Thursday, September 20, 2018

a night to remember page 1

a night to remember page 1 by ric Gustafson

In the crow's nest of the White Star liner Titanic, lookout Frederick Fleet was gazing into a dark night. The night was clear, calm and very cold. The water of the Atlantic Ocean that night was as if it was polished glass. This was the fifth night of the liner's maiden voyage. Fleet's job along with the other five lookouts that night was to watch carefully for icebergs. His shift started at 10 and his partner was Reginald Lee. Shortly before 11:40 pm, Fleet saw something directly ahead looming in the dark. He rang the crow's nest bell three times. Then he picked up the phone.
" What did you see?".
Fleet yelled into the phone. " Iceberg right ahead".
For the next 37 seconds, the two lookouts watched the massive iceberg come closer.
What happened next was a night to remember.

research help: ' A Night To Remember' by Walter Lord

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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