Wednesday, September 26, 2018

30 days: living the dash

30 days: living the dash by ric Gustafson

Our time on this earth is limited. Our days are numbered and when the day is ended, it is gone. If we only had 30 days to live, would we do things differently. Would we treat others differently?. Would we have more of a passion for life?. Would our priorities change?. Would the little mundane things we took for granted take on more meaning?. We do not have control over the day we leave this sinful human world and go to heaven to be with Jesus. Our lives are in Jesus's hands. Jesus wants us to spend our lives as if we have only 30 days left. I pray we will do this. Praise God.

research help: ' One month to live' by Kerry and Chris Shook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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