Wednesday, October 16, 2019

4343 Tulip Lane page 3

4343 Tulip Lane page 3 by ric gustafson

Roger pedaled his bike onto Tulip Lane. This was not part of his normal route home. He was curious about the new house. He noticed the construction sign saying ' Stay Out'. His curious side won out. He got off the bike and walked around the sign.
There he noticed a man, wearing a hard hat and an orange uniform, sketching on a easel.
" Hello" replied a middle aged man. He shook Roger's hand. " I'm Warren the project manager".
Roger took a peek at the drawing. " That's a lot of rooms".
" My employer". He smiled. " Wanted a lot of rooms built".
" Why so many?".
" I don't know". He scratched his chin. " But that is what he wants".
" I better go". He glanced at his watch. " Thanks for the update".
" Come back any time".
Roger got back on his bike and left.
Warren went back to drawing up plans.

research help: ' The Day Christ Died' by Jim Bishop

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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