Monday, February 6, 2017

Born to Love: we were born to love

Born to Love: we were born to love by ric Gustafson

I John 4: 8,16 declares that God is love. When we give our lives to God, we are born into God's love. We are earthen vessels that God uses to channel his love. Our hearts were made to express his love. God wants us to demonstrate his love to others. God's love overflows us.
God wants us to have a changed heart. A new heart is a work of God. We were born to love. When we were babies, we had hearts with the capacity to love. We were created to love. When we are born again, we are born to God's love. God won the battle against Satan and won. We were created to love. God wants us to love and to show others his love that he gives us. Praise God

The End.

research help: ' Born to Love' by Ben Coblentz

Peace and God's love. Love Ric

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