Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Malchus page 12

 Malchus page 12 by ric gustafson

.Malchus coughed as smoke filled his nose. The smoke was from the torches being held by the growing mob. In the dark, they were slowly approaching the Mount of Olives. When they had reached the Garden of Gethsemane, Malchus recognized it. He had been there before.
As they entered the Garden, Flavius noticed three men who appeared to have been sleeping. He pointed at his men. " Arrest them".
A voice came from the darkness. " Whom do you seek?".
Flavius could not see beyond the lit torches. " Jesus of Nazareth".
Jonathon propelled the young man forward. " Greet the one whom we are looking for".
Judas slowly walked toward a man in the darkness. He kissed the man on the cheek.
Jesus emerged from the darkness. " I am he".
Everyone including Malchus fell to the ground. After a while, everyone got back up.
Jesus looked at the large mob. " Whom do you seek?".
Flavius got back up. " Jesus of Nazareth".
" I am he".

research help: ' Malchus' by W.G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 28, 2022

The Passion of Jesus: to bring us to God

 the Passion of Jesus: to bring us to God by ric gustafson

God is the good news. God himself is the good news. We cannot have good news without embracing God. According to I Peter 3:18, Christ also suffered that he might bring us to God. 
Jesus died on the cross for us. Jesus is the good news. God is our source for full and lasting pleasure. Jesus died so we can be with God forever. Praise God's name.

research help: ' The Passion of Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Malchus page 11

 Malchus page 11 by ric gustafson

Malchus yawned as he sat on a cold marble step. People were beginning to show up with torches. He noticed a young man standing alone under the arch of the gate. Just then, he noticed Jonathon appear with a group of temple police. Jonathon threw a bag of coins at the young man's feet. He smiled as he tied it around his waist.
Then Flavius Artemis, Pilate's centurion, came with some more soldiers. He began to talk with the young man. Then the Roman centurion got his men into formation. Malchus noticed that the soldiers had small shields and battle swords.
When it was time, Flavius raised his sword. " Let's go".
Led by the young man who had taken the bag of coins, the group started walking toward the Pool of Siloam, Led by Flavius and Jonathon, the group gained numbers as it walked.
At the rear was Malchus.

research help: ' Malchus' by W.G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Malchus page 10

Malchus page 10 by ric gustafson

" And what makes you think this carpenter is dangerous?".
" One reason is that he claims to be the King of the Jews".
Pilate kept staring out the window. " He is no threat to Rome".
" I disagree with you Procurator".
" He is a religious fanatic whose teachings are absurd". He pointed a finger at the High Priest. " Nothing more".
Caiaphas grinned. " He attacked the temple merchants". He sighed. " Someday, he could attack you".
" Ok, I will arrest him on suspicion of treason". He turned and began to walk toward Caiaphas. " But if there is no evidence against him I will let him go".
" Thank you Procurator".
" Do you know where this rabble rouser carpenter is going to be?".
" Yes".
" Good". He clapped his hands in joy. " I will send my centurion Flavius Artemis and some of my best soldiers to help".

research help: ' Malchus' by W.G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Beatle songs: When I'm 64

 Beatle songs: When I'm 64 by ric gustafson

Paul wrote this song when he was about 15. He wanted to write a cabaret tune that was popular in the 20's and 30's. He thought of his father when he wrote this song. When it was released, Jim McCartney had just turned 64. Paul wrote the song as a letter from a young man who was trying to coax a female into long term devotion. The lyrics were mocking. It reminded Paul of his father's music.
The song was on the album ' Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'.
The album was released in June of 1967.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Passion of Jesus: this present evil age

 the Passion of Jesus: this present evil age by ric gustafson

Right now we are living in the present evil age. Unless we die or Jesus comes back. Jesus promises to deliver us from the power of the evil one. Satan right now in this present evil age has the power to deceive and destroy. Satan is the god of this world. He has blinded the minds of unbelievers. 
Romans 12:2 states do not be conformed to this world. Jesus wants us to be free. When Jesus went to the cross, he set us free. He broke the power of Satan. It is costly but Jesus says follow me.

research help: ' The Passion of Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Malchus page 9

