Wednesday, February 8, 2017

the miracle on Titanic page 24

the miracle on Titanic page 24 by ric Gustafson

Fri April 12 1912  1:20 pm

David and Charlene quietly walked through the main dining room of third class. They were dressed in plain clothes. Nobody knew they were first class passengers.
Charlene looked around. " Does anyone here know Sherilyn Adkins?".
David looked around the room. He noticed that this early in the afternoon, stewards were already putting white tablecloths on the dining tables. " This is nice".
Charlene walked around and asked people the same question. " Do you know a Sherilyn Adkins?".
David noticed that brown carpeting filled the room. There were white enamel water pitchers on the dining tables.
" I've asked everyone I can see". Charlene shook her head in frustration. " Nobody has seen her".
They walked through some doors and down some steps to the Aft Well Deck. They now stood next to the railing. They began to stare at the open ocean behind the ship's wake.
" I'm sorry you could not find her". He held her hand. " On a positive note, I've started looking at the bible".
" That's great David". She smiled. " I'm proud of you".
" I'm cold" David replied as the wind got stronger. " Let's go back".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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