research help: ' The Stones' by Eleanor Gustafson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

James: James 1: 9-12

 James: James 1: 9-12 by ric gustafson

Stressful trials can be profitable to a believer. In trials, we all have the same need. Rich or poor, we all need help in trials. Blessed is the person who endures stressful trials. Why?.  Because after the trial we will receive the crown of life. What is this crown?. This is a special crown given to those who suffer and endure through stressful trials. They will win in the end. We are promised this crown in Revelation 2:10.
Yes we will endure stress and painful trials. James says we should count them as joy. The outcome will be for our good and God's glory. We will win in the end. Praise God's name.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 18, 2022

James: James 1: 3-8

 James: James 1: 3-8 by ric gustafson

James tells us that we can actually benefit from stress. The process of stress can test our faith. James tells us that our trials can refine us. In our Chrisian journey, our goal is spiritual maturity. There is a difference between wisdom and knowledge. We need to ask Jesus for the spirit of wisdom. 
Sometimes wisdom lacks. There are broken lives and broken families. Our world is violent and dark. James stresses that if any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of God. Wisdom is a gift from God, Jesus cares about us. He says call on me. I will take care of all of your trials. Praise God's name.

research help:  ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 17, 2022

James: James 1: 2-4

 James: James 1: 2-4 by ric gustafson

James tells us to count it all joy when we face trials. James says to counter stress with joy. We cannot avoid stress. It is a part of life. To handle stress we need to be in the will of God. We need to trust the Lord. James says look beyond your stress and trial. James is talking to us the brethren. We share the same values and beliefs. 
In each stressful trial we can grow in the likeness of Jesus. God wants his Son to flow through us. The trials of this life are temporary. Give them to Jesus. He will take care of them. Praise God's name.

research help: ' the James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 16, 2022

James: James 1:2

 James: James 1:2 by ric gustafson

Stress when we have trials can be problematic. Stress can become one of our worst enemies. It has ruined relationships and lives. Stress hurts our health and our happiness. James stresses that trials can be joy. We react to trials in different ways. There are different trials and different reactions to them. 
So how do we deal with stress and trials?.  We can get plenty of sleep and eat properly. Jesus says bring your trials to me. He will take care of them for us. Praise God's name.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

David 2022 page 8

 David 2022 page 8 by ric gustafson

King Saul began to slowly walk toward the entrance to the cave.
" My lord the king".
Saul recognized the voice. He turned.
" Look, I cut off a piece of your mantle".
Saul picked up the corner of his mantle.
" My men want me to kill you".
Saul glanced around the pitch dark cave.
" But I will not do it".
Saul sighed. " May the Lord reward you for the way you have treated me today".
" May there be peace between us". David watched Saul leave.
David knew that would never happen.

research help: ' The Stones' by Eleanor Gustafson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

James: James 1:1-2

 James: James 1: 1-2 by ric gustafson

James is telling us to count it as joy when we fall into trials in life. Stress happens we cannot avoid it. Stress can be good for us. Stress can motivate us to make changes in our life. Stress can also hurt us in different ways. It can affect us physically and spiritually. Stress can lead to depression. High stress levels can lead to heart disease and ulcers.
The apostle Paul says be anxious for nothing. James says we should count it joy when we face trials. Jesus knows that trials will come our way. As believers of Jesus, we will face two types of trials. The first is the trial of correction. When we get out of God's Will for our life, a trial of correction will come. When we are in God's Will, a trial of perfection will come. Trials will come. Jesus says give them to me.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' the James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 13, 2022

David 2022 page 7

 David 2022 page 7 by ric gustafson

Abigail knelt with her face to the ground. " My lord".
David stared at her.
" Please let your servant speak to you".
David helped her up. 
She pointed to some sheep. " My lord accept this gift for your men".
" Thank you".
" Do you know my head sheep herder Obed?".
David nodded. " Obed's a good man".
" Please remember your servant".
" You are kind and wise". David smiled. " I praise God for sending you".
Abigail smiled. 
" Your gift speaks to the stomach". David grinned. " I accept with gratitude".
Two months later, Abigail became David's wife.

research help: ' The Stones' by Eleanor Gustafson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

James: James 1:1

 James: James 1:1 by ric gustafson

James the brother of Jesus was writing to believers. Early believers had to leave Jerusalem because of increased persecution. These believers had to leave behind everything. Because they had to leave, the gospel was spread through the known world. James was writing to those facing various trials. James was helping those with stress and other pressures. These people were uprooted and had to leave. They were facing stress and added pressure. James helped them with their struggles.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' The James Code' by O.S. Hawkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Abide in Jesus: Jesus the Life

 Abide in Jesus: Jesus the Life by ric gustafson

We all have needs in order to thrive in each stage of life. We have physical needs including food, shelter and water. We need attachment. We need parents or a primary caregiver. If we have needs that need to be met, God promises to help us. He might send someone into our life to help us. Maturity is based on secured love. We want to know that we are ok and that everything will be ok. 
God wants us to truly know him. Then spiritual maturity can happen. Then we can be transformed into the image of God. Joy and stability comes with maturity. When Jesus is the source of our life, joy will be complete. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Abide' by Heather Khym

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 12, 2022

David 2022 page 6

 David 2022 page 6 by ric gustafson

David looked toward a forest called Horesh. He and his men were hiding from King Saul in a stronghold called Hakilah. Just then, Hurai walked up with three men. David recognized the two scouts. The third man was hidden behind the other two. He stepped forward.
" Hello David".
" Jonathan". David embraced his friend. " How I have missed you".
" You look thin my friend". He smiled. " All this running has made you tougher".
David frowned. " How is your father?".
" Same as usual". He glanced around. " How do you like being in this flowerless desert?".
" Lonely". He frowned. " I wish my wife was here with me".
" That's what I came to tell you".
" What is that my friend?".
" My father gave her to another man".

research help: ' The Stones' by Eleanor Gustafson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 10, 2022

Abide in Jesus: Jesus the Truth

 Abide in Jesus: Jesus the Truth by ric gustafson

As human beings, we want to express things that are in our heart. We are made of body and soul. Our bodies and soul are one. When they seperate, this is called death. The truth can come out through our voice, facial expressions and our body language. 
When lies are said of us, that hurts. Words have power. When we use God's truth, we can change those lies. With God deep in our hearts, there can be healing. We can pray in the name of Jesus. We can intercede for others. We need the truth of God to break the power of lies. 
Jesus is the truth. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Abide' by Heather Khym

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 9, 2022

David 2022 page 5

 David 2022 page 5 by ric gustafson

King Saul could not believe what he was hearing.
" David and his men got out of Keilah before we could attack".
Saul's face got red. " How did he know we were coming?".
The aide frowned. " Abiathar's ephod had something to do with it".
Saul began to scream. " I thought Abiathar was killed along with the other priests".
The aide shook his head. " He was the only survivor".
Saul continued screaming. " Check every cave, every hill".
" Yes Sire".
" Check every desert area, every wilderness stronghold".
" Yes Sire".
" I want you to check every place he could be".
" Yes Sire".
" I want that shepherd boy dead".

research help: ' The Stones' by Eleanor Gustafson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Abide in Jesus: Jesus the Way

 Abide in Jesus: Jesus the Way by ric gustafson

According to John 14:6, Jesus says I am the way. In John 16:33 Jesus says in this world you will have trouble. But then Jesus proclaims I have overcome the world. Jesus is our hope. The call of every Christian is to follow Jesus. We must deny ourselves and take up our cross. In Jesus we have the promise of resurrection. 
Satan will try to steal our hope. Satan wants us to continue in our suffering. He wants us to doubt the heart of God. As followers of Jesus, we have the gift of hope. Jesus can turn our pain into hope. We must go through the cross to a new life. Praise God's name.

research help: ' Abide' by Heather Khym

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

David 2022 page 4

 David 2022 page 4 by ric gustafson

David's eyes opened. He noticed that he was in a dark cave. All of a sudden, a torch was in his face.
" Uncle, you are awake". Abishai smiled. " How do you feel?".
David's mouth squeaked. He could not get any words out.
" What is your name?".
David closed his eyes. " David ben Jesse".
Joab helped him stand up. " Let's see if your legs still work".
David slowly walked to the entrance of the cave.
Joab smiled. " Asahel is bringing at least a hundred men including four of your brothers".
David recovered as he sat at the entrance to the cave.

research help: ' The Stones' by Eleanor Gustafson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 6, 2022

Abide in Jesus: roadblocks

 Abide in Jesus: roadblocks by ric gustafson

There are roadblocks that occur on our spiritual journey. One of them is unforgiveness. This roadblock brings hurt relationships and a link to the past. This hinders hope that the Lord has planned for us. God wants us to abide in love not hate.
Another roadblock is sin. All of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We need to live as servants of God. Sin blocks our relationship with God. We need to be restored with God again. 
Another roadblock is self reliance. This is the opposite of abiding in Jesus. We need to be dependent on God for everything. We need to let Jesus be the Lord of our lives.

research help: ' Abide' by Heather Khym

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 5, 2022

David 2022 page 3

 David 2022 page 3 by ric gustafson

Ahimelech ben Ahitub noticed David right away. The High Priest of Nob and great grandson of Eli stared at the stranger. 
" What has happened my lord?". He began to worry. " Are you alone?".
Dust covered David's face. 
" I'm so sorry but this bread is consecrated".
" I need your help".
" Yes my lord".
David whispered in Ahimelech's ear. " I need a sword".
" I can give you Goliath's sword".
" Yes". David smiled. " I offered it to the Lord years ago".
The High Priest noticed someone standing nearby. " You best be on your way".
David looked around. " Is someone watching me?".
" Yes". The High Priest pointed. " It's Saul's Chief Shepherd".

research help: ' The Stones' by Eleanor Gustafson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 4, 2022

David 2022 page 2

 David 2022 page 2 by ric gustafson

David smiled as Jonathan walked through the doorway.
" Jonathan, my brother". They embraced. " I've missed you since my wedding".
He frowned. " I've been busy at father's court".
" Any news?".
" Yes, I'm afraid". He gave David a fearful stare. " My father wants you dead".
" Dead?".
" In fact, he suggested I kill you".
David smiled. " I know you would not do that".
" Of course not". He smiled. " You are my friend and brother".
" How do I stay away from your father?".
" Stay away as far as you can". They embraced. " I will speak to him".

research help: ' The Stones' by Eleanor Gustafson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 3, 2022

David 2022 page 1

 David 2022 page 1 by ric gustafson

David and Joab were walking through King Saul's courtyard.
" Be careful about Michal Uncle". He frowned. " She is the King's daughter".
" She loves me". He smiled. " We are going to be married".
Joab frowned. " Just make sure you stay in the King's favor".
" Why is that?".
" Uncle he wants you dead".
David opened the courtyard door.
" He's crazy Uncle". Joab's voice hesitated. " He threw a spear at you".
" I know". They walked out the door in silence. " I'll be careful".

research help: ' The Stones' by Eleanor Gustafson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 2, 2022

the end of days page 45

 the end of days page 45 by ric gustafson

Gabriel led Carlo and Rory to Jesus. 
Just then, the angel Michael appeared in front of them. " Kneel in front of Jesus the Son of the Living God".
Carlo and Rory slowly went on one knee.
Jesus now spoke. " I do not take pleasure in the death of the wicked".
They yelled out " we believe and serve you".
" Rather than resist the evil one". Jesus stared at the two men. " You decided to serve him instead".
Both men screamed. " We are sorry Lord".
Tears began forming in Jesus's eyes. " You rejected me and my Father".
" We're sorry please forgive us".
" You are sentenced to eternity in the lake of fire".
Both men screamed. " No".
" Both of you led many people away from me".
Jesus looked at Carlo and Rory. " The two of you are to be cast into the lake of fire".
A hole opened in the ground. A putrid odor and a blue flame rose up.
Michael picked up a screaming Rory and threw him into the hole. Carlo, who did not say a word, was thrown in next.
The hole closed.

The End

research help: ' Glorious Appearing' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days page 44

 the end of days page 44 by ric gustafson

Carlo, Rory and the rest of his horse troops advanced toward the Western Wall of the Temple Mount. 
Carlo raised his sword. " Attack".
As the horse troops galloped toward their target, Rory looked on in horror. Some of the troops fell off their mounts and their heads were crushed on cobblestones. Some of the troops dissolved on their mounts. Their bodies simply melted. 
Carlo stared as thousands of horses simply ran away. He looked up and cursed God.
Just then, the earth moved and a large fissure opened up. All of Carlo's remaining troops disappeared in the fissure.
Jesus descended to the top of the Mount of Olives. 
Rory and Carlo charged their horses toward Jesus.
Jesus raised a hand. " It is finished".
Both horses stopped.
Both men knew it was over.
Just then, both men knew someone was right next to them. 
It was the angel Gabriel.

research help: ' Glorious Appearing' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

the end of days page 43

 the end of days page 43 by ric gustafson

Jesus's hair and head were white as pure snow. In his right hand were seven stars. Behind him was the army of Heaven.
" I am the Alpha and Omega". When he said that, thousands of Carlo's troops fell over dead. " The First and the Last".
Rory could not believe what he was hearing.
" And I have the keys of Hades and Death". Tens of thousands of Carlo's troops fell over dead.
" I am the Lamb that was saved".
Hundreds of thousands of Carlo's troops screamed and began to run away.
A large cloud of birds began feasting on the bodies of One World soldiers.
Carlo rode his black horse up to Rory. " Well my young friend". He smiled. " Are you ready for the final attack?".
" Yes Sir".
As Rory turned his horse around, he heard his name.
" Rory Johnston".
A chill ran up his spine. It sounded like it came from Jesus himself.

research help: ' Glorious Appearing' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric