Wednesday, September 26, 2018

a night to remember page 4

a night to remember page 4 by ric Gustafson

After the engines of the liner had stopped, some of the passengers began to wonder why. Colonel Archibald Gracie and Jack Thayer got dressed and went up to the Boat Deck to investigate. At this point, not much was going on. The majority of those who did venture upstairs went back to their rooms because of the bitter cold. Sone of the passengers amused themselves with ice that had fallen on deck from the iceberg. The ice mostly fell on the starboard well deck opposite the foremast.
In the first six of the ship's watertight compartments, all was not well. Lamp Trimmer Samuel Hemming could hear air pressure coming from the rushing water from the forepeak compartment. Leading Fireman Charles Hendrickson could see water coming up the cast iron steps of cargo hatch 1. Steerage passengers could already see water seeping under their cabin doors. After only five minutes, water was already lapping onto G Deck and affecting the giant mail room. Sacks of mail were brought up to F Deck. Up on the bridge, Captain Smith was trying to assess the situation.
This was beginning to become a night to remember.

research help: ' A night to remember' by Walter Lord

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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