Friday, February 10, 2017

Soul Feast: Liberty

Soul Food: Liberty by ric Gustafson

Jesus gives me everything that I need for an abundant life. He loves me and takes care of me. In Jesus I am wanted, safe and loved. But sometimes I ignore the riches Jesus gives me. This is what Satan wants to happen in our life.
According to John 8:44, Satan is a liar and the father of lies. This sinful world is under his influence and rule. God gives us a weapon to combat Satan, his Word. The bible is a gift and tells us that God loves us more than anything else. What are the four R's of bible study?. First, read a passage several times. What is it telling you?. Second, Reflect on the bible passage. Reflect on a word, phrase or impression. Third, respond and express to God your thoughts. Fourth, React and ask God to weave this passage into your daily life.
Pray the Scripture.

research help: ' Soul Craving' by Joel Warne

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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