Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Soul Feast: Desire

Soul Feast: Desire by ric Gustafson

What do we want in life the most?. Sometimes we have a restlessness that wants to be entertained and kept busy. Sometimes this restlessness makes us make decisions that are against our better judgment. We want a temporary need for purpose and provides something to do.
God wants us to have inner longings. He wants us to desire happiness, fulfillment, acceptance and purpose. He wants us to yearn adventure, mystery, love and romance. Our heart is looking for nourishment. Our soul needs to be fed.
God wants our soul to feed upon his Son Jesus. Jesus Christ is our heavenly banquet. We need to ask ourselves if our human needs are in God or not?. If not, we will have struggle and disconnection. We need to eat and drink in Jesus Christ daily and always. Praise God.

research help: ' Soul Craving' by Joel Warne

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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