Tuesday, February 28, 2017

I Will: I will grow together with others

I Will: I will grow together with others by ric Gustafson

God does  not want us to grow as a believer in isolation. God wants us to participate in large and small corporate worship. Smaller groups could be small groups, Sunday school, life groups and home groups. Why are groups necessary in local churches?.
First, their is a relationship factor. God wants us to establish relationships with other believers. Second, is the ministry factor. The body of Christ functions good in groups. Third, is the teaching factor. God wants us to study God's Word on our own or in a group. Fourth, is the evangelism factor. God wants us to join a group, Groups matter.

research help: ' I Will' by Thom Rainer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Soul Feast: Rest

Soul Feast:  Rest by ric Gustafson

As Christians, the rest of God is important. To rest is rooted in the power and goodness of God. Our human heart can relax because God cares for us. Even though we go through needs and problems, we can relax in God. We can rest from regret into hope. We can rest from control into trust. We can rest from judgment into mercy. We can rest from pride into humility. We can rest from self to others.

The End

research help: ' Soul Craving' by Joel Warne

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Soul Feast: Suffering

Soul Feast: Suffering by ric Gustafson

Emotionally and physically this human life is one big suffer. We hurt and life hurts. Life causes us pain on all levels. We suffer on the outside and the inside. Our world has gone haywire. Satan has brought us confusion, frustration, cruelty and pointless suffering.
God is good and can be trusted. He is always on our side and has our good intentions at heart. God uses suffering to lure us to salvation. Suffering is about relationship. Our suffering is a shared suffering. When we suffer, God sends angels to attend to us.

research help: ' Soul Craving' by Joel Warne

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, February 24, 2017

Hatfields and McCoys page 4

Hatfields and McCoys page 4 by ric Gustafson

In the summer of 1982 Ellison Hatfield got into a fistfight with Tolbert, Pharmer and Bud McCoy. Ellison was stabbed 27 times and then shot in the back. \Devil Anse Hatfield kidnapped the brothers and threatened to kill them if his brother died. Sarah McCoy went to Devil Anse and pleaded for their lives. The following day, Ellison Hatfield died. Devil Anse and a posse led the three young McCoy men across the Tug River at Matawan West Virginia. There the Hatfield posse executed the three young men vigilante style. Their bodies were returned to the McCoy clan.
The feud continued.

research help: ' Bloodlines' by Whitman Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Will: I will worship with others

I Will: I will worship with others by ric Gustafson

True worship comes from the heart. True biblical worship comes with worshiping with other believers. Some call it corporate worship some call it going to church. Instead of what can church do for me, we should want to worship with other believers. God has a desire for us to worship him.
Some people stay away from church. Because of loud worship music or the pastor's preaching some have stayed away. When we worship, we focus our hearts on God. God wants us to attend worship services, pray on a regular basis and to spend time with other believers.

research help: ' I Will' by Thom Rainer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 27

the miracle on Titanic page 27 by ric Gustafson

Sat April 13 1912  4:00 pm
Twenty four year old Jack Phillips was sending a three dollar four hundred mile message. His partner twenty two year old Harold Bride walked in. The Marconi equipment they were using was the best wireless communication in the world. Phillips, who had a pug nose and twinkling eyes, was studying a stack of incoming messages. He picked up one of the messages. " Bride, what is this one?".
Bride, who had hollow cheeks and large eyes, looked at the message. " It's a message from the Caronia". He looked at his friend. " It says that bergs, growlers and field ice has been reported at 42 degrees north and 49 to 51 west".
" Why haven't you taken this message to the bridge?".
The young operator shook his head. " I've been bogged down sending out personal messages".
" I'll take it to the bridge and then go eat". He put the message into a shirt pocket. " You keep working on those personal messages".
He walked out of the small wireless room and headed toward the dining room.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Soul Feast: surrender

Soul Feast:  surrender by ric Gustafson

We as sinful human beings in our troubles try to fight our own battles. We fight until we can't fight anymore. We lose. We struggle in our opposition to God. In our relationship with God, we try to be independent which makes us isolated and unfed.
God wants us to surrender to him. To do that, we must travel through scary seas. God wants us to surrender our stubborn human sinful lives. God wants spiritual surrender from us. God's will must become our will. God wants us to surrender our life to him. Either we accept it or not. If we do, it will not be automatic. It takes time. God gives us a new way of living. We give God permission to change our life.
Will we give God the right to be in charge of our life?. I pray the answer is yes.
Praise God.

