Friday, March 18, 2022

Malchus page 2

 Malchus page 2 by ric gustafson

" What do you see Malchus?".
" I see a donkey colt Japhet". 
" This donkey colt is a prophecy fulfilled five hundred years ago by the prophet Zechariah".
" What did the prophecy say?".
" Behold your king is coming humble and mounted on a donkey".
" What happened today Japhet?".
" At some point, I noticed two men untying my colt".
" Did you know them?".
" No". He smiled. " I said what are you doing?".
Malchus scratched his chin. " What did they say?".
" They said the Lord has need of your animal". 
" They left with my colt and brought it back later unharmed".
" Later, I was told that Jesus of Nazareth rode on it".
" Jesus of Nazareth".
" You know of him".
" Just what my Master has told me".
" Malchus my boy". Tears began to come down the weary face. " I believe that the Messiah has come".

research help: ' Malchus' by W.G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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