 Malchus page 9 by ric gustafson

Caiaphas and Malchus walked up to the soldier. " I am Joseph Caiaphas the High Priest". He frowned. " It is urgent that I speak to the Procurator".
" Stay here". The soldier closed the door. He came back a short time later. " Follow me". The soldier led the two to the northeast corner of the Fortress. They were led to a large room. Looking out a window was a short stocky man.
" I hope this is important Caiaphas".
" We are here of a matter of great urgency".
Pilate stared at Malchus. " And who is this?".
" My slave".
He smirked. " And what is your urgent matter?".
" There is a dangerous man here in Jerusalem".
" Dangerous". Pilate smirked. " And who is this man you are so afraid of?".
" Jesus of Nazareth".

research help: 'Malchus' by W.G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 25, 2022

the Passion of Jesus: eternal life to those who believe

 the Passion of Jesus: eternal life to those who believe by ric gustafson

According to John 3:16, whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Death is an enemy. Our human heart wants to live and be happy. 
According to Ecclesiastes 3:11, God put eternity into man's heart. We were created in God's image. We were made to live forever. Our destination is one of two places. Jesus died on a cross so we can be with him forever. The other choice is a place called hell. It is total seperation from God forever. Jesus's blood gave us the chance to be with him forever. Hell is the other choice.
Everyone has to make that choice.

research help: ' The Passion of Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Malchus page 8

 Malchus page 8 by ric gustafson

Caiaphas looked at Jonathon. " What do you mean our problem is solved?".
" After meeting his betrayer earlier". He smiled. " I know where the carpenter will be taking his Passover tonight".
" Do you want to explain this betrayer further?".
" He will lead us to him". He frowned. " For a price".
" Of course". Caiaphas sighed. " How much?".
" Thirty pieces of silver".
" Thirty". Caiaphas rubbed his chin. " That's enough to buy a house here in Jerusalem".
Jonathon grinned. " But well worth it".
" True". He clapped his hands in joy. " Let's do it".
" Ok". Jonathon sighed. " He will meet us at the Beautiful Gate at 9:00".
" Malchus". Caiaphas pointed at his slave. " I need you to come with me for some unfinished business".
" Yes Sire".

research help: ' Malchus' by W.G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Malchus page 7

 Malchus page 7 by ric gustafson

Caiaphas and Malchus entered the room. Everyone became silent. " We have a crisis at hand that must be dealt with". He frowned at the others. " This Jesus from Nazareth is calling himself a king". Caiaphas became silent. " I want some suggestions".
Ahijah the Temple physician stood up. " He is a blasphemer". He banged a fist on the table. " Only God can forgive sins".
" Have you seen the company he keeps?". Jesse the treasurer stood up. " Tax collectors, prostitutes and adulterers".
Mattiah stood up. " The fact is we have nothing to charge him with".
Caiaphas stood up. " If we let this man continue what he is doing". He banged a fist on the table. " He will destroy this nation and us".
A priest stood up. " We need to find out where he will be tonight". He smiled. " Then we can arrest him without a crowd around".
Jonathon stood up. " Your problem is solved".

research help: ' Malchus' by W.G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Malchus page 6

 Malchus page 6 by ric gustafson

That afternoon, forty five members of the Sanhedrin arrived. Malchus knew some of them. He knew Elias who was in charge of the treasury. He knew Pelai the Temple jailer. He noticed Ahijah who was the Temple physician. He noticed one person was not there yet. Jonathon.
Jonathon was walking fast trying to get to the meeting.
He was stopped by a young man with curly black hair.
He talked with a low voice. " I have information you might be interested in".
Jonathon did not recognize the young man. " Who are you?".
" That is not important right now". His eyes darted around. " I can deliver him to you".
" Deliver whom to us?".
The young man stared. " Jesus of Nazareth".
" And how do you know this Jesus?".
" I am a member of his core group".
Jonathon smiled. " Follow me".

research help: ' Malchus' by W.G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

the Passion of Jesus: to heal us from all sickness

 the Passion of Jesus: to heal us from all sickness by ric gustafson

Jesus died so one day disease would be destroyed. When sin entered the world, so did disease and death. They came as part of God's judgment on creation. Christians are not immune to this. This misery is only temporary. 
There will be a time when bodily pain will be no more. When Jesus came, he was on a mission of global redemption. Jesus healed many people. Jesus took death and disease to the grave. One day, there will be a new earth. We will have new bodies. Death will be swallowed up. We will be new in Jesus.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' The Passion of Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 21, 2022

the Passion of Jesus: to take away our condemnation

 the Passion of Jesus: to take away our condemnation by ric gustafson

According to Romans 8, there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. In Christ we are in a relationship with him. Faith in Jesus unites us. Jesus became our punishment. Jesus alone is our acceptance by God. We are justified through faith in Jesus. The death of Jesus secured our freedom from condemnation. Jesus died once for our sins. We will not be condemned for them. Jesus died. Jesus rose. We are alive in Jesus. Praise God's name.

research help: ' The Passion of Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Malchus page 5

 Malchus page 5 by ric gustafson

Malchus stared at the traders. " Your trading will not be bothered today".
One trader sneered. " That's easy for you to say".
" The Temple guard will make sure". Just then, he heard a commotion coming from the Court of the Gentiles. As he ran over, a man ran past him.
" I've been healed". He hugged Malchus. " It's a miracle". He began to hug everyone he could see. " My eyes can see".
Just then, the Rabbi appeared. 
The man hugged him. " Thank you for healing me". He ran off praising God's name.
Then Malchus watched as his Master, Jonathon and some priests approached.
" Rabbi". Caiaphas sneered. " By what authority are you doing these things?".
" I will ask you one thing too". Jesus smiled. " If you tell me, I will tell you by what authority I do these things".
They all nodded.
" Was the baptism of John from heaven or from men?".
Caiaphas and the others began to converse.
Finally, one of the priests spoke up. " We do not know".
" Then neither will I tell you by what authority I do what I do".

research help: ' Malchus' by W.G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Fear: He leads me beside still waters

Fear: He leads me beside still waters by ric gustafson

Satan tells us we need something to distract us. It could be our cellphone. It could be the TV. It could be binge shopping. The possibilities are endless.
Jesus asks us to step away from distractions. He says encounter me instead. Jesus says I will heal your souls. Old habits are hard to break. Jesus will give us a new pathway if we will let him. In Psalm 23:2, Jesus the Good Shepherd will lead us beside still waters. Jesus will bring us to quiet waters. 
Praise God's name.

research help: ' More power to you' by Margaret Feinberg

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Passion of Jesus: obedient to the point of death

 the Passion of Jesus: obedient to the point of death by ric gustafson

Jesus Christ fulfilled all righteousness perfectly. When I became a follower of Jesus, I was counted righteous. God looked on his Son and declared me righteous. The death of Jesus paid the debt of my unrighteousness. The obedience of Jesus provided the righteousness I needed to be justified in God's court.
Jesus needed to suffer and die so I could be with him forever. Jesus's death became the basis of my pardon and my perfection. My sin was put on Jesus. Jesus became my pardon.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' The Passion of Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Malchus page 4

 Malchus page 4 by ric gustafson

Malchus held his nose as he stood by the Sheep Gate. Flocks were coming through the Gate. Then they were being led to the Temple to be sold and sacrificed. Just then, somebody bumped into him.
" I'm sorry". He frowned. " I'm trying to keep my place in this crowd".
" What's all the excitement about?".
" Everyone's heading for the Pool of Bethesda". He spoke in an excited voice. " Somebody said that Jesus was there".
Malchus followed the crowd. The Pool was used by the sick and lame people hoping to get well. Malchus knew the Jewish belief of an angel who sometimes comes and stirs up the water. And that the first person to step into the water would be healed. When he reached the Pool with the others, he found out the Rabbi had already left. He walked to the stairs that led to the gates of the outer courts. He wanted to speak to the traders who were affected by what the Rabbi had done.

research help: ' Malchus' by W.G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Malchus page 3

 Malchus page 3 by ric gustafson

Malchus tried to walk quietly past the meeting room.
" Malchus, come here".
He walked into the room. His Master was talking to the Captain of the temple guard.
" You are back from taking care of my chariot horses".
" Yes Master".
Caiaphas banged a fist on a table. " Jonathon, he called my temple a den of thieves".
" Sire, next time we will catch him".
" How could you have let him go?".
" Sire, by the time I arrived with my men the incident was already over".
" What do you mean already over?".
" He had already disappeared into the crowd". He frowned. " I did not want a riot on my hands".
Caiaphas pointed a finger at the son of Annas. " I want you to assemble the Sanhedrin here tomorrow in my personal court".
He pointed a finger at his young slave. " Go to the Temple tomorrow and help make sure this type of incident does not happen again".
" Yes Master".

research help: ' Malchus' by W.G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 18, 2022

