Friday, March 25, 2022

Malchus page 8

 Malchus page 8 by ric gustafson

Caiaphas looked at Jonathon. " What do you mean our problem is solved?".
" After meeting his betrayer earlier". He smiled. " I know where the carpenter will be taking his Passover tonight".
" Do you want to explain this betrayer further?".
" He will lead us to him". He frowned. " For a price".
" Of course". Caiaphas sighed. " How much?".
" Thirty pieces of silver".
" Thirty". Caiaphas rubbed his chin. " That's enough to buy a house here in Jerusalem".
Jonathon grinned. " But well worth it".
" True". He clapped his hands in joy. " Let's do it".
" Ok". Jonathon sighed. " He will meet us at the Beautiful Gate at 9:00".
" Malchus". Caiaphas pointed at his slave. " I need you to come with me for some unfinished business".
" Yes Sire".

research help: ' Malchus' by W.G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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