research help: ' Soul Craving' by Joel Warne

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Soul Feast: transformation

Soul Feast:  transformation by ric Gustafson

According to Ecclesiastes 3:11, we have the imprint of eternity upon our hearts. Even though we feel incomplete and fragmented, our soul whispers a vision of what life could be. This wholeness from God clashes with conflict and desire. God wants to transform our soul with new attitudes, values and desires. Matthew 5:48 says to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.
The Bible proclaims that our sinful life can be transformed. So how do we transform?. First, we must fight our sins head on. Second, we need to look at Jesus and not our sins. Third, we need to substitute our former loves with a higher love.
I pray that God will transform my life to his. Praise God.

research help: ' Soul Craving' by Joel Warne

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Soul Feast: self discovery

Soul Feast: self discovery by ric Gustafson

God wants us to discover our passions, gifts and skills that he has given to us. God has wired all of us different. God wants us to pursue work, hobbies and volunteer opportunities. God's Word connects us with the work he wants us to do for him with how he has constructed us.
So how do I self discover my strengths and abilities?. First of all, what are your natural strengths?. What are you good at?. Second, what are your passions?. Third, what are your spiritual gifts?. God's Word tells us that each believer has at least one spiritual gift.
God will help you to self discover your spiritual gifts and to use them to help others.

research help: ' Soul Craving' by Joel Warne

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Soul Feast: our calling

Soul Feast: our calling by ric Gustafson

God invites us to live a life that expresses our calling. Sometimes we want to substitute earthly pleasures instead. When we respond to our calling from God, he acts in our life. Our call could be as a volunteer, it could involve our work and relationships. Our call from God is unique.
Some things can affect our call. Relationships, financial and physical limitations can affect our call. Our call will be truly fulfilled in heaven. God wants us to use our call and gifts to serve others.
Praise God for my calling and gifts that I can use for his Kingdom.

research help: ' Soul Craving' by Joel Warne

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, February 20, 2017

Soul Feast: Worship

Soul Feast:  Worship by ric Gustafson

All human beings worship something. Either we worship God or we worship something else. We have a need for purpose and focus. The thing we worship takes up residence in us. We adopt it's habits, customs and personality.
God says that he is the Lord our God. We are to have no other Gods before him. As humans, we search for something to worship. Some people worship to seek an experience. Worship seeks God. We get value and nourishment from worship.
Praise God that we can worship him always.

research help: ' Soul Craving' by Joel Warne

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Soul Feast: listening to God

Soul Feast: listening to God by ric Gustafson

So how do we hear God's voice?. First, we must surrender how we used to listen in favor of God. We need to be patient, open minded and brave when listening to God. God wants us to present our needs and wants to him and then wait for his response. God wants to talk to us even with our many soul wounds. Our soul wounds include hurts and pain.
Our key resource to listening to God is the Bible. Reading God's Word brings the Holy Spirit into our life and then God weaves himself into our life.
God wants us to listen to his voice and rejoice.

research help: ' Soul Craving' by Joel Warne

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 26

the miracle on Titanic page 26 by ric Gustafson
Sat April 13 1912  9:00 am
David was studying the bible in the Palm Court of the Verandah Café. He was eating some bacon and tomatoes. He noticed Charlene walking in." Good morning Charlene". He pulled out a chair so she could sit down. " Can I get you something?".
" Just a cup of coffee". She yawned. " So I can wake up".
" I've been reading about Matthew the tax collector". He sipped from a tea cup. " Jesus walked up to his tax booth and simply asked him to follow him".
" That's right". A waiter brought over a huge cup of the steamy beverage. " That's how he asks everyone".
" He just simply asks you to follow him".
She smiled. " That's right".
David noticed Fourth Officer Boxhall walk in. " Good morning Officer". He put down his tea cup. " I've wanted to ask how the ship is doing on her maiden voyage".
The young officer smiled. " She's doing just fine". He took off his hat and put it on the table. " Right now her speed is between 24 and 25 knots".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, February 13, 2017

Soul Feast: being transparent

Soul Feast: being transparent by ric Gustafson

Have you ever tried to hide from someone?. Trying to pretend leaves us confused and anxious. When we give our life to Jesus, we try to shed off our old life. Our old urges are there but we are trying to change. Now we have two paths in life we can travel on. There is our old path we can stay on. Or there is a new path in Jesus we can now walk on.
Jesus wants to be invited into our old lives. A see through heart is on the way to a recreated heart. We are wary of letting Jesus see all of our life and baggage.
What is our heart yearning for today?. Where do we hurt?. What is stirring in our heart?
Jesus asks that we let him into all of our heart?. Will we?.