Malchus page 2

 Malchus page 2 by ric gustafson

" What do you see Malchus?".
" I see a donkey colt Japhet". 
" This donkey colt is a prophecy fulfilled five hundred years ago by the prophet Zechariah".
" What did the prophecy say?".
" Behold your king is coming humble and mounted on a donkey".
" What happened today Japhet?".
" At some point, I noticed two men untying my colt".
" Did you know them?".
" No". He smiled. " I said what are you doing?".
Malchus scratched his chin. " What did they say?".
" They said the Lord has need of your animal". 
" They left with my colt and brought it back later unharmed".
" Later, I was told that Jesus of Nazareth rode on it".
" Jesus of Nazareth".
" You know of him".
" Just what my Master has told me".
" Malchus my boy". Tears began to come down the weary face. " I believe that the Messiah has come".

research help: ' Malchus' by W.G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Malchus page 1

 Malchus page 1 by ric gustafson

Malchus turned off the main road to Jericho. He started down a quiet road toward a small village. The quiet village of Bethany was a break from the busyness of Jerusalem. He led the temple chariot led by two black Arabians down a dusty lane.
Malchus stopped at the entrance to a garden stable. He stopped the chariot near some trees. He got down and walked over to a nearby well. As he drank, he noticed an old man walking toward him holding onto a donkey colt with a rope.
He quietly walked up to the young man. " Malchus, is that you?".
" Yes Japhet it is". He took the old man's hands and looked into his weary eyes. " I have not been here for quite a while".
The old man smiled. " I assume your Master Caiaphas wants his horses reshod".
" Yes". Malchus stared at the colt. " Why are you holding onto that donkey colt like that?".
" Malchus my boy". The old man grinned. " Let me tell you what happened earlier today".

research help: ' Malchus' by W.G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the great egg souffle caper page 6

 the great egg souffle caper page 6 by ric gustafson

Elnora ran into the small kitchen. " Marjorie, I sent a young man up here with my last egg souffle dish".
" I haven't seen him". She frowned. " I sure could use it right now".
Dumbfounded, Elnora began to walk back downstairs. As she passed the back door of the church, she noticed it was ajar. She walked out onto a small sidewalk. She looked toward the street. Then she noticed the young man who had taken the hot dish. He was standing next to a green dumpster. She walked across the street. She walked quietly up to the dumpster. She peeked around the corner. She could not believe what she was looking at. She saw the young man, a young woman and four young children eating the hot dish as if they had not eaten in days.
" What are you doing eating our egg souffle dish?". She pulled out her cell phone to call the police.
" Please don't call". Tears came to the young man's eyes. " You have everything and we have nothing".
Elnora put her cell phone away.
He grinned. " I figured you would not miss it".
With tears now in her eyes, Elnora walked back into church. They did end up with plenty of egg souffle to go around. When it was all over, Elnora knew that what had just happened to her was God showing her the true meaning of Easter.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Beatle songs: Being for the benefit of Mr Kite

 Beatle songs: Being for the benefit of Mr Kite by ric gustafson

One day, John walked into an antiques shop. He noticed a Victorian circus poster. He bought it. The poster was announcing a production in Lancashire in 1843. It was to be for the benefit of Mr Kite. John began to write a song based on the words on the poster. The poster was in his music room. He studied the words as he wrote the song. John needed a song for the new album.
The song was included on the album ' Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'. The album was released in June of 1967.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the great egg souffle caper page 5

 the great egg souffle caper page 5 by ric gustafson

" Elnora, we're getting a lot more people than expected". Lucille Gass gave a loaded tray to a church member.
Elnora noticed the long line still coming through. " How are the hot cross buns and orange juice doing?".
" Fine, for right now".
Then she remembered she had given away her only extra egg souffle dish.
" Elnora, we need some more egg souffle upstairs".
In disbelief, she turned to see her friend George Weiler.
" I gave the dish to a young man to bring up there". Horror came over her face. " You never got it".
" No". He shook his head. " We sure could use it".
" Sylvia". She had a look of concern on her face. " Can you watch things here for a few minutes?".
" Sure".
Elnora ran upstairs.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

the great egg souffle caper page 4

 the great egg souffle caper page 4 by ric gustafson

After the 8:00 service started, more egg souffle came. Elnora and the others warmed up more hot cross buns and poured more orange juice. Elnora figured she had just enough for the crowd that was coming. She knew she only had one extra egg souffle dish in case the crowd was larger than she expected.
When the service ended, the line began to form down the stairs.
" How is it going Elnora?" It was Pastor Greerson.
She sighed. " We're doing fine so far".
" I got in line because I'm hungry". He filled a plate and sat down.
" We need some more egg souffle upstairs".
Elnora turned to notice a young man who was dressed casually in jeans and a t shirt. She did not recognize him. She figured he was helping Marjorie upstairs.
" I have an extra egg souffle dish warming up". She wiped the sweat from her brow. " You can take it". She got the dish and handed it to the young man.
" Thank you". He carefully picked up the dish and ran up the stairs.
After the crowd had died down, Elnora began to pray that more egg souffle would be coming.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Passion of Jesus: our justification

 the Passion of Jesus: our justification by ric gustafson

To be justified is to be declared just. We have been tried and found innocent. In a human court, to be justified is to keep the law. We keep the law and the court justifies us. In the courtroom of God we have not kept the law. Therefore, justification is hopeless. 
Because of Jesus, God justifies the ungodly who trust in his grace. Because of Jesus's blood, our guilt was taken away. According to Romans 5:9, we have now become justified by his blood.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' The Passion of Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 14, 2022

the great egg souffle caper page 3

 the great egg souffle caper page 3 by ric gustafson

Elnora looked at her watch. She knew there was only twenty minutes to go.
" Happy Easter Elnora".
She turned to see her friend Sylvia Chase. In her hands was an egg souffle dish.
" The egg souffle is here".
Soon, more egg souffle dishes arrived. People helped pour orange juice and warm up hot cross buns. Elnora began to feel a great weight coming off her shoulders.
The first of the sunrise service parishoners began to come down the stairs.
" Happy Easter Elnora". Mildred Gerch hugged her friend. " Christ is risen".
Elnora handed her friend a plate of egg souffle and a hot cross bun.
The sunrise service crowd was small. Elnora had just enough egg souffle and hot cross buns to go around.
When the traffic had died down, she sat down to rest.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Passion of Jesus: the forgiveness of our sins

 the Passion of Jesus: the forgiveness of our sins by ric gustafson

Forgiveness assumes grace. I forgive you. Grace gives what someone doesn't deserve. Forgiveness gives away the right to get even. If we believe in Jesus, God no longer holds our sins against us. 
God's justice deals with all sin. All sin is serious. That is why Jesus suffered and died. Forgiveness costs us nothing. It cost Jesus his life. God does not hold our sins against us. It is because of the blood of Jesus.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' The Passion of Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 13, 2022

the Passion of Jesus: a ransom for many

 the Passion of Jesus: a ransom for many by ric gustafson

When Jesus died on that cross, Satan was defeated. Jesus gave his life as a ransom. Jesus makes the payment for us. Jesus offered himself to his Father. Jesus was the substitute for our behalf. We have sinned against God and fallen short. Because of Jesus, we were free from God's condemnation. Only the Son of Man could be our ransom. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Passion of Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

paid in full page 13

 paid in full page 13 by ric gustafson

One day as Jesus and his disciples were walking, a young man fell at Jesus's feet. 
" Good Master, I wish to be your disciple".
" Friend, why do you call me God?". Jesus smiled. " Only God is good". He looked at the young man. " I'm pleased you wish to be my disciple".
" Thank you Master". He grinned. " What do I do first?".
" Go home and sell everything you own".
The young man was stunned.
" Give it to the poor". Jesus stared at him. " Then come and become one of us".
The young man looked at Jesus with great sadness. He was very wealthy.
He quietly walked away.
" It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle". Jesus stared at his disciples. " Then for the rich to enter God's Kingdom".

research help: ' The Gospel of Gabriel' by Edward Hays

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 11, 2022

the great egg souffle caper page 2

 the great egg souffle caper page 2 by ric gustafson

Roger finished setting up the chairs. He put the rolling rack into a corner. " Marjorie is upstairs getting everything in order".
" Good". She set up a basket on the serving table for a freewill offering.
" Happy Easter Elnora".
She turned around. " Pastor Greerson, I did not hear you come down".
" I just came down to see how you were doing". He quickly glanced around the room. " The sunrise service is about to begin".
" Marjorie is handling upstairs". She smiled. " And we are doing fine down here".
" Good". He walked back upstairs.
After she and Roger had finished setting up the serving tables, Elnora looked at her watch. Then she sat down to wait for her help. She was hoping the egg souffle dishes would be coming soon. She began to pray that the morning would be uneventful.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 10, 2022

the Passion of Jesus: dead in our trespasses

 the Passion of Jesus: dead in our trespasses by ric gustafson

Our good deeds will not outweigh our bad deeds. Our deeds good and bad signify rebellion. When Jesus died on that cross, the record of our debt was eliminated. Our only hope is the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. Jesus died so our penalty was blotted out. 
The record of our deeds was nailed to that cross. Jesus endured my damnation. Jesus is my only hope. Faith in Jesus is the only way to God. Praise God's name.

research help: ' The Passion of Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the great egg souffle caper page 1

 the great egg souffle caper page 1 by ric gustafson

Elnora Jensen walked quietly down the carpeted steps. She turned on the lights. The large downstairs room was used as a youth room, confirmation classes and this morning Easter breakfast. She walked over and opened the heavy purple curtains to reveal a beautiful Easter sky. As she turned around, she noticed the smiling face of Roger Corby. He was the church's custodian.
" Happy Easter Roger". She checked the refrigerator to make sure they had plenty of orange juice.
" Happy Easter to you too Elnora". He pulled up a rolling rack of folding chairs. He began to set them up.
" Did the hot cross buns get here from the store?".
" Yes they did". He smiled. " And we should have plenty of napkins and paper plates also".
" Good". She began to set up the coffee pots. " How is the upstairs doing?".
" Just fine".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Fear: he makes me lie down in green pastures

 Fear: he makes me lie down in green pastures by ric gustafson

We worry about the future. We have anxiety and fear. What keeps us up at night?. Is it work, bad test results or past due notices?. Satan the Accuser tells us it will be a disaster. We are like sheep, we need a shepherd to take care of us. 
Jesus is the Good Shepherd. A good shepherd will lay down his life for his sheep. The Good Shepherd watches over us day and night. The Good Shepherd's presence will put his sheep at ease. So we can lie down and know the Good Shepherd is watching and protecting us always.

research help: ' More power to you' by Margaret Feinberg

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Passion of Jesus: to show his own love for us

 the Passion of Jesus: to show his own love for us by ric gustafson

According to Galatians 2:20, he loved me and gave himself for me. Jesus's death on a cross was very personal. He loved me. He died for me. Jesus loves me personally. My sin cuts me off from God. I need to plea for mercy. 
Jesus paid the highest cost to give me the best gift possible. In his suffering and death, we have seen his glory. John 1:14 says as of the only Son from the Father full of grace and truth. The love of Christ is that he died for you and me so we can be with him forever. Praise God's name.

research help: ' The Passion of Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 7, 2022

Beatle songs: Getting Better

 Beatle songs: Getting Better by ric gustafson

In June 1964, Ringo was sick with tonsillitis. A substitute drummer named Jimmy Nicol was asked to fill in. He was quiet and always replied ' it's getting better'. Paul liked that phrase and began to write a song around that phrase. Paul wrote half the song. Later, John would come and help him finish it.
The song was included on the album ' Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'. The song and album was released in June of 1967.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Passion of Jesus: God's love and grace for sinners

 the Passion of Jesus: God's love and grace for sinners by ric gustafson

God sent us the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. According to John 3:16, he gave us his only Son. God chose this sacrifice to save us. We are unworthy for this kind of sacrifice. According to Romans 5, Christ died for us. We deserve divine punishment. Our debt is so great. Only a divine sacrifice can pay it. According to Ephesians 1:7, it is the riches of his grace. It is free. He gives us undeserving sinners this grace.

research help: ' The Passion of Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Beatles songs: Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

 Beatle songs: Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds by ric gustafson

One day in 1967, Julian Lennon showed his father a drawing he had done at nursery school. He explained to his father that it was a drawing of a classmate of his. Her name was Lucy O'Donnell. Young Julian called the drawing ' Lucy in the sky with diamonds'. John loved the title. Lucy lived near the Lennon home.
By the time Paul came to help complete the song, only the first verse and the chorus was done. John and Paul finished the lines and the images for the new song.
The song was included on the album ' Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'. The album was released in June 1967.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Passion of Jesus: the price of his resurrection

the Passion of Jesus: the price of his resurrection by ric gustafson

The death of Jesus was the price for his resurrection. The blood of the covenant is the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus is his death. Unless Jesus became our substitute, there would be no salvation. 
The holy curse against sin was absorbed. Jesus was obedient to his Heavenly Father. Jesus had to be resurrected otherwise his death would of been a failure. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Passion of Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

paid in full page 12

 paid in full page 12 by ric gustafson

One day, Jesus gathered his disciples.
" I am sending you out to proclaim the good news". He gave them a big smile. " And heal the sick". Jesus gave them more instructions. " No bag or money and only one tunic".
Judas began to protest. " How can we go with only one tunic?". He frowned. " Are we your students?".
" No Judas". Jesus grinned. " You are my followers".
" Without money". Judas protested again. " How are we going to eat?".
" My Heavenly Father will provide all of your needs".
" Master". Simon Peter spoke up. " We have left everything to follow you".
" You will be given a hundredfold in the life eternal".
Judas frowned. " So what do we do now?".
" We will have a special celebration tonight". Jesus smiled. " Then you will depart tomorrow at sunrise".

research help: ' The Gospel of Gabriel' by Edward Hays

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 5, 2022

the Passion of Jesus: to learn obedience and be perfected

 the Passion of Jesus: to learn obedience and be perfected by ric gustafson

Jesus learned obedience through suffering. Jesus was without sin. Jesus was sinless. He was human with temptations and weaknesses. He suffered hunger, anger, grief and pain. Jesus's heart was perfect in love with God. Jesus obeyed his Heavenly Father.  Praise God's name.

research help: ' The Passion of Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 4, 2022

Beatle songs: With A Little Help From My Friends

 Beatle songs: With A Litle Help From My Friends by ric gustafson

Journalist Hunter Davies had the honor on March 29 1967 to watch John and Paul begin a new song. They wanted to write a song for Ringo. They wanted it to be a sing a long song that kids could sing. All John and Paul had at the start was a chorus line and a small part of a melody. The lyrics were completed in the studio and ten takes were done that night to finish it.
' With A Little Help From My Friends' was released in June 1967 on the album Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Passion of Jesus: to please his Heavenly Father

 the Passion of Jesus: to please his Heavenly Father by ric gustafson

The death and suffering of God's Son was conceived and planned before creation. Prophets such as Isaiah foretold what was going to happen. God's Son was to take the place of all sinners. It was God's idea for his Son to die for us on that cross. 
God poured out his wrath on his own Son. Jesus was precious in his Heavenly Father's sight.
Praise God's name.

research help: ' The Passion of Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Passion of Jesus: absorbing the wrath of God

 the Passion of Jesus: absorbing the wrath of God by ric gustafson

God is both loving and just. God wants our love more than anything else. But we have loved other things. This is sin. God is worthy of respect and loyalty. God has a holy wrath against sin. God needs to punish for sin. 
God sent his Son to be a propitiation for us. A substitute had to be made. Jesus absorbed it and diverted it from us. God's wrath is just and spent. Praise God's name.

research help: ' The Passion of Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Beatle songs: Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

 Beatle songs: Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club by ric gustafson

One day, Paul had a vision that the Beatles would become a different band. It would give them more creative freedom. The album they came up with to a lot of people was a concept album. But actually the songs are not connected at all. The disguised band sounded West Coast and English. The songs for the album were old fashioned lyrics with a psychedelic intensity. The origin of Sgt Pepper is a mystery. Some have said it had to do with salt and pepper. Some say it had to do with the soft drink Dr Pepper.
The song was released in June 1967 on the album with the same name.

research help: ' The Beatles A Hard Day's Write' by Steve Turner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Fear: I lack nothing

 Fear: I lack nothing by ric gustafson

According to Psalm 23:1, I lack nothing. Do you compare yourself to others?. Even though we are not perfect, our relationship with Jesus can be rich. No matter what our life is this minute, this hour, this day, this week or this year, we can know that we lack nothing but have everything in Jesus.

research help: ' More power to you' by Margaret Feinberg

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Fear: the Lord is my Shepherd

 Fear: the Lord is my Shepherd by ric gustafson

People do not think much about sheep. People think of sheep as dumb. Actually they are very smart. They can recognize the face of their shepherd over others. God's Word talks about his people as sheep. Sheep are defenseless. Sheep have protection in a flock. Sheep need to stay together. They need a good shepherd. 
To Christians, Jesus is the Good Shepherd. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus protects us. In Psalm 23, Jesus is the Good Shepherd. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' More power to you' by Margaret Feinberg

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric