Friday, February 24, 2017

the miracle on Titanic page 27

the miracle on Titanic page 27 by ric Gustafson

Sat April 13 1912  4:00 pm
Twenty four year old Jack Phillips was sending a three dollar four hundred mile message. His partner twenty two year old Harold Bride walked in. The Marconi equipment they were using was the best wireless communication in the world. Phillips, who had a pug nose and twinkling eyes, was studying a stack of incoming messages. He picked up one of the messages. " Bride, what is this one?".
Bride, who had hollow cheeks and large eyes, looked at the message. " It's a message from the Caronia". He looked at his friend. " It says that bergs, growlers and field ice has been reported at 42 degrees north and 49 to 51 west".
" Why haven't you taken this message to the bridge?".
The young operator shook his head. " I've been bogged down sending out personal messages".
" I'll take it to the bridge and then go eat". He put the message into a shirt pocket. " You keep working on those personal messages".
He walked out of the small wireless room and headed toward the dining room.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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