Tuesday, September 25, 2018

a night to remember page 3

a night to remember page 3 by ric Gustafson

First Officer William Murdoch was in charge of the bridge at the time Fleet called. Right away, he gave the order to Quartermaster Hitchens to turn the wheel hard a starboard. Then the engine room telegraph was yanked to Full Speed Astern. Then the watertight doors were closed. Then they waited for 37 seconds. But it was too late.
Captain Smith rushed onto the bridge.  " Mr Murdoch, what was that?".
" An iceberg Sir".
" Close the emergency doors".
" The doors are already closed".
In boiler room number 6, fireman Fred Barrett and Second Engineer James Hesketh barely made it through the door before it closed. In boiler room 5, Barrett found a gash two feet beyond the door. Seawater was gushing through the hole. The other boiler rooms at the moment were dry. Some of the firemen heard the thud and the grinding tearing noise.
In Second Class, Smoking Room steward James Witter was asked by some worried passengers to check on the thud they had heard. Most of the passengers were in their staterooms. But this night was different. A night to remember.

research help: ' A Night to Remember' by Walter Lord

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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