research help: ' Soul Craving' by Joel Warne

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Hatfields and McCoys page 3

Hatfields and McCoys page 3 by ric Gustafson

In 1880, an election day celebration took place. There, Johnson ' Johnse' Hatfield met Roseanna McCoy, Roseanna was one of Randall McCoys daughters. Roseanna was about 19 at the time she met the smooth talking Hatfield. They never married and she returned home in 1881. Later, she went back to seeing Johnse. Soon the McCoy men had to come with a way to end the relationship.
Several McCoy men burst into Aunt Betty's cabin and took Johnse Hatfield captive. Roseanna rode to the Hatfields and told them what had happened. Because of Roseanna, Devil Anse Hatfield rescued his son. Johnse betrayed a now pregnant Roseanna and married her cousin Nancy. Roseanna lost the baby to fever and then died the following year.
Trouble continued for the two clans.

research help: ' Bloodlines' by Whitman Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, February 10, 2017

Hatfields and McCoys page 2

Hatfields and McCoys page 2 by ric Gustafson

When the Civil War ended, Devil Anse Hatfield and the Logan Wildcats were still looking for Union ties and sympathies. Devil Anse returned home to find it in disrepair and his family starving. One day, Devil Anse and the Logan Wildcats had found out that Asa Harmon McCoy had been employed as a Union spy. Asa was warned of trouble by Jim Vance. Asa left and hid in a nearby cave. The Logan Wildcats found out his location. He was killed on Jan 7 1865. It was not known if Jim Vance or Devil Anse Hatfield were involved in his murder.
By 1877, several members of the Hatfield clan were serving in West Virginia politics. Devil Anse Hatfield was gaining influence and property in Logan County. That same year, Devil Anse became involved in a land dispute with Perry Cline. Cline was a cousin of Randall McCoy.
In 1878, Randolph McCoy went to court accusing Floyd Hatfield of stealing some of his hogs. Presiding over the trial was ' Preacher' Anderson Hatfield. Anderson Hatfield was a cousin of Devil Anse. A star witness was Bill Staton. Staton was a nephew of Randolph McCoy. Staton swore under oath that the hogs belonged to Floyd Hatfield. Six Hatfields and six McCoys were the jury. In the end, Selkirk McCoy changed his vote and the Hatfields won the court case.
Historians believe that this court case decision started the Hatfield McCoy feud.

research help: ' Bloodlines' by Whitman Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Soul Feast: Liberty

Soul Food: Liberty by ric Gustafson

Jesus gives me everything that I need for an abundant life. He loves me and takes care of me. In Jesus I am wanted, safe and loved. But sometimes I ignore the riches Jesus gives me. This is what Satan wants to happen in our life.
According to John 8:44, Satan is a liar and the father of lies. This sinful world is under his influence and rule. God gives us a weapon to combat Satan, his Word. The bible is a gift and tells us that God loves us more than anything else. What are the four R's of bible study?. First, read a passage several times. What is it telling you?. Second, Reflect on the bible passage. Reflect on a word, phrase or impression. Third, respond and express to God your thoughts. Fourth, React and ask God to weave this passage into your daily life.
Pray the Scripture.

research help: ' Soul Craving' by Joel Warne

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Hatfields and McCoys page 1

Hatfields and McCoys page 1 by ric Gustafson

Randolph ' Randall' McCoy was born in the Tug River Valley of Kentucky in 1825. He had 12 brothers and sisters and learned how to survive in the Appalachian Mountains. His father was gone a lot so he learned hunting and farming from his mother. In 1849, he married his first cousin Sarah ' Sally' McCoy. They inherited a large farm in Pike County Kentucky and began to raise a family. When the Civil War started, he joined a local Confederacy militia unit.
William Anderson ' Devil Anse' Hatfield was born in 1839 in Logan County West Virginia. This County was also in the Tug River Valley. William was one of 18 children born to Ephraim and Nancy Hatfield. In 1861, William married Levicy Chafin. When the Civil War started, William joined a local Confederacy militia unit named the Logan Wildcats. His uncle Jim Vance was also a member of this militia unit.

research help: ' Bloodlines' by Whitman Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 25

the miracle on Titanic page 25 by ric Gustafson
Fri April 12  1912  9:20 pm
David and Charlene were twirling around the dance floor. Band leader Wallace Hartley had his band playing a very lively tune. When it ended, Hartley raised his right arm to quiet the room. " We have many honeymooners on board". He pointed at a table. " This is Colonel John Jacob Astor and his beautiful bride Madeleine". The couple stood up and waved.
David and Charlene sat down. " I have a question to ask you". He looked around. " Not here".
" Let's go up to the Deck".
They walked up to the Boat Deck. They stood next to the railing. It was a cloudless night. The ship's lights were glowing heavy on the water.
" What was the question you wanted to ask me?".
" I was looking at the Gospels". He smiled. " It said that Jesus would eat with sinners and even tax collectors".
" That's right". She shivered because of the coolness of the night. " He loves all people".
He looked at her with a concerned stare. " Would he even accept me?".
" Of course he would". She held tightly onto his right arm. " When you are ready for that decision". She smiled. " I'll be here".
" I'm not quite ready yet".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Soul Feast: Renewed

Soul Feast: Renewed by ric Gustafson

According to John 14:6, Jesus says that he is the way, the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me. Jesus wants us to see, hear and touch him every day. We need to set aside time everyday to talk with Jesus.
Sometimes it not easy to spend time with Jesus. We are so wrapped up with earthly activities, sometimes it's hard to stop and talk with him. As Christians, we are already children of God. Yet, we are still not totally renewed. We struggle with spending time alone with Jesus. Our career, family and other things clamor for our time. We carry around a lot of spiritual baggage. The world drifts away from Jesus and so do we.
If we ask Jesus, he will give us the spiritual feast that we need. He promises that.

research: ' Soul Craving' by Joel Warne

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

the miracle on Titanic page 24

the miracle on Titanic page 24 by ric Gustafson

Fri April 12 1912  1:20 pm

David and Charlene quietly walked through the main dining room of third class. They were dressed in plain clothes. Nobody knew they were first class passengers.
Charlene looked around. " Does anyone here know Sherilyn Adkins?".
David looked around the room. He noticed that this early in the afternoon, stewards were already putting white tablecloths on the dining tables. " This is nice".
Charlene walked around and asked people the same question. " Do you know a Sherilyn Adkins?".
David noticed that brown carpeting filled the room. There were white enamel water pitchers on the dining tables.
" I've asked everyone I can see". Charlene shook her head in frustration. " Nobody has seen her".
They walked through some doors and down some steps to the Aft Well Deck. They now stood next to the railing. They began to stare at the open ocean behind the ship's wake.
" I'm sorry you could not find her". He held her hand. " On a positive note, I've started looking at the bible".
" That's great David". She smiled. " I'm proud of you".
" I'm cold" David replied as the wind got stronger. " Let's go back".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Soul Feast: Desire

Soul Feast: Desire by ric Gustafson

What do we want in life the most?. Sometimes we have a restlessness that wants to be entertained and kept busy. Sometimes this restlessness makes us make decisions that are against our better judgment. We want a temporary need for purpose and provides something to do.
God wants us to have inner longings. He wants us to desire happiness, fulfillment, acceptance and purpose. He wants us to yearn adventure, mystery, love and romance. Our heart is looking for nourishment. Our soul needs to be fed.
God wants our soul to feed upon his Son Jesus. Jesus Christ is our heavenly banquet. We need to ask ourselves if our human needs are in God or not?. If not, we will have struggle and disconnection. We need to eat and drink in Jesus Christ daily and always. Praise God.

research help: ' Soul Craving' by Joel Warne

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, February 6, 2017

Born to Love: we were born to love

Born to Love: we were born to love by ric Gustafson

I John 4: 8,16 declares that God is love. When we give our lives to God, we are born into God's love. We are earthen vessels that God uses to channel his love. Our hearts were made to express his love. God wants us to demonstrate his love to others. God's love overflows us.
God wants us to have a changed heart. A new heart is a work of God. We were born to love. When we were babies, we had hearts with the capacity to love. We were created to love. When we are born again, we are born to God's love. God won the battle against Satan and won. We were created to love. God wants us to love and to show others his love that he gives us. Praise God

The End.

research help: ' Born to Love' by Ben Coblentz

Peace and God's love. Love Ric

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Born to Love: God loves the world

Born to Love: God loves the world by ric Gustafson

John 3:16 is probably the most well known and well remembered verse in Scripture. The verse starts with ' for God so loved the world'. This bible verse is full of love. This verse reaches out to everyone and is full of promise. God loves the world so much he does not want anyone to perish. Instead, God wishes everyone to have everlasting life. This is God's gift to the world. In this bible verse, God gives us his plan for salvation. God loves us the world so much he gives us the chance for eternal life.
Praise God.

research help: ' Born to Love' by Ben Coblentz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Born to Love: when love is shared

Born to Love: when love is shared by ric Gustafson

What does it mean when someone says this is the real thing. Is it something they can put their hands on?. Is it a display that is eye catching?. Is the real thing a material thing?. Can we tell the real thing from a fake thing a copy?.
Love is shared when love touches the heart of another. It could be a material gift. It could be a kind word or compassion from someone. When you are going through trials and struggles, God is there with love. Compassion could be a hug, a handshake and weeping on someone's shoulder.
We need to also rejoice with those who are rejoicing. These experiences are the real thing.
These experiences good and bad are when God's love is shared.

research help: ' Born to Love' by Ben Coblentz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, February 3, 2017

Born to Love: love makes a difference

Born to Love: love makes a difference by ric Gustafson

Why do some people treat others so badly?. There is a law of sowing and reaping. People are treated the way they treat others. God wants us to serve others with love. He wants us to show kindness, sympathy, caring for those with needs and serving with meekness and humility.
Having a negative attitude in life broods negativism. The question is do we see things in our life and others as positive or negative. The Apostle Peter has written that love covers a multitude of sins. Love does not cover up sins. It does forgive them freely. Love does not hide our sins. It does look above our sin life. Praise God.

research help: ' Born to Love' by Ben Coblentz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, February 2, 2017

the miracle on Titanic page 23

the miracle on Titanic page 23 by ric Gustafson

Fri April 12 1912  10:15 am
Charlene walked into the Palm Court. David and his mother were sitting on a wicker sofa that had heavy leather cushions. This place on board made you feel as if you were relaxing in an English garden.
David and his mother were sipping some English tea. " Good morning". She sat down in a wicker chair. She noticed ivy growing up the trellis on the walls.
David smiled as he put his tea cup on a nearby table. " Good morning Charlene".
His mother put her tea cup down and stood up. " I'm going up to the deck and take a walk". She walked out.
" Is she ok?".
" She's fine".
She sat down next to him on the sofa.
" She 's just tired". He frowned. " She did not sleep well last night".
She looked at him. " David, I want to go down to third class steerage".
" Why?". He gave her a strange stare. " First class passengers do not go through third class steerage".
" A friend of mine from bible college might be one of the third class passengers".
" I don't know Charlene". He rubbed his chin. " It sounds risky to me".
" If we dress down, I don't think anyone will notice". She smiled. " Please David".
" Ok".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Born to Love: a love worth living

Born to Love: a love worth living by ric Gustafson

Love makes life a blessing. We may have a beautiful car, home and huge bank accounts and yet not have love. Right now we may feel defeated, hurt and be having bitter feelings. We could have all the riches in the world and yet not be happy.
The Apostle Paul to Corinthian believers wrote that charity suffers long. Charity does not envy, charity does not vaunt nor is puffed up. Charity does not behave unseemly, does not seek it's own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil, rejoices in the truth, Charity bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things.
What is this charity?. According to I Corinthians 13: 4-7, it is love.
Love is a blessing that makes life worth living.

research help: ' Born to Love' by Ben Coblentz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

the miracle on Titanic page 22

the miracle on Titanic page 22 by ric Gustafson

David watched as Charlene and her brother approached the table. He pulled out her chair so she could sit down. " You look wonderful tonight".
David's mother was sitting next to Colonel Archibald Gracie. Across from them sat Benjamin Guggenheim and Kitty Webb.
Just then, a well dressed man walked up and sat down. " Good evening". He smiled. " I'm Colonel JJ Astor".
David shook his hand. " Colonel Astor, I enjoyed our conversation we had earlier".
" Oh yes". A steward came over and took everybody's order. " David Sharpston".
Everyone ate a wonderful meal of rack of lamb and baron of beef.
David noticed the empty dance floor. " Charlene, would you like to dance?".
She nodded. They walked over to the dance floor.
" Charlene". He exclaimed as he led her around the dance floor. " I'm going to start studying the bible tonight".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Born to Love: communicate love

Born to Love: communicate love by ric Gustafson

Sometimes we can have a heart to heart talk with someone. Sometimes when we talk with others, it seems as if a language barrier has gone up. They could not understand me. I could not understand them. Their is one language that is understood by all. That language is love.
When we smile, we communicate love. Our bodies express love. Our hearts communicate Christian love. God said let us make man after our image. God created man with a spirit. The heart is for fellowship, communication and worship. It is in our heart that we communicate love.

research help: ' Born to Love' by Ben Coblentz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric