Sunday, March 6, 2022

paid in full page 12

 paid in full page 12 by ric gustafson

One day, Jesus gathered his disciples.
" I am sending you out to proclaim the good news". He gave them a big smile. " And heal the sick". Jesus gave them more instructions. " No bag or money and only one tunic".
Judas began to protest. " How can we go with only one tunic?". He frowned. " Are we your students?".
" No Judas". Jesus grinned. " You are my followers".
" Without money". Judas protested again. " How are we going to eat?".
" My Heavenly Father will provide all of your needs".
" Master". Simon Peter spoke up. " We have left everything to follow you".
" You will be given a hundredfold in the life eternal".
Judas frowned. " So what do we do now?".
" We will have a special celebration tonight". Jesus smiled. " Then you will depart tomorrow at sunrise".

research help: ' The Gospel of Gabriel' by Edward Hays

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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