Friday, February 24, 2017

Soul Feast: surrender

Soul Feast:  surrender by ric Gustafson

We as sinful human beings in our troubles try to fight our own battles. We fight until we can't fight anymore. We lose. We struggle in our opposition to God. In our relationship with God, we try to be independent which makes us isolated and unfed.
God wants us to surrender to him. To do that, we must travel through scary seas. God wants us to surrender our stubborn human sinful lives. God wants spiritual surrender from us. God's will must become our will. God wants us to surrender our life to him. Either we accept it or not. If we do, it will not be automatic. It takes time. God gives us a new way of living. We give God permission to change our life.
Will we give God the right to be in charge of our life?. I pray the answer is yes.
Praise God.

research help: ' Soul Craving' by Joel Warne